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1、译林版英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Wheres the bird? desk 课桌,书桌 一张桌子a desk desk red bed chair 椅子 一把椅子a chair chair bird鸟 一只小鸟a bird skirt Wheres the bird? Its _ the desk. on在上面 on Wheres the bird? Its _ the desk. under 在下面 under under runruler Wheres the bird? Its _ the desk. behind 在的后面 behind be hind Wheres the bir

2、d? Its _ the desk. in 在里 in where is the bird? 四人小组尝试分角色朗读吧,注意语气哦!四人小组尝试分角色朗读吧,注意语气哦! Task 1 :Read and say Task 2 句型总结 Wheres the bird? Its under your desk. behind the door. on your chair. in my desk. in the tree. Wheres =Where is my book Bobby it he not here. How beautiful! 表示感叹,how nice! What is t

3、his? 特殊疑问词,提问是什么 答句是Its Where is my book? 特殊疑问词,提问地点在哪里, 答句是Its . /Hes./ Shes. 拓展延伸 最强大脑最强大脑最强大脑最强大脑 Try to remember where they are! 在规定时间内记住画中的每一样物品的位置哦! Wheres the book?Its on the chair. Tip: You can answer with “Its” 你可以用“Its”来回答 Wheres the rubber?Its under the chair. Tip: You can answer with “It

4、s” 你可以用“Its”来回答 Wheres the school bag? Its behind the door. Tip: You can answer with “Its” 你可以用“Its”来回答 Wheres the pencil case? Its on the desk Tip: You can answer with “Its” 你可以用“Its”来回答 C.Its the door. D.Its the tree. behind in 注意:不是所有在树上的都用in哦 长在树上的用on 比如:苹果,叶子、 找鸟游戏:回答一个问题就找到一只鸟哦找鸟游戏:回答一个问题就找到一只

5、鸟哦 看看谁找的多!看看谁找的多! A.Its the desk. B.Its the desk. on under 将你听到的 b, p, r, d, 填到横线上。 1._ ed 2. _ ed 3._ ag 4. _ et 5._ oor 6. _ all 7._ oll 8. stan_ 9. un_ er 10. _ ir _ b p r b b d dd bdd 1. 我们本节课所学的四会单词,其中哪几个是方位单词。 desk, chair, bird, on, in, under, behind, 2. 我们本单元所学的四会句型。 问句: Wheres . 答句: Its . Ho

6、mework: 1. Read the story 5 times and try to act with your partners. 跟录音有感情地朗读故事5遍,并尝试 四人小组演一演小鸟的故事。 2. Make a new dialogue with your friends. 用今天所学的新句型和地点介词和好 朋友一起创编新的对话吧! A: Wheres the _? B: Its _ the _ . 考考你 : A: _ the _? B: Its _ the _ . book on desk Wheresbanana under chair A: _ the _? B: Its _

7、 the _ . 考考你 : A: _ the _? B: Its _ the _ . pencil in pencil box cat behindtree Wheres Wheres Thanks!- Listen and choose Wheres the bird ? at last? 最后 A. under the desk B. behind the door C. on the chair D. in the desk E. in the tree Watch and check desk 课桌 chair 椅子 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 1 你知道小鸟

8、一共飞到了几个 地方吗?分别是哪几处呢?睁大 你的眼睛,我们一起来瞧一瞧吧 ! Game 纸飞机和小鸟 一样会飞,你能利 用纸飞机,尝试自 编对话吗?看看谁 更有创意吧! 要注意读出故事中人物的心情哦!要注意读出故事中人物的心情哦! Look! A bird! How beautiful! Task 1 :Read and say 美丽的 Wheres the bird? Its under the desk. under Task 1 :Read and say Now its behind the door. behind Task 1 :Read and say Its not here

9、 ! Where is it? Su Hai ! Its on your chair ! on 它不在这里。 Task 1 :Read and say Its in my desk. Its in the tree now. in Task 1 :Read and say 四人小组尝试分角色朗读吧,注意语气哦!四人小组尝试分角色朗读吧,注意语气哦! Task 1 :Read and say Task 2 Task 2 你能根据黑板上的提 示跟大家讲一讲小鸟的 故事吗? Task 3 纸飞机和小鸟 一样会飞,你能利 用纸飞机,尝试自 编对话吗?看看谁 更有创意吧! 为小鸟多植一棵树,换小鸟一片快乐的家园! A: Wheres the _? B: Its _ the _ . 考考你 : A: _ the _? B: Its _ the _ . book on desk Wheresbanana under chair A: _ the _? B: Its _ the _ . 考考你 : A: _ the _? B: Its _ the _ . pencil in pencil box cat behindtree Wheres Wheres


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