新概念1 L105-106.ppt

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《新概念1 L105-106.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念1 L105-106.ppt(40页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 105Full of mistakes,low adj. 低的 high adj. 高的,easy 容易的 difficult 困难的,clever 聪明的 stupid 笨的,cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂贵的,fresh 新鲜的 stale 不新鲜的,hard 坚硬的 soft 软的,sweet 甜的 sour 酸的,loud 大声的,She is very beautiful. This question is too difficult. This question is easy enough for me. He runs quickly enough.

2、She has enough money to buy a computer. enough修饰名词时,放在名词前面 修饰形容词或副词时,放在形容词或者副词后面。 very修饰表示褒义的副词或形容词 too与very相反,Tom太小了还不能去学校。 (too young to) Tom is too young to go to school. (old enough to) Tom is not old enough to go to school.,When you meet a new word,look it up in the dictionary,dictionary n. 词典

3、English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典,mistake,mistake n. 错误 make a mistake 犯错 correct v. 改正 adj. 正确的 =right correct your mistake 改正你的错误,Have you ever seen such a dog?,What can it do? It can play chess. It is really intelligent. intelligent adj. 聪明的 =smart,clever,Are you intelligent?,Its full of mistakes.

4、Can you find them out?,Can you spell “聪明的” and “错误”?,mistake intelligent,s-p-e-l-l spell v. 拼写 spell-spelt-spelt Can you spell spell?你能拼写spell吗? Dont spell too quickly,I cant catch you. 不要拼得太快了,我跟不上你。,present n. 礼物 =gift 我妈妈在我上周给了我一份礼物。 My mother gave me a present last week.,type v.打字 n.类型,品种,carry

5、v. 搬,拿,带,扛,keep v. 保留 You can keep it.你可以留下它。,Can you use the words we learnt just now?,-Excuse me, may I borrow your d_, please? Im sorry, I am afraid that I have to use it now. Oh, Helen, you must be more careful next time. There are full of spelling m_ in your homework. Can you tell me how to s_

6、licence? I have never seen such an i_ dog, it can play chess. You can t_ in words with a keyboard.,ictionary,istakes,pell,ntelligent,ype,Listen and answer!,1. Where did the conversation(对话)take place(发生) ? 2. Whats the relationship(关系)between Sandra and the person who gave her the present ?,Listen a

7、gain and answer!,1. What mistake did Sandra make? 2. What was Sandras present ? 3. Why did her boss give her the present?,Grammar 动词不定式作宾语 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 I want you to clean the room.我想让你打扫房间。 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 Tell him to wash his face.告诉他去洗脸。,dont want sb. to do sth. 不想让某人做某

8、事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事,Read after the tape!,Try to imitate : the pronunciation the tone the speed,Retell the story,More exercises for consolidation!,George, the Maths teacher wants to _ (speak/say) to you. Excuse me, how do you _ (speak/say) that in English? What do you want to _ (speak

9、/ say) in the meeting? I am sorry. I cant _ (speak/ say) Japanese.,More exercises for consolidation!,5. Excuse me, can you t_ a letter for me? 6. Be careful. Dont make any m_ any more. 7. Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of p_. 8. He is not a very i_ boy, but he works very hard.,ype,is

10、takes,resents,ntelligent,Translation: 我想让你仔细听我说话。 奶奶叫她说大声点。 “intelligent”怎么拼写? 周末这个商场全是人。 听到这个消息我觉得很遗憾。,I want you to listen to me carefully.,Grandma tells her to speak up.,How do you spell intelligent?,The shopping mall is full of people at the weekend.,Im very sorry to hear the news.,Lesson 106I w

11、ant you to I dont want you to,Fathers Day is coming. What do you want to do for your father?,What do you want your father to do?,Mid-term exam is coming. What do you want your classmates not to do?,patterns,1. want sb. to do 想让-做- 2. dont want sb. to do 不想让- 做- 3. tell sb. to do 叫-做- 4. tell sb. not

12、 to do 叫-不做-,Exercise: Rewrite the sentences,1. They must watch this film. I want them to watch this film. 2. They mustnt miss it. I dont want them to miss it. 3. She must type this letter again. I want her to type this letter again. 4. She mustnt send it. I dont want her to send it.,Example: You mu

13、st keep this photo. I want you to keep this photo.,1. She must type that letter again. Tell her to type that letter again. 2. She must not post it. Tell her not to post it. 3. He must drive carefully. Tell him to drive carefully. 4. He must not drive carefully. Tell him not to drive carefully.,Example: They must answer the questions tell them to answer the questions,


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