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1、二自然界中的静物,一、比眼力,二、单词认知,1、天上 sky天空 cloud云 sun太阳 moon月亮 star星星,2、地上 land 陆地 tree 树 flower花grass 草 mountain山 forest森林 path小路 house房子,3、水中,river 小河 lake 湖泊 stream 溪流 sea 大海,三、一句话记忆,There are many mountains near my house.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.I can run on the grass. 在我家附近有很多大山环绕。那里的天空很蓝,云朵很

2、白。我能在草地上跑来跑去。,四、句型掌握,1、There is a +单词 例如:There is a tree. There is a mountain.,2问答式 Is there a+单词? (1)Yes,there is. (2)No,there is not. 例:1Is there a lake? Yes,there is. 2.Is there a forest? No,there isnt.,1、天上 sky天空 cloud云 sun太阳 moon月亮 star星星 2、地上 land 陆地 tree 树 flower花grass 草 mountain山 forest森林 pa

3、th小路 house房子 3.水上 river 小河 lake 湖泊 stream 溪流 sea 大海,五、我是小小设计师,Now,eveyone can become a creator who will create a picture of a nature park.In your picture,there are :sky、cloud、sun、land、tree、flower、grass、mountain and river、house and so on.Ok,let us begin.Best wishes to you.,三、郊游去吧,一、单词认识,have a pinic郊

4、游 go hiking 远足 take pictures 照相 catch butterflies 抓蝴蝶 watch insects 观察昆虫 draw pictures画画 have lunch 吃午饭,二、基本句型,1、What are you doing? I am drawing pictures. 2、What is he/she doing? He/She is having lunch. 3、What is AAA doing? AAA is taking pictures.,三、哈皮TIME,传话咯! 规则:分成两组,五人一组。由老师把第一个短语或者句子、单词告诉每组第一个人

5、,然后在规定的2分钟内依次往下传,时间到,由最后一人宣布结果,依照答案准确性判定输赢。共十局,每局获胜者加10分,败者不加分,十局结束,分数多的一方即为最终胜利者。,专题二,时间系列,一、快乐的一周,(一)单词认知,一周:week 周一Monday 周二Tuesday 周三Wednesday,周末weekend 周四Thursday 周五Friday 周六Saturday 周日Sunday,二、句型,1、What day is it today? It is +日期 2、例句: What day is it today? It is Monday.,哈皮记忆,1、时间转转转 2、我的课表我做主

6、,二、月份,一、单词,一月January 四月April 二月Feburary 五月May 三月March 六月June,七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December,AA蹲,小盆友们,让我们轻松一下吧! 游戏规则:请听老师口述。_,二、句型,问:When is your birthday? (你什么时候生日啊) 答:My birthday is in November. (我的生日在十一月),例句,Mike: When is your birthday? Amy: My birthday is in Februar

7、y.Is your birthday in February,too? Mike: No,my birthday is in December.What about you,Royi? Royi: My birthday is in October.,测一测(50分),一、看字母想单词。(10分) 根据以下字母,列举出一个含有那个字母的单词。 例如:A (ant 蚂蚁) 1、C () 2、F() 3、T() 4、H() 5、K() 6、W() 7、Y() 8、R() 9、M() 10、Z(),二、找出不同类的一项,把选项写在括号里。(5分),()1.A. three B.ten C. head

8、 () 2.A. Wind B.cloud C.year () 3.A. January B.sing C.May () 4.A. river B.hinking C.picnic () 5.A. Friday B.March C.April,三、选出合适的答案(15分),1.How is the weather?() A.It is sunny. B. It is sun. C.It sunny. D.It sun. 2.() It is Sunday. A.How is the day? B.What is the day? C.What day is it today? D. How d

9、ay is it today?,3.Is there a tree?() A.Yes. B.No. C.No,there is. C.Yes,there is. 4.What is Lucy (_) now? doing B.do C.does D.did 5.(_) is your birthday? A.Where B.Which C.When D.Who,四、连一连(5分),load October grass steam go hiking,远足 十月 溪流 草 道路,小路,五.汉英互译(5分),1.catch butterflies() 2.下雪的() 3.十一月() 4. take

10、 pictures() 5.森林(),六、动手做一做。自己制作一个课程表,从周一到周五,每天六节课,要求用英文表明星期,画出表格。(10分),答案(木有),答案,二、C C B A A 三、A C C A C 四、load 小路 October十月 grass草 steam 溪流 go hiking 远足 五、抓蝴蝶 snowy November 照相 forest,三、有趣的节日,想一想,开动脑筋,启动记忆,想一想,我们的节日都有哪些呢?1月至12月都有很多不同的节日呢,也有着丰富的象征意义,大家说都有哪些呢?想一想,并且在纸上列举出来吧!,一、单词,1、January的节日 New Yea

11、rs Day 元旦 2、March的节日 Treeplanting Day 植树节 Womens day 妇女节 3、April的节日 April Fools Day 愚人,4、May的节日 Labor Day 劳动节 5、June的节日 Childrens Day 儿童节 6、August的节日 Army Day 建军节,7、October的节日 National Day 国庆节 8、December的节日 Christmas Day 圣诞节,二、句型,1.Happy+节日 例句:Happy Childrens Day ! Happy New Year! 2.Merry Christmas!

12、 圣诞快乐!,我们都是小演员,小盆友们,都学会了么? 让我们一起表演吧!分配角色,情景再现,让我们都做一次小演员吧!,专题三、食物系列,Think about It.,Do you like to eat vegatables、fruit and foods? Which foods do you perfer to eat? Think about it carefully and list them out. 你们喜欢吃蔬菜、水果和主食吗? 最喜欢哪些呢? 仔细想一想,然后列举出来。,一、单词,1、蔬菜vegatables 土豆potato 西红柿tomato 洋白菜cabbage 茄子

13、eggplant 黄瓜cucumber 胡萝卜carrot 莴苣lettuce 豆角green beans,BOMB!碰地雷吖!,现在,老师要给单词安装地雷啦,注意哦,安上地雷的单词不许读哦!如果有人读出了地雷单词,那就要遭殃咯,这是,大家一起向他:one,two,three, bomb!同时,一起向他做扔地雷的动作!开始吧!,2水果fruit 葡萄grape 梨 pear 桃子peach 西瓜watermelon 菠萝pineapple 橙子orange 樱桃cherry 荔枝lychee 芒果mango 草莓strawberry,3食物food 饺子dumpling 汉堡hamburger

14、 米饭rice 面条noodle 汤soup 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 鸡肉chicken 鱼fish 鸡蛋egg,4饮料beverage 酒wine 啤酒beer 果汁juice 茶tea 酸奶yoghurt 牛奶milk,单词滚雪球,规则:全班分为三组。 每小组三个人又可以称为接力小组,老师说出单词的中文,各小组开始回答,1号说首字母,2号说前两个,3号说前三个,循环回来,1号接着说下去。如,苹果:1号说a,2号说ap,3号说,app,1号接着说appl.直到apple说完为止。 三个小组比拼速度比拼记忆,看谁又快又准!团结就是胜利,加油吧!,二、句型,1、What is your fa

15、vourite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么? I like +食物名称 例句 What is your favourite vegatables? I like lettcue.,2What would you like for lunch? Id like some +食物名称 翻译:午饭你想要什么? 我想要。 例句: What would you like for lunch? Id like some tomatoes and pork.,3What do you have for lunch today? I have +食物 今天中午吃的什么啊? 我吃了。 例句: What d

16、o you have for lunch today? I have noodles and soup.,专题四 基础设施,一、In Your Home,家中设施,窗户 window 门 door 床 bed 窗帘curtain 镜子mirror 电话phone 电视televisionTV 沙发 sofa 餐桌 table 凳子 desk 柜子closet 冰箱 fridge 垃圾桶 trash bin,一、单词,1、window door 【1】开/关 窗户/门 Open the window / door. (开窗户/门) Close the window / door. (关窗户/门)

17、 【2】擦窗户 Clean the window,2、bed 【1】make the bed 铺床 【2】It is time for bed. 该睡觉了! 【3】go to sleep 睡觉 例句:Every night Amy always make the bed at 10:30,but today she went to sleep at 10:00. 艾米总是在每天晚上10:30铺床,但是今 天她10:00就睡觉了。,3、TV 看电视 watch TV 例句:I want to watch TV. 我想看电视。 4、sofa 坐在沙发上 sit on the sofa 例句:Lil

18、y is sitting on the sofa. 莉莉正坐在沙发上。,二、房间room 客厅、起居室 living room 卧室 bedroom 卫生间 bathroom 厨房 kitchen 书房 study 短语:go to +地点 例如:go to bedroom 去卧室 go to study 去书房,三、句型,1、In my room I have a +名称 例句: 1 In my room I have a mirror. 2In my room I have a bed and a TV. 3In my room I have a closet, a mirror and

19、a table.,2、There is +名称 例句: 1 There is a mirror. 2 There is a bed and a TV. 3 There is a closet,a mirror and a table.,Royi: I have my own room now. Rik: Really ? What is like? Royi: There is a closet, a TV and a mirror. There are pink curtains. Rik: So cool ! Royi: Thank you.,Talk about it,猜词游戏,pork fish milk,elephant cat birthday,bird river cloud,Monday April two,wind grass have lunch,Dumpling peach fruit,flower pear Friday,cherry noodle tomato,Soup October catch butterflies,sea moon sun,


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