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1、,一年级 第一学期 1A Grade 1 The 1st semester 1A red smest,Oxford English ksfd l,CONTENTS,Unit 7 My family,Unit 7 My family,sister和brother的意思 1. sister 是姐妹的意思。姐姐叫elder eldsister 妹妹叫youngerjg sister 2. brother 是兄弟的意思。哥哥叫elder brother 弟弟叫 younger brother,have 和 have got的用法辨析,在英语口语中,常用have got 代替have ,作“有”解。这两

2、个词的意思是相同的,但是用法有区别。例如: I have a book.= I have got a book.,这两个词的意思是相同的,但是用法有区别:,1.其否定式为: I dont have a bike. () I havent got a bike.() I dont have got a bike.(),2.其疑问形式为: Do you have a bike? () Have you got a bike?() Do you have got a bike?(),Unit 7 My family,This is my . I love him/her.,Unit 7 My fam

3、ily,1,2,3,4,5,This is my . I love him/her.,CONTENTS,Unit 8 Playtime,Playtime 娱乐时间 pletam,Unit 8 Playtime,Lets act lets kt,Unit 8 Playtime,Lets act lets kt,Unit 8 Playtime,Go to the slide. 去滑梯那边。 tu slad Pick up the doll. 捡起那个洋娃娃。 pk p dl,Unit 8 Playtime,Unit 8 Playtime,to的发音,辅音音素前通常读作t,元音音素前通常读作t或tu

4、,但强调时读作tu一般to在句尾的时候。,I like to eat apples.,Go to the slide.,Point to your father.,Unit 8 Playtime,back,Pick up的用法,捡起 pick up sticks pick up the doll,用车接人 pick me up pick up me ,Lets talk lets t:k,Unit 8 Playtime,Lets talk lets t:k,Unit 8 Playtime,He has got a bicycle. 他有一辆自行车。 hi: hz gt baskl She ha

5、s got a balloon. 她有一个气球。 i: hz gt blu:n,Unit 8 Playtime,Unit 8 Playtime,人称代词主格和宾格,形容词性物主代词,has是have的第三人称单数形式 我 I have 我们 we have 你 you have 你们 you have 他 he has 她 she has 它 it has 他们、她们、它们 they have 总结:I we you they后面用have he she it 后面用has,Unit 8 Playtime,back,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,blu

6、:n,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,baskl,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,dl,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,b:l,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,slad,Lets learn lets l:n,Unit 8 Playtime,sw,Unit 8 Playtime,It is a swing.,判断对错。 Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or fals

7、e(F).,Unit 8 Playtime,It is a balloon.,It is a balloon.,Unit 8 Playtime,It is a bicycle.,Unit 8 Playtime,It is a rubber.,back,Unit 8 Playtime,It is a snake.,Lets play lets ple,Unit 8 Playtime,Group 1 What have you got?,Group 2 I have got a .,Take turns,Lets play lets ple,Unit 8 Playtime,What has she

8、 got?,She has got a .,Lets play lets ple,Unit 8 Playtime,What has she got?,She has got a bag.,Unit 8 Playtime,She has got a .,Unit 8 Playtime,I have got a friend (朋友), Mike.,She is Dora.,He is Mike.,Unit 8 Playtime,What has he got?,He has got a ball.,ball,Unit 8 Playtime,ball,balloon,moon,Who has go

9、t five balloons?,Unit 8 Playtime,She has got two balloons. He has got a balloon.,How many balloons has she/he got?,back,Lets enjoy lets nd,Unit 8 Playtime,Lets enjoy lets nd,Unit 8 Playtime,back,tonguet舌头 twistertwst旋转 littleltl小的,Lets review lets rvju:,Unit 8 Playtime,What have you got?,What has he/she got?,hmw:k 作业:所有同学把课文抄一遍。,


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