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1、宾语从句要用陈述语序,if + 陈述句语序,She asks (that),I wanted to know (that), 从句是一般疑问句, 从句是特殊疑问句,why/ what/ when + 陈述句语序,She asks (that),I asked (that),Review,Lesson 141,Sallys first train ride,opposite prep. 在对面,middle-aged adj. 中年的,excited adj. 兴奋的,curiously adv. 好奇地,get on 登上,New words and expressions,powder n.

2、 香粉,funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的,compact n. 带镜的化妆盒,kindly adv. 和蔼地,ugly adj. 丑陋的,embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,窘迫的,smile v. 微笑,amused adj. 有趣的,worry adj. 担心,担忧,regularly adv.经常地,定期地,/wrid/,/regjulli/,Grammar,被动语态(一),被动语态,1. 英语动词有主动语态和被动语态之分,定义:,在主动句中,主语是执行动作的人或物。,3. 在被动句中,主语是动作的承受者。,(当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动

3、语态。),如:中国人制造鸟巢。 鸟巢被中国人制造。,主动,被动,典型题例例1 将下列句子改为被动语态。 We clean our classroom every day. Our classroom is cleaned (by us) every day.,在改写中应注意: 1.把原来的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语; 2.把动词变成“be + 过去分词”; 3.主动语态中的主语变为介词by的宾语。,(by 后跟宾格或其他详细的称呼),一般现在时的被动语态:,am/are/is + 过去分词,Football all over the world .,We this term.,is play

4、ed,(by people),are taught,1. People play football all over the world.,2. Mr. Green teaches us this term.,(by Mr. Green),3. He teaches me.,I _,am taught,(by him).,eg.,1. I air the room . The room is aired (by me) .,2. She sharpens the knives . The knives are sharpened (by her) regularly.,3. My father

5、 usually takes me to school. I am usually taken to school (by my father) .,Practice,2. They bought ten computers last term,Ten computers were bought (by them) last term.,一般过去时的被动语态:,was/were + 过去分词,The Great Wall _long ago.,Two years ago those machines _ shoes for children.,(by people),(by us),4. Pe

6、ople built the Great Wall long ago.,5. Two years ago we used the machines to make shoes for children.,was built,were used,to make,eg.,1. She opened the windows this morning. The windows were opened (by her) this morning.,2. He overtook the car just now. This car was overtaken (by him) just now.,3. T

7、hey made the bed yesterday morning. The bed was made (by them) yesterday morning.,Practice,We gave him some books. He _ Some books _,was given some books (by us) .,were given to him (by us) .,思考:将该句主动语态变为被动语态:,I make the bed every day. Before English class, we always sing an English song. They clean

8、 the house once a week. Someone broke the window. They often wash the car. 6. Someone repaired the clock.,The bed is made by me every day.,An English song is always sung by us before English class.,The house is cleaned by them once a week.,The window was broken by someone.,The car is often washed by

9、 them.,The clock was repaired by someone.,Exercise,我妈妈每天给我讲一个故事。 2.他总是在晚上给花园浇水。 她去年拍了三部电影。 他们昨天割到了他的手。,My mother tells me a story every day. A story is told to me by mother every day,He always waters the garden at night. The garden is always watered by him at night.,She made three films last year. T

10、hree films was made by her last year.,They cut his hand yesterday. His hand was cut by them yesterday.,一、单项选择: 1. Only thirty-eight ideas by the newspaper.(2001) A. choose B. chose C. was chosen D. were chosen 2. As usual, Meihua at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.(2006) A. h

11、as woken up B. woke up C. wakes up D. was woken up,D,D,4. Mr. Johnsons story by everyone who heard it.(2003) A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at,D,3A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It while we were on holiday. (2005) A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. w

12、as taken care of,D,Why was the mother embarrassed?,Exercise,Listen to the tape,Question:,Text,Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a childrens party. I decided to take her by train. Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before. She sat near the wind

13、ow and asked questions about everything she saw.,decide to do sth. 决定做某事 I decided to learn English when I was in high school.,Text,Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. Hello, little girl, She said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.,get off,I sat opp

14、osite him when we having lunch.,be dressed in 穿着 = wear He was dressed in a beautiful coat.,The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.,make up ones face 打扮,After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact. She then began to make up he

15、r face.,Text,Why are you doing that? Sally asked. To make myself beautiful, the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly. But you are still ugly, Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed.,make sb/sth (使某人或某物) Make myself busy/ make yourself happy.,put away 放好 Please,

16、 put away your money.,英语中表达感情的动词通常可用于被动式 ,但是实际上它们变成了形容词,amuse, embarrass, worry, surprise, interest,I am embarrassed.,They were worried.,注意 不表示被动意义,Lesson 142,Someone invited Sally to a party. Sally was invited to a party.,Part A,How old is Sally? Why did Sallys mother decide to take her by train? W

17、here did Sally sit? Who got on the train? How was the lady dressed? What did the lady do? Why did the lady make up her face? 8. Did Sally think the lady was beautiful?,重读141课,回答下列问题,Part A,How old is Sally? Why did Sallys mother decide to take her by train? Where did Sally sit? Who got on the train?

18、 How was the lady dressed? What did the lady do? Why did the lady make up her face? 8. Did Sally think the lady was beautiful?,重读141课,回答下列问题,Part B,用主动语态和被动语态回答问题。,Does anyone ever open this window?,Does anyone ever open these windows?,Someone opens it regularly. It is opened regularly.,Someone open

19、s them regularly. They are opened regularly.,Part C,Did anyone open this window?,Did anyone open these windows?,Someone opened it. It was opened this morning.,Someone opened them. They were opened this morning.,We clean our classroom every day. Our classroom is cleaned (by us) every day.,在改写中应注意: 1.

20、把原来的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语; 2.把动词变成“be + 过去分词”; 3.主动语态中的主语变为介词by的宾语。,(by 后跟宾格或其他详细的称呼),Sum-up,一般过去时的被动语态:,was/were + 过去分词,一般现在时的被动语态:,am/are/is + 过去分词,Homework,1.单词L141-142 抄2默1,周二,四各一次, L135-140默1,家长签字 2.背诵本课重点句子,签字 3.课后习题B.C.D部分第2题,写书上 4.完成本课课课练 5.自觉听录音,模仿发音,教学重点:本课单词和课文中出现的相关语法 教学难点:1. 被动语态 2.文中出现的相关句子提前解决 教学目标:1.通过复习巩固上节课内容 2.掌握本课单词和词组 3.掌握本课被动语态, 及其基础用法,L141.教学纲要,教学流程: 1.简单的Greeting直接过渡到Review 2.新单词和短语,教读,知识衔接 重点讲解Key words 3.听录音并回答问题,重播录音并跟读 4.语法:被动语态 讲解,举例,练习 5.读课文并讲解重点句子,句型,语法 6.Sum-up 7.Homework,


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