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1、Unit Eleven: But Whats a Dictionary For ?,Teaching Procedure,Individual presentation on Noah Webster and Websters Third New International 2. Discussion on question about whats a dictionary for: Part 1. (Para. 1-3) 1) sums up the worst attacks on the dictionary 2)states the claim of the compilers 3)

2、calls for an examination of dictionary making, hence the question of “whats a dictionary for?” 3. Homework,Noah Websters House,an American lexicographer, journalist, textbook author, spelling reformer, advocate of cultural independence of the United States translator of the Bible an ardent federalis

3、t,Noah Websters dictionaries,1) A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language: his first dictionary of the English language (1806) 2) An American Dictionary of the English Language: his magnum opus, the first edition (1828) 3) An American Dictionary of the English Language: the second edition (18

4、40) 4) publishing rights of his dictionary were acquired by George and Charles Merriam (1843) 5) George and Charles Merriam brought out a version edited by Noah Websters son-in-law, professor Chauncey A. Goodrich of Yale College (1847)- The 1847 edition became the first Merriam-Webster unabridged di

5、ctionary.,6) The second edition was published in 1934. (The first edition and second edition were based on prescriptive linguistics.) 7) The third edition (Websters Third New International Dictionary) was published in 1961. (with Philip B. Gove, a famous descriptive linguist as its editor) (It was b

6、ased on descriptive linguistics),Content: 2752 pages, over 460,000 entries, 200,000 usage examples, over 3,000 pictorial illustrations, more than 1,000 synonym articles; an addition of 100,000 new words or new definitions that were not included in the Second International. 2) three virtues in dictio

7、nary making: accuracy, clearness, comprehensiveness 3) enormous work and money: over 200 permanent staff of language experts and over 100 special outside consultants spent 27 years and $3.5 million. A total of 10 million citations were collected as background for definition.,Para. 1 1. What happened

8、 when the WTNID appeared? 2. How did the well-known,well-received newspapers and magazines greet the WTNID? 3. In the last sentence, theres a sarcasm, how do you understand the writers sarcastic meaning and translate the last sentence of this paragraph? 4. Identify the figures of speech used in this

9、 para. 5. How is this paragraph developed?,2. Discussion on Part. 1,Atlantic, New York Times, Life, The Journal of American bar Association,the Atlantic: American monthly journal, doing investigative journalism, fiction and poetry It view as b.the New York Times: daily newspaper; considered the most

10、 reputable daily by many. Equivalent to London Times. It puts out a huge Sunday issue covering just about everythingnews, sports, arts, etc.-also magazine section. It felt and accused of c. The American Bar Association: Bar here means lawyer collectively; or the legal profession, e.g. be called to t

11、he Bar (be received as a member of the Bar); read for the Bar (study to become a barrister). It saw the publication as d. Life: American popular pictorial magazine. It called itand doubted that,The Influential Newspapers in America,1. The New York Times 2. Washington Post 3. The Wall Street Journal

12、4. The Los Angeles Times 5. The New York Daily News,The Influential Newspapers in America,1. Time 2. Readers Digest 3. Life 4. Playboy 5. Fortune,Throw light on - If sth. throws or casts light on sth.else, it makes it easier to understand, because more information has been added to what was previous

13、ly known; reveal. Eg. His remark throws light on the problem (mentioned last year). 1)They doubted that. They didnt believe that Lincohn could have written his famous Gettysburg Address with the language described in the 3rd International as a model. This reveals that Lifes editors dont really know

14、how things get written. A successful writing is not made by a dictionary but by the authors passion and flexible use of language. 2) a concept of how things get written. This concept can provide little information on how Lincohn wrote his Address, but it does explain how the editors of Life write th

15、eir articles. They are ignorant enough to suggest writing with a dictionary as a model.,Paraphrase exercise,1. Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt. 2. accelerate the deterioration of the language and sternly accused the editors of betraying

16、a public trust. 3. a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility.,Para. 2 Main idea: WTNID is a massive work. 1. Do you know the allusion of “Sound and Fury”? 2. Why is it claimed as a massive work? Explain the implied meaning in the last sentence. Para. 3. The writer explained, examined basi

17、c principles of compiling dictionaries with some questions. 1. Explain the first sentence.,Sound and Fury,The writer is using a quotation from Shakespeares Macbeth, Act V, Scene IV, L: 26-28 “.it (life) is a tale Told by an idiot, full of Sound and fury Signifying nothing.” 生活(人生)犹如痴人说梦, 充满了喧嚣与骚动, 却

18、没有任何意义。 This monologue, to some extent, embodied the theme of the novel Sound and Fury, the great classic created by the American writer -William Faulkner (18971962).,Sound and Fury,The “Sound and Fury” is a good example to illustrate Faulkners concern in creative writing. The novel is a complex acc

19、ount of the breakdown of the once distinguished and honored Compson family. Four sections are included in the novel largely reliant on stream of consciousness. 这段独白在某种意义上说体现了的主题思想.小说主人公是南方没落贵族康普生一家.中心人物是康的女儿凯蒂. 虽然作者没为她专门写一章,但她是一根线,将四大部分连成一体.作者打破传统小说着重刻画主人公的做法,从其他人物的眼光和他们的生活经历来展示凯蒂的浮沉和她在家族中的地位.它既是家族成

20、员,又是家族破落的象征.,Para. 4. 5 Two brief statements about dictionaries 1. What was the first statement? 2. Explain the last sentence of Para. 4. 3. What was the second statement? 4. What figure of speech is used in “much-touted Second International and the much-clouted Third International”? 5.What is the i

21、mplied meaning in “not like the difference between the yearly models but like the difference between the horse and buggy and automobile”? is not superficial (like the difference between the yearly models of the same car) but substantial (like the difference between two entirely different means of tr

22、ansportation),Assonance Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound within words. free and easy; make the grade; Time and tide wait for no man. Assonance in Prose Prose writers sometimes repeat vowel sounds to reinforce the meaning of the words. It also helps to create moods. Here, the long o sound

23、s mysterious. Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came. -Carl Sandburg, Early Moon,Assonance in Poetry In poetry, too, assonance stresses words and moods. And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by

24、the sideOf my darling, my darling, my life and my bride. -Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee“ ,“As I was going to St. Ives,I met a man with seven wives,Every wife had seven sacks,every sack had seven cats,Every cat had seven kittens:kittens, cats, sacks and wives,How many were going to St. Ives.” I feel t

25、he need, the need for speed.,Para. 6 1.Whats the figurative meaning in “gets its charter”? 2. What kind of scholar was Bloom-field ? 3. What do you know about Strunks Element ? Para. 7: The major basic finding of descriptive linguistics. 1. What should linguists do when they study a language? 2. Why

26、 do we say each language is a unique language? 3.In point three, what features does a language have? 4.According to the writer, what does correctness based on?,Strunk,Strunks Elements of Style: This volume on language style was originated by Strunk to a freshman class at Cornell University (New York

27、 State) in the form of lectures.,Descriptive linguistics,Linguistics is the science of language, including phonology音韵学, morphology词法学, syntax句法学, and semantics词义学. It is sub-divided into descriptive, historical, comparative, geographical, social applied, etc. linguistics. Descriptive linguistics is

28、 the branch of linguistics which describes the structure of a language or languages as they exist, without reference to their histories or to comparison with other languages.,Para. 8. 1.In order to be comprehensive, what does a dictionary include? Para. 9. 1.Why are new dictionaries needed? 2.What i

29、s the average period of two generations? 3.What does a dictionary have to do with the changes?,Para. 10. 1. What has caused the changes in English language? 2. According to the writer, what does he think of the language used in todays publications? Para. 11. 1. What does the first sentence mean in t

30、his context? 2.How did the writer refute the Life and The New York Times and The Washington Post? Para. 12. 1. What kind of language does the Third International describe?,Para. 13. 1. What should the papers do with the language? 2. Explain the implied meaning of the last sentence If the editorials

31、were serious, the public.on these publications are more literate than the editors. Para. 14. 1. Why does the common reader consult a dictionary? 2. What is the full truth about American English today? 3. Explain certainty is impossible and simplification is misleading.,If the editorials were serious

32、.,The sentence implied that it is a lucky thing that the writers on these publications are not as ignorant as the editors. If the editorials were serious , the editors would stick to the language described in the dictionary compiled in the 30s, and if they did so , their publications would be unread

33、able and nobody would subscribe to them and as a matter a result, they would cease to bring profits to their share-holders. (sarcastic tone here),Para. 15. 1. Paraphrase Even in so settled a matter as spelling, a dictionary cannot always be absolute. 2. Paraphrase But neither his vanity nor his purs

34、e is any concern of the dictionarys. 3. What kind of facts should the dictionary record? 4. What does the writer say about spelling?,Para. 16. learninglearned people),4) Alliteration (头韵),Alliteration is a figure of speech which is the use in close proximity of two or more sounds that begin with the

35、 same sound, or sequence of sound. For example, A strong man struggling with the storms of state. Some phrases: Forgive and forget Part and parcel As busy as a bee I wish you to be hearty, happy, healthy during the National holiday.,7. Questions for Discussion,1. What critical views did the popular

36、press express on the publication of Websters Third New International Dictionary 2.How much effort and money was spent on the making of this dictionary? 3.Why are new dictionaries needed? 4.What does the writer say about spelling and pronunciation? 5.Has the Third New International Dictionary any faults?,


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