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1、,Adj. adv.,第一课时,用来对名词或某些代词在性质、特征或状态等方面加以修饰的词。 e.g. long, empty, cheap, hungry, etc.,什么叫形容词?,在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语等成分,e.g. He is a good student. I have something important to tell you.,当形容词修饰由some-,any-,no-,every- 构成的不定代词时,形容词要放在这些 不定代词的之后. e.g.,Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper ?,作定语,The t

2、rees turn green in spring. We are alone on the island.,常与感官系动词连用:look, taste, smell, sound, feel, seem, become, get, turn, go 等,The cake tastes delicious.,作表语,形容词和宾语一起构成复合宾语,We must keep the classroom clean.,He made us happy.,作宾语补足语,Colour it green.,有一些形容词前+the后,具有名词词性。可以作主语或宾语。,The rich should help

3、 the poor.,作主语和宾语,有些形容词只能作定语,有些形容词只能作表语。,sleeping 定语 a sleeping boy asleep 表语 the boy is asleep.,定语: sick, live, little等,区别,表语:ill, alive, alone等,句子中的位置,形容词作定语时,分为前置定语和后置定语。 大部分形容词可以做前置定语。 an old American lady,形容词短语、介词短语或不定式短语做后置定语。 The boy under the tree is my brother.,形容词按音节可分为:,多音节词,双音节词,单音节词,形容词

4、级别可分为:,原级,比较级,最高级,形容词的级,原级:即形容词的原形。 small, good, pretty, big, many 比较级:两个人或物之间的比较。 smaller, better, taller, older, more 最高级:三个或三个以上的人或物之间的比较。 smallest, tallest, newest, best,少数形容词只有原形,没有比较级和最高级。如right, wrong ,woolen(羊毛制的)等。,This tree is as_ as that tree.,The green bag is as _as the red.,This pen is

5、not as _ as that pen.,tall,big,long,原级比较是说明两个人物或事物的程度是一样,当两个人或两件事物进行比较时程度不一样,就要用到形容词比较级,也就是词尾-er形式,比较级常常用than来连接被比较的两个人或事物。,e.g. I am shorter than you.,比较级比较是区分两个人物或事物的程度不一样,最高级一般用于三者(或三者以上)之间的比较。 “最”。,China is the largest of the countries. John is the tallest in the class.,Yao Ming is Jordan.,Jorda

6、n is tall.,Yao Ming is taller.,Jordan,2.26m,1.98m,taller than,Zeng Zhiwei is short.,Pan Changjiang is,Pan Changjiang is Zeng Zhiwei.,shorter.,shorter than,Liu Huan is heavy .,Fei Mao is,Fei Mao is Liu Huan.,80kg,90kg,heavier .,heavier than,Lin Xinru is thin.,Liu Yifei is,Liu Yifei is Lin Xinru.,45kg

7、,48kg,thinner.,thinner than,more outgoing,Li Yong is Cheng long.,Cheng Long is outgoing.,Li Yong is more outgoing.,outgoing,more outgoing than,athletic,Cheng Long is more athletic than Li Xiaopeng.,Li Xiaopeng is athletic.,Cheng Long is more athletic.,more athletic,funny, serious, smart, calm, wild,

8、 big, fat, outgoing, athletic, dirty, heavy, thin, tall,smarter,funnier heavier dirtier,bigger thinner fatter,more outgoing more serious more athletic,calmer wilder taller,找规律:,形容词的比较级和最高级构成,规则变化,不规则变化,形容词比较级的构成,一、规则变化 (一) 单音节和少数双音节的变化规则 (1)一般在词尾加 -er, -est。 smartsmarter, smartest highhigher, highes

9、t smallsmaller, smallest talltaller, tallest longlonger , longest,(2). 以不发音的字母e结尾的,直接加-r, -st. nicenicer, nicest finefiner, finest (3).以“辅音字母结尾的”,把变,再加-er, -est。 earlyearlier, earliest happyhappier, happiest easyeasier, easiest heavyheavier, heaviest funnyfunnier, funniest,(4)以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字

10、母,先双写这个字母,再加-er, -est. 如“胖瘦大热红伤湿”等 fatfatter, fattest thinthinner, thinnest bigbigger, biggest hothotter, hottest redredder, reddest sadsadder, saddest wetwetter, wettest,(5)以 ow, -er结尾的双音节词,加-er, -est. clevercleverer, cleverest narrownarrower, narrowest,(二)多音节和部分双音节形容词或副词在原级前加more, most。 popular-mo

11、re popular, most popular difficult-more difficult, most difficult beautiful-more beautiful, most beautiful interestingmore interesting , most interesting slowlymore slowly, most slowly,特例 (1)由“动词+后缀-ing / -ed ”构成的形容词,在词前加more, most. interesting-more interesting, most interesting exciting-more exciti

12、ng, most exciting bored-more bored, most bored relaxed-more relaxed, most relaxed,taller harder larger wider,tallest hardest largest widest,bigger hotter fatter wetter,biggest hottest fattest wettest,happier drier earlier,happiest driest earliest,narrower cleverer,narrowest cleverest,more difficult

13、more popular more slowly,most difficult most popular most slowly,少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词可加-er或-est,规则变化,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther/further,older/elder,least,farthest/furthest,oldest/eldest,不规则变化,巧记: 特殊形式比较级 共有三对二合一 坏病两多并两好 little意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远,单音节和少数多音节的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 的构成分规则和不规则

14、。变化如下:,(二)不规则变化,部分不规则形容词或副词 good/well-better many /much-more bad / badly / ill-worse little-less far-farther/further old-older/elder,巧记: (1)特殊形式比较级 共有二对二合一 外加一对三合一 坏病两多并两好 little意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远 (2) 二好,二多,三坏 一少,一老,一远,old fat young ugly high low light white sunny hot cool early delicious friendl

15、y important hungry healthy outgoing goodwell little ,olderelder,fatter,younger,uglier,higher,lower,lighter,whiter,sunnier,hotter,cooler,earlier,more delicious,less,better,more outgoing,healthier,hungrier,more important,more friendly,讲述某人或某物自身情况时用原级。 可以修饰原级的词: very, too, so, more, quite, a lot, a lit

16、tle, enough, rather等 基本句型 (1)主语+ 谓语 + 形容词原级 +. He is very old now. 他现在很老了。 The weather looks rather bad. 天气看上去相当糟 I am so happy. 我是如此的快乐。,原级的用法,表示两者之间没有差别时,使用句型: (2)主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + 第二个人物 +. 和一样 如:He is as excited as his younger sister. 他和他妹妹一样兴奋。 They picked as many apples as th

17、e farmers (did). 他们摘的苹果和农民一样多。 The girl is as brilliant as beautiful. 这个女孩的智慧和美丽一样突出。,表示第一个人比不上第二个人时,使用句型: (3)主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词(否定式) + as / so + 形容词+ as 和不一样,不如 Heisnotso/asexcitedashisyoungersister. 他没他妹妹那么兴奋。 Theydidntpickso/asmanyapplesasthe farmers(did).他们摘的苹果不如农民多。 Tony isnt so/ as tall as Tom.

18、托尼和汤姆不一样高。,讲述两者有差异, 第一个人物超过第二个人 物时用比较级。 可以修饰比较级的词:a little, a bit, a lot, much, far, even, still, rather等 基本句型: A 原级 . B 比较级. 例:1)Bob is tall. Mike is taller. 2)This cake is delicious. That cake is more delicious.,比较级的用法, Who/Which+ is +比较级, A or B? 例:1)Who is taller, Mike or Bob? 2)Which of them is

19、 taller, Mike or Bob? 说明: 此句型中的or不可改为and。, B +谓语+比较级+ than+ A 例:1)Mike is taller than Bob (is). 2)This cake is more delicious than that one. 注意:the one 代替可数名词单数 the ones 或 those 代替可数名词复数 that 代替不可数名词,more and more句型 即“比较级 + and +(同一个)比较级”句型。此句型表示“越来越”。多音节比较级用“more and more形容词原级”形式。 例: 1)Our life is

20、better and better. 2)You look more and more beautiful.,The more , the more 句型 具体结构:The + 比较级 + 一个句子,the + 另一比较级 + 一个句子。 表示“越越“。 例:The harder you study, the better grades you will get.,两者范围内的比较 具体结构:The + 比较级 + of + the two/ twins/ parents。 表示“两者之间最一个。 例:1). May is the taller of the twins. 2). He is

21、the braver of the two boys.,使用形容词比较级时需注意以下几点: 1) than后面接代词时, 一般要用主格形式, 但在口语中也可使用宾格形式。 如: My brother is taller than I/me. 2) 当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时, 可以用much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still 等来修饰形容词比较级。注意: 比较级不 能用very, so, too, quite等修饰。如: He is much more serious than Sam.,3) 形容词比较级后面往往用连词than连接 另一个比较的人

22、或事物, 但在上下文明确 的情况下, 形容词比较级可单独使用。如: My sister is tall, but my aunt is taller. 我姐姐个子高, 但我姑姑个子更高。 4) 进行比较的人和物必须是同一类。 My books are more than yours. I have more books than you.,讲述三者或三者以上的差异, 一个人物是其中之最用最高级。最高级前必须加the. 可以修饰最高级的词:by far, much, really, very, almost等 基本句型: A+系+the +最高级+(名词)+表示范围短语(in, among, o

23、f) 例:1)He is the youngest in his family. 2)Lucy is the most careful among us.,最高级的用法, Who/Which+ is +最高级, A,B or C? 例:1)Which country is the most fascinating, China, America or France? 2)Which is the shortest, Mike, John or Bob? 说明: 此句型中的or不可改为and。, one of the+最高级+名词复数 例:1)Jackie Chen is one of the

24、most popular stars. 2)Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century., 比较级表达最高级含义 句型: the+ 最高级+名词+范围 = 比较级+ than + any other + 名词单数 the other + 名词复数 any of the other + 名词复数 the rest of + 名词复数 all the other + 名词单数 the others any of others anyone/ anything else,第二课时,表示行为特征或性状特征的词。用来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、全

25、句或 名词词组及句子的词。 e.g.,什么叫副词?,very, early, out, soon, quickly, etc.,一、副词的用法 1. 作状语 (1)副词主要在句中作状语,用来修饰动词、形容词或副词等。 A、修饰动词 Heworkshard. B、修饰形容词 Sheisaverybeautifulgirl. C、修饰另一个副词 ShespeaksEnglishquitewell. D、修饰介词短语 Thehospitalisjustaroundthecorner.,(2)作表语:放在系动词后 Hewillbebackinadayortwo. (3)作定语:一般放在被修饰的名词之后

26、 Thisbookhereisthemostuseful. (4)作复合宾语:放在及物动词后 I saw you out with my friend the other day.,二、副词的分类,三、副词的比较等级 1.用于两者不同级的比较。“ 副词比较级 + than ”。这一结构表示比对方强。 例如: Mike works more carefully than Jack. 迈克工作比杰克细心。 2.“(not)as/so + 副词原级 + as ”。这一结构表示两者相似或前者不如后者。 例如: You dont get up so/as early as I. 你没我起得早。,3.最高

27、级用于三者或三者以上的比较,最高级前可加也可不加定冠词the. 例如:Of all the students in our class , she writes (the) most beautifully. 在我们全班同学中,她书写得最漂亮。,old fat young ugly high low light white sunny hot cool,older,fatter,younger,uglier,higher,lower,lighter,whiter,sunnier,hotter,cooler,1. Im tall but my sister is _(short). 2. My

28、mother has long hair, and my sister has _ (long) hair. 3.This little baby is _ (outgoing) than that one.,shorter,longer,more outgoing,4. In some ways we look the same, in some ways we look _(不同). 5. Ann is a very _(安静的) girl, she hardly makes noise.,different,quiet,练习:用所给形容词的适当形式填空。 Her hair is _ (l

29、ong) than mine. Who is _ (short), Tom or Jack? Lily is _ (quiet) than her sister. Tina, please come to school a little _ (early) next time.,longer,shorter,quieter,earlier,The _ (hard) you study, the _ (good) grades youll get. It becomes _ and _ (hot) when summer comes.,harder,better,hotter,hotter,练习

30、:单项选择。 1. This one is too large. Can you show me a _one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 2. Do you think March is _ than January? Yes, its _ warmer. better, a little B. well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite,3. Her bag is newer than _. A. mine B. my C. me D. I 4. The weather in North China

31、 is colder than _ in South China. A. B. this C. the one D. that,5. Which one is _, this one or that one? A. good B. bad C. best D. better 6. I think your room is _ bigger. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. more,6. Lucy is very short, but she is _ than her sister. A. shorter B. longer C. taller D. o

32、lder 7. Frank is _ friendly than his brother. A. a little more B. a few more C. much D. a little 8. Sam is _at Chinese than Jim. A. good B. well C. better D. gooder,C,A,C,9. This one is too large. Can you show me a _one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 10. Do you think March is _than January?

33、 Yes, its _ warmer. A. better, a little B. well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite,D,A,Practice:,(1) I am a little _ than you. (tall),(2) Tom is _ than Jack. (cool),(3) This girl is _ than that .(nice),(4) This question is _ than that one. (easy),(5) My pocket money is much _ than yours.(much),(6)

34、 She studies even _ than before.(hard),(7) He feels a lot _ than yesterday.(good),(8) My brother is _ than me.(old),(9) My country will become _. (beautiful),(10) Lily is _ than her classmates.(thin),taller,cooler,(11) I think today is _ than yesterday.(tired),nicer,easier,more,harder,better,elder,m

35、ore beautiful,thinner,more tired,注1 可修饰比较级的词有 a little 、much 、even 、a lot 等!,注2 tired 的比较级与最高级特殊在前加 more 、most,(12) He is the _ in his class.(tall),(13) Ming is my _ friend .(good),(14) Today is the _ day in this month.(hot),(15) Mr. Wang is the _ teacher .(popular),(16) I think I am the _ people in

36、 the world. ( happy),tallest,best,hottest,most popular,happiest,注: 最高级前往往加the,Advantage:,_ he works , _ he is. A Busy , happy B Busier , happier C The busier, the happier D The busy , the happy,C,语法掌握: “The + 比较级, the +比较级” 意思: 越就越,1.The boy becomes _ _. A more and more cooler B cool and cool C cool

37、er and cooler D more cooler and more cooler,C,2.The girl becomes _ _. A more and more beautiful B more beautiful and more beautiful C beautiful and beautiful D beautifuler and beautifuler,B,语法掌握: “ 比较级 and 比较级 ” 意思:越来越,1._ I eat ,_ I am. A More , fatter B The more , the fatter C Much , fat D The muc

38、h, the fat,B,2.Our country is becoming _ A better and better B more and more good C best and best D good and good,A,Choose the best answer:,1. Its getting _. A. warm and warmer B. warmer and warmer C. more warmer 2. Which one do you like better? -The _ one. A. more nice B. biger C. cheaper 3. Our co

39、untry is becoming _. A. much and much beautiful B. many and many beautiful C. more and more beautiful,B,C,C,4. Tom speaks Chinese _ better than we. A. little B. a lot of C. much 5. Of the ten books, I like this one _. A. very B. better C. best 6. The _ we get together, the _ well be. A. more; happie

40、r B. many; happier C. more; happy 7. Geography isnt _than history, but its as_ as history. A. difficult; important B. more difficult; important C. difficult; more important,C,C,A,B,8. My teacher helps us as _ as she can. A. many B. much C. more 9. Which one is _, the watch, the bike or the TV set? A

41、. more expensive B. most expensive C. the most expensive 10. Basketball is _ than ping-pong ball. A. more interesting B. much interesting C. very interesting,B,C,A,1. The bread is _ than these cakes A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious,2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long

42、 jump in the school sports meeting A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far,3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _ A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest,C,C,Practice,A,4. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August A. hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D. hot

43、 hotter 5. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in china. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 6. An elephant is _ than a tiger . A. heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier,D,C,D,7. A horse is _ than a dog . A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. more he

44、avy 8. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless 9. Which subject is _ , physics or chemistry ? A. interesting B. most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting,C,D,C,10. He is _ enough to carry the heavy box . A. strong B. stronger C.

45、much stronger D. the strongest 11. Li lei often talks _ but does _ so everyone says he is a good boy . A. less more B. few much C. more little D. little many 12. When the famous singer started to sing , everyone began to shout very _ . A. loudly B. loud C. heavily D. high,A,A,A,Summary,形容词和副词的意义及用法,

46、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法,Future plans What would you like to be? What would you like to do?,Britney Spears Age :24 (1981-12-2) Height: 163cm Weight: 57kg Job: singer,Millies future plan try to be kind to people try my best to help them would like to be a social worker listen to peoples problems help solve their problems make people happy,Sandys future plan want to be a singer sing for people make people happy want to be famous travel a


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