科普版六年级下册英语第一课第三课时 Let27slearn.ppt

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《科普版六年级下册英语第一课第三课时 Let27slearn.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科普版六年级下册英语第一课第三课时 Let27slearn.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,每周习惯:上课注意专心听讲,把老师讲的重点记到笔记本或课本上。 课前准备:拿电子白板钥匙的同学打开电子白板,其余同学准备好笔、课本、笔记本、练习本并抖擞精神听课。 每日一言:Jackjumpshighestofthethree.杰克是三人中跳的最高的.,杜集中心学校小组自主六环节导学案,第一单元第3课 Lets learn 学一学,科普版六年级英语下册,杜集中心学校 梁杰,复习句子: Whorunsfastestinyourclass?你们班谁跑的最快? Who is the tallest boy in your class?谁是你们班最高的男生?,杜集中心学校小组自主六环节导学案,预备页

2、,Lets learn,Jim jumps high. Tom jumps higher than Jim. Jack jumps higher than Tom. So Jack jumps highest of the three.,Whojumpshighest,Tom,JimorJack? Jackjumpshighestofthethree.,Whojumpshighest,Tom,JimorJack? 谁跳的最高?汤姆,吉姆还是杰克? highest是形容词high的最高级,最高级用于表示某个范围内程度达到最的一个人。 句型:Who + 实义动词单三 + 最高级, A, B or

3、C? 表示“谁做的最的”。 Jackjumpshighestofthethree. 杰克是三人中跳的最高的 也可以做简单的回答Jack。 句型: 某人 +实义动词单三+ 最高级 +范围, 表示“某人做的最的”。,high与tall,high /hai/ adj/adv高的、高地 low /l/ adj/adv低的(地), 矮的(地) high low adj.指建筑物、山时tall或high都可以,不过 high的程度比tall高。 adv. eg:Jack jumps highest of the three. 此句中high为程度副词,修饰动词jump,反 义 词,of与in的用法区别,o

4、f 短语与in 短语一样,都可表示比较范围,两者的区别是: “of+事物或人(复数)”用于几者之间的比较,意为“在之中(间)”。如: of the four 在四个之中。 of all the boys 在所有的男孩中 “in + 场所”用于范围之内的比较,意为“在之中(内)”如: in our class 在我们班中 in our school在我们学校中,Marry runs fast. Lucy runs faster than Mary. Lily runs faster than Lucy. So Lily runs fastest of the three.,Who runs fa

5、stest ,Lily,Lucy or Mary ? Lily runs fastest of the three.,套用,Who is the fattest ,Dick,Tim or Ted? Ted is the fattest of the three.,fat,Dick is fat. Tim is fatter than Dick. Ted is fatter than Tim. So Ted is the fattest of the three.,Lets learn,Who is the fattest ,Dick,Tim or Ted? 谁是最胖的, Dick,Tim 还是

6、 Ted? 句型:Who + is +the + 最高级, A, B or C? 表示“谁是最的”。 Ted is the fattest of the three. Ted是他们三个当中最胖的。 句型:某人 + is + the + 最高级 +范围.表示“某人是最的”。,12,11,10,old,Kate is old. Jane is older than Kate. Eve is older than Jane. So Eve is the oldest of the three.,Who is the oldest ,Kate,Jane or Eve? Eve is the oldes

7、t of the three.,套用,课堂练习:,请你选择形容词的适当形式填空:(5分钟) 1.Who runs _(fast, faster, fastest) , Lily,Lucy or Mary? 2.Who is the _(fat,fatter,fattest) in your class? 3.Is she _(old ,older, the oldest) in your class?,( )1.Who is _fattest boy in the class? A.a B.the C./ 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Who jumps (high) in your class?

8、 Who runs (fast) in your class? Who is (fat) in your class? Who is (old) in your class?,1.Dongdong is clever than Tom. Jim is clever than Dongdong.(合并成一个句子) Jim is _ _ of the three boys. 2.Mr Wang works harder than Mr Zhang. Mr Li works harder than Mr Wang. (合并成一个句子) Mr Li _ _ of all.,按要求写句子,3.Ted i

9、s thin.(用 of the three改为最高级) Ted is the thinnest of the three. 4.Ann is the youngest girl in her class.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) Is Ann the youngest girl in her class? Yes ,she is.,1.Who is the tallest, Tom, Jack or David?(按照Tom最高回答) 答案1:Tom. 答案2:Tom is the tallest. 答案3:Tom is the tallest of the three. 2. Wh

10、o runs fastest in your class?(根据实际情况回答) 答案1: Li Ming. 答案2: Li Ming runs fastest. 答案3: Li Ming runs fastest in our class.,Mike,Tom,John,20 kilos,25 kilos,30 kilos,Use the words of heavy, heavier, heaviest to describe the picture.,Tom is heavy. Mike is heavier than Tom. John is heavier than Mike. So John is the heaviest of the three.,Practice,Review,what do we learn?,.,.,.,自己总结下吧,


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