综英Pre-Obama27s victory speech.ppt

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《综英Pre-Obama27s victory speech.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《综英Pre-Obama27s victory speech.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Obamas Victory Speech,The Buses In Montgomery,Montgomery Bus Boycott 蒙哥马利公车运动,TheMontgomery Bus Boycott, an important event in theU.S. civil rights movement, was a political and socialprotestcampaign, against the policy of racial segregationon the public transit system ofMontgomery,Alabama.,The buse

2、s in Montgomery,The buses in Montgomery,The buses in Montgomery,The buses in Montgomery,The buses in Montgomery,塞尔马蒙大拿 和平大进军,A Bridge in Selma,Selma to Montgomery March,Include “Bloody Sunday” and other two marches.,Why It Happened,Great Success in the Civil Rights Movement in 1964.,Nobel Prize of P

3、eace The Civil Rights Act公民权法 illegal,The poor Still lived in bad condition.,Voting Rights,抗议活动,The Death of Jimmie Lee Jackson,Films Based On The Marches,Selma Lord Selma,Eyes On The Prize,Historical Impact,TheSelma to Montgomery marches marked a political and emotional peak of the1960s American Ci

4、vil Rights Movement and directly brought about the1965 Voting Rights Act.,The hoses in Birmingham,Birmingham campaign,伯明翰运动,The hoses in Birmingham,It refers to the birmingham marches in Alabama led by Martin Luther King in 1963 during which the police chief ordered the use of high-pressure fire hos

5、es and attack dogs against the demonstrators.,A Preacher from Atlanta,It refers to Martin Luther King Jr. Incidentally, “We Shall Overcome” is the title and key line of a militant song of the time.,A Preacher from Atlanta,In August, 1963. In Washington. Demonstration I have a dream.,We shall overcom

6、e, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday. Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. That we shall overcome someday.,We shall live in peace, we shall live in peace, we shall live in peace someday. Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. That we shall overcome someday.,Well walk hand in hand, well walk hand in hand, well walk hand in hand someday. Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. That we shall overcome someday.,A Man Touched Down on the Moon,Apollo 11 On 20 July, 1968,A Wall Came Down In Berlin,


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