新世纪大学英语综合教程4第四册unit 6.ppt

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1、Unit Six Attitudes to Life,Text A Two Truths to Live by,Hold fast, and let go: Understand this paradox, and you stand at the very gate of wisdom,Contents,Before Reading,1,Global Reading,2,Detailed Reading,3,After Reading,4,Before Reading,Some Famous Mottos,Lead-in Discussion,Test Your Attitude towar

2、ds Success,When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained -Mark Twain 只要记得我们都是蠢蛋,生活便会退去面纱,重归平凡,Famous Mottos,Our attitude toward life determines lifes attitude towards us. - Earl Nightingale (American motivational speaker),Famous Mottos,There is little difference

3、in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative -W. Clement Stone (a businessman, philanthropist and self-help book author. ),Famous Mottos,What is your motto in life? Explain it. 2. Do you fin

4、d life sometimes paradoxical? If yes, please give one example.,Lead-in Discussion,Attitude Test,The amount of success you have in life is strongly related to the attitude you have towards success. So what is your attitude towards success? What does that mean for you? Take the 5-minute test below; yo

5、u may be surprised at the results you get. Select one of the three answers to the questions below, and then compute your score based on the instructions at the end of the test.,Directions:,Attitude Test,( )(A) I have a clear idea of what success means to me.(B) I have no idea what success means to m

6、e.(C) I have somewhat of an idea what success means to me. 2. ( )(A) I always seek advice and feedback.(B) I never seek advice and feedback.(C) Sometimes I seek advice and feedback.,Attitude Test,3. ( )(A) I never give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.(B) Sometimes I give

7、 up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future. (C) I always give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.,Attitude Test,4. ( ) When I have a setback or rejection, I give up and quit. (B) When I have a setback or rejection, I learn from it and try again. (C) Somet

8、imes setbacks or rejection causes me to quit, other times I try again.,Attitude Test,5. ( ) (A) I believe I will be successful. (B) I believe I will never be successful. (C) Maybe I will be successful, maybe I will not. 6. ( ) (A) I am always fully prepared for the things I do. (B) I am never prepar

9、ed for the things I do. (C) Sometimes I am prepared and other times I am not.,7. ( ) (A) I would never take a risk, I only want sure things. (B) I am somewhat open to taking risks. (C) I am willing to take risks if the rewards seem worth it. 8. ( ) (A) What happens in my life is not my responsibilit

10、y. (B) What happens in my life is somewhat my responsibility. (C) What happens in my life is totally my responsibility.,Attitude Test,9. ( ) (A) Change always brings me new opportunities. (B) Change never brings me new opportunities. (C) Change sometimes brings me new opportunities. 10. ( ) (A) I go

11、 all out when I am working on something. (B) I hold back somewhat when I am working on something. (C) I never go all out when I am working on something.,Attitude Test,Attitude Test,Scoring: Give yourself the following points for the answer you chose on each question:,(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

12、(9) (10),A +1, B 1, C 0 A +1, B 1, C 0 A +1, B 0, C -1 A -1, B +1, C 0 A +1, B -1, C 0 A +1, B -1, C 0 A -1, B 0, C +1 A -1, B 0, C +1A +1, B -1, C 0 A +1, B 0, C 1,Attitude Test,If you score:,You are well on your way to success.,You need to fine-tune your attitude towards success.,You need to give

13、some serious thought to how your attitude towards success is holding you back.,The author: Alexander M. Schindler 本文是美国犹太人联合会主席辛德勒于1987年5月在南卡罗来纳大学毕业典礼上致辞的节选。Commencement ceremony,Global Reading,Structure Analysis,True or False,Text Analysis,This essay discusses one of the paradoxes in life: to let s

14、omething go and to hold something fast. The author tries to explain the importance of cherishing beauty when it is offered and to let it go when it is inevitable. Thus to let go is as important as to hold fast in our lives.,Structure Analysis,Part One Paras.1-8,Through one event during his hospitali

15、zation, the author explains that we often fail to see the beauty and wonder of life when we should be holding on to it, urges us to hold fast to the gifts of life.,Structure Analysis,Part Two Paras.9-11,The author directs his discussion to the other side of the paradox: how to let go, and points out

16、 why we must accept losses and learn how to let go.,Structure Analysis,Part Three Paras.12-16,As a solution to the paradox, the author suggests a wider perspective to view what is transient and what is eternal, gives us his advice as to what we should do in order to make our lives meaningful and our

17、 deeds “timeless”.,True or False,1. 2. 3.,It is not easy to learn how to let go when we are young. With the full force of our passionate being, we are able to hold fast to and attain whatever we desire. It is inevitable that we will lose something at different phases of life.,( ),( ),( ),T,F,T,We ca

18、nnot always hold fast to life and not let go even with the full force of our passionate being. We must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.,True or False,4. 5.,We come to realize that “to let go” is as important as “ to hold fast” in our lives when we are young. From the moment we are born, w

19、e have to let go of certain things.,We do not realize that we must accept our losses and learn to let go until life confronts us with realities when we are not young any more, because when we are young, we think that we can have whatever we desire at our command.,( ),( ),F,T,Part One(Paras.1-8),Deta

20、iled Reading,Questions,1.What does the author want to tell us in para.2? 2.What can we learn in para.3? 3. What is the change of the authors attitude towards life after hospitalization?,A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.,Translate this sentence into

21、 Chinese.,一个人出生时拳头紧握,过世时却松手而去。,Part One,clench : vt. (para.1) close tightly,The girl clenched her fist in anger.,在被动手术时她咬紧了牙关。,She clenched her teeth when she was operated on.,Part One,We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember wha

22、t it was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.,1. What does “so” refer to here?,It refers to what was mentioned in the preceding sentence: life is wonderful and full of beauty.,2. What does “only in our backward glance” mean?,It means “only as we examine our life in retrospect.”,tender: (par

23、a.3) 1. v. formally offer or show something to someone,As company secretary, you must tender the proposal.,The seller has the right to keep the goods until payment is tendered to him.,2. a. 1) (of meat) easy to chew; not tough,Continue cooking until the meat is tender.,2) painful when touched; sensi

24、tive,我的手指一碰就疼,因为昨天割破了。,My finger is tender because I cut it yesterday.,Part One,She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it_ enough to eat. mild slight light tender The husband has been secretly praying that his shrew wife should become a bit_ someday. A. soft B. tender C. beautiful D. preg

25、nant,hospitalize: vt. (para.4) place in a hospital for treatment, care, or observation.,Roger was hospitalized after a severe heart attack.,该词一般用于被动语态,840 people have been hospitalized and 63 are in intensive care.,I looked to see whether anyone else relished the suns golden glow, but everyone was h

26、urrying to and fro, most with eyes fixed on the ground.,1. What does “the suns golden glow” symbolize?,It symbolizes the beautiful and precious life.,2. What can we infer from “hurrying to and fro” and “with eyes fixed on the ground”?,It can be inferred that most people are indifferent to the beauty

27、 of life.,relish: (para.6) 1. n. great enjoyment of something,I ate with great relish, enjoying every bite.,我对坐办公室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣。,Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me.,2. vt. enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen,He relishes the chance to play Hamlet.,I don

28、t_ to get up so early. relish to have relish have relish having relish being had,preoccupy: vt. (para.6) engage (sb. or his mind, thoughts, etc.) so that he cannot think of other things,Something seems to be preoccupying her at the moment.,你昨天在公共汽车站上心不在焉,没有注意到我。,You were too preoccupied to notice me

29、 at the bus stop yesterday.,Pattern:,be preoccupied with 全神贯注于,The insight gleaned from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself: lifes gifts are precious but we are too careless of them.,What does “that experience” and “them” refer to in this sentence?,“That experience”

30、 refers to the sunlight in his hospitalization; “them” refers to lifes gifts.,embrace: v.(para.8) put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way,她在离开前拥抱儿子。,She embraced her son before leaving.,Maggie and Laura embraced.,2) eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion, etc.,By

31、 the end of the last century, Americans had embraced the idea of the right to free public education for all children.,We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.,CET-6,2006 42.He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to _ the newly launched satellite. A) retr

32、eatB) retrieveC) embodyD) embrace CET-6,2005 51. It is a well known fact that the cat family _ lions and tigers. A) enrichesB) accommodatesC) adoptsD) embraces,象征;包含,收录,取回,恢复,找回,充实,使丰富;使富裕,容纳;向提供住处,使适应,Part Two (Paras.9-11),Detailed Reading,Questions,1.What is the second pole of the paradox of life

33、and what does it mean? 2.What can we learn about life from Para.11?,paradox: n. (para.9) statement that seems to be absurd or contradictory but is or may be true,“More haste, less speed” is a paradox. .,Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style.,她善于运用似非而是的隽语和反语。,2) person, thing or situatio

34、n displaying contradictory features,It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it.,Its a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.,Part Two,This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the

35、 world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the full force of our passion can, and will be ours.,Translate this sentence into Chinese.,做到这一点并不容易,尤其是当我们还年轻,自以为世界在我们的掌握之中,只要满腔热情、全力以赴地去渴求,我们就能得到我们想要的东西,而且一定能得到!,confront: vt. (para.10) make sb. face or consider sb./sth. unpleasant, difficult

36、, etc.,The problems confronting the new government were enormous.,她面对罪证供认不讳。,Pattern:,be confronted with 面对,When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed.,The vast majority of people in any given culture will _ to the established standards of that culture. A) confineB) conformC) conf

37、rontD) confirm,sustain: vt. (para.11) 1) suffer damage, an injury, or loss of money,Two of the fire-fighters sustained serious injuries.,The company has sustained heavy financial losses this year.,2) make sth. continue to exist or happen for a period of time,She found it difficult to sustain the chi

38、ldrens interest.,He was incapable of sustaining close relationships with women.,It has been tested for 9 times since 2000,Europes earlier industrial growth was _ by the availability of key resources, abundant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc. CET-6,2003 A) constrainedB) detainedC) remainedD) sus

39、tainedThe little girl was _ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and deep. CET-6 2001 A) grievedB) suppressedC) oppressedD) sustained,强迫,逼迫;抑制,压制,拘留,使耽搁,使伤心,使悲伤,镇压,压制,压迫,压制;使烦恼,Detailed Reading,Part Three (Paras.12-16),Questions,What should we do to resolve the parad

40、ox of lifes contradictory demands according to the author? Are you in any way aware of the beauty of your college life? How can we have a bright future full of hope according to the author?,Part Three,reconcile: vt. (para.12) 1) reestablish a close relationship between,John and his youngest son were

41、, on the surface at least, reconciled.,The estranged couple reconciled after a year.,翻脸的那对夫妻一年以后又和好了。,2) bring (a quarrel, disagreement, etc.) to an end; settle,The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled.,他们无法调和彼此的分歧。,They cant reconcile their differences.,Its been tested for 5

42、times from 2002,Weight lifting, or any other sport that builds up your muscles, can make bones become denser and less _ to injury. CET-6 2006 A) attachedB) proneC) immuneD) reconciled As we know, computers are used to store and _ information efficiently.CET-6 2004 A) reclaimB) reassureC) reconcileD)

43、 retrieve,易于的;有倾向的,免疫的,不受影响的,要求收回;利用,回收,使安心,使消除疑虑;再保证,Life is never just being. It is becoming, a relentless flowing on. (para.14),Translate this sentence into Chinese.,生命绝不仅仅是静止的存在。它是一股不断演变的、百折不回的奔流。,Our flesh may perish, our hands will wither, but the beauty and goodness and truth they create live

44、 on for all time to come.,What does the author hope to convey through this statement?,The author hopes to convey the message that what we let go of is still there if we view life from the perspective of eternity. The beauty and goodness and truth that we create will endure and we will endure through

45、 them. Therefore, we should let go of lifes gifts in due time.,endure : (para.14) 1) vt. suffer or undergo (sth. painful or uncomfortable) patiently,We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences.,These traditions have endured throughout the ages.,这些传统世代相传至今。,It seemed impossible that anyone co

46、uld endure such pain.,2) vi. remain alive or continue to exist for a long time,Their friendship has endured over many years.,Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to _ it.A) maintainB) persistC) endureD) sustain,vision: n. (para.16) 1) ability to see

47、,The blow on the head impaired/damaged his vision.,他头部受击后损害了视力。,When he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred.,2) thing seen vividly in the imagination,He had a vision of himself as a rich businessman.,他想象自己是一个富有的商人。,1. 人生的艺术,the art of living,2. 紧紧把握人生,hold fast to life,3.

48、回首往事,in backward glance,4. 褪色的美,a beauty that faded,5. 消逝的爱,a love that withered,6. 严重的心脏病,a severe heart attack,7. 重症监护病房,intensive care,8. 辅助检查,additional tests,9. 沉醉在这金色的阳光中,relished the suns golden glow,10. 来去匆匆,hurry to and fro,After Reading,11. 视而不见,be indifferent to,12. 为琐碎而低俗的顾虑所困扰,13. 从这次经历

49、中所获得的顿悟,14. 太掉以轻心,be too careless of,15. 把握每一个小时,embrace each hour,16. 矛盾体的另一极,the opposite pole of paradox,17. 世界在我们的掌握之中,the world is ours to command,18. 满腔热情、全力以赴,19. 面对现实,20. 在人生的每个阶段,at every stage of life,be preoccupied with petty and mean concerns,the insight gleaned from that experience,with the full force of our passion,confront us with realities,After Reading,After Reading,21. 承受损失,sustain losses,22. 开始独立的生命,begin independent lives,23. 面对不可避免的死亡,24. 心


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