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1、低压安全,美铝标准 32.69,480 伏 开关设备switchgear,低压,51 to 1000 伏 交流电 项项 大于50伏的直流电系统,无资质的人员 Unqualified Personnel,虽然有时会在存在电气危险的区域内工作,但不熟悉电气作业的人员。 Persons not familiar with electrical work though they may sometimes work in areas where electrical hazards are present.,要求穿戴什么样的PPE和服饰?What PPE and clothing are requir

2、ed?,当地要求 Location requirements 针对弧闪危险的要求 Arc flash hazard requirements,安全工作标准 Safe Work Practices,一般规则 General Rule,除非被挂牌,上锁,确认,始终认为电气设备处于通电状态。 Always consider electrical equipment energized until locked, tagged and verified.,接近的界限Approach Boundaries,限制接近的界限Limited Approach Boundary,限制接近的界限 弧闪危险的界限

3、Limited Approach Boundary Arc Flash Hazard Boundary,480 伏,限制接近的界限 弧闪危险的界限 Limited Approach Boundary Arc Flash Hazard Boundary,安全工作区域和限制接近的界限Safe Work Zone and Limited Approach Boundary,限制接近的界限 Limited Approach Boundary,限制接近的界限不仅适用于你,同时也适用于你所使用的工具和你移动的物料。The limited approach boundary applies not only

4、 to you, but also to any tools you are using and any materials you are moving.,安全标识 Safety Signs,控制间,马达控制中心,以及开关装置 Control Houses, Motor Control Centers, and Switchgear Facilities,器具 Appliances,保养和使用电动工具Care and Use of Electrical Tools,便携式电动工具Portable Electric Tools,须适用于特定任务,特定环境和特定电压。 Shall be suit

5、able for the intended task, environment, and voltage. 每次使用前须进行目测。 Shall be visually inspected prior to each use. 其外壳须无明显的电击危险。 Casing and cords shall be free of apparent electrical shock hazards.,立即停止使用任何损坏了的便携式电动工具Immediately remove any damaged portable electric tool from service,检查电动工具Inspecting P

6、ower Tools,检查电线和插头Inspect cord and plug,检查开关 Inspect switches,检查发动机 Check motor,检查外壳 Check casing,阅读注意事项 Read warnings,检查电动工具 Inspecting Power Tools,基于下表,插头附近的色条说明了该工具接受过什么样的电流测试:Colored tape near the plug indicates the current test based on this scheme: 蓝色 第一季度 绿色 第二季度 黄色 第三季度 红色 第四季度,不要使用没有电流检查标签的

7、工具Do not use a tool that does not have a current inspection marker.,须每季度检查一次电动工具。 Power tools must be inspected on a quarterly basis.,保养工具 Caring for Tools,不要将工具放在易损坏或污染工具的地方 Do not place the tools where they can be damaged or contaminated 一旦工具受潮,立即擦拭并烘干工具 Wipe and dry tools that get wet as soon as

8、possible 立即停止使用损坏了的绝缘手动工具 Remove damaged insulated hand tools from service immediately 妥善保存绝缘工具,防止损坏 Store insulated tools properly to prevent damage,便携式电动工具和水 Portable Electrical Tools and Water,该装置须适用于特定用途和电压。Sets shall suitable for the intended use and voltage. 将延伸的电线盘好,避免引起滑倒,绊倒或坠落危险。Place elect

9、rical extension cords so that they do not cause slip, trip, or fall hazards. 保护好拖线板。Protect extension cords. 通过绝缘方法将拖线板固定或悬挂起来。Secure or suspend extension cords with a non-conductive means.,拖线板和电缆 Extension Cords and Cables,拖线板 不要 Extension Cords Donts,不要驾车压过电线。 Dont drive over cords. 不要将两根或两根以上延伸的电

10、线连接在一起。Dont connect two or more extension cords together. 不要使电线超载。Dont overload the cord.,不要将电线当作绳索使用。Dont use the cord for a rope. 不要移除接地插头。Dont remove the grounding plug. 不要通过拉扯电线拔除插头。Dont unplug by pulling the cord.,拖线板和电缆 Extension Cords and Cables,设备运行时不要拔去电线插头。Do not unplug cords while the equ

11、ipment is operating. 使用断路开关时,拔除电线插头前须打开开关If supplied from a disconnect switch, the switch must be open before the cord is unplugged.,移除任何老化,磨损或损坏了的电线。Remove any worn, frayed or damaged extension cords from service.,每次使用前目测所有电线 不要使用损坏了的或有缺陷的电线或设备。 Visually inspect all extension cords prior to each us

12、e. Do not use damaged or defective cords or equipment.,接线板和电缆 Extension Cords and Cables,便携式多孔插座 Portable Electric Power Strips,防机械损坏,防油,防溶剂,防磨损,防夹紧点,防锋利的物体。 Protected from mechanical damage, oil, solvents, abrasion, pinch points and sharp objects. 放置在不会引起滑倒,绊倒或坠落的位置。Placed so not to cause slip, tri

13、p, or fall hazards. 目测有无损坏。须立即停止使用任何损坏了的便携式多孔插座。Visually inspected for damage. Any damaged portable electric power strips shall be immediately removed from service. 不要连在其他多孔插座上。Not connected to another power strip. 带电路保护。Have circuit protection.,Alcoa Standard 32.69,始终将电线装置连到接地故障电路断流器上(GFCI)。Always

14、connect extension cord sets to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).,接地故障电路断流器 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters,安全 短剧 欢迎断流 Safety Short Video A Welcome Interruption,GFCI 装置,使用前检查并测试GFCI装置。Inspect and test GFCIs before use. 移除损坏了的GFCI装置。 Removed damaged GFCIs from service. 将便携式GFCI插入插座中,然后连上电线或

15、工具。Plug portable GFCI into receptacle, then attach extension cord or tool.,除非进行了挂牌,上锁,确认,始终认为电气设备处于通电状态。Always consider electrical equipment energized until locked, tagged and verified. 呆在限制接近界限之外。Remain outside of the limited approach boundary. 使用前检查工具和电线。Inspect tools and cords before using them. 始终将便携式电动工具连到GFCI上。Always attached portable electrical tools to a GFCI.,32.69 小结,


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