新概念2 lesson 46.ppt

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《新概念2 lesson 46.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念2 lesson 46.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 46,Expensive and uncomfortable,Travel,Do you like travelling?,How?,What is the,slowest way to travel? most expensive way to travel? least expensive way to travel? safest way to travel? most dangerous way to travel? most comfortable way to travel? least comfortable way to travel?,A: What do yo

2、u think is the fastest way to travel? B: I think the fastest way to travel is,Talk and write,by plane.,the first class,the most comfortable,the most expensive,the business class,less comfortable,less expensive,the economy class,the most uncomfortable,the cheapest,1. unload n lu d v. 卸 (货) 2.wooden w

3、u dn adj. 木制的 3. extremelyiks tri: m li adv. 非常,极其 4. occur k: v.发生 5.astonish s t ni v.使惊讶 6. pile pai l n.堆,7. woollen wu ln n. 毛织品 adj. 羊毛制的 8. goods gu dz n. 商品,货物( 常用复数 ) 9. discover dis k v v.发现 10. admit d mit v.承认 11. confine kn fai n v.关在 12. normal n: ml adj. 正常的,通常的,Load n. 负担、载重、负荷、工作量 E

4、g. A woman with a load of shopping I have a fairly light teaching load this term. The machine cant cope with such a heavy work load. Load vi/vt. 装货; 使承载、使负荷 e.g. Load the furniture into the van. Load the van up with furniture. Have you finished loading? I was loaded down with all my books/worries.,U

5、nload vt/vi to remove (a load)from sth 卸货;从上卸下 e.g.Have you unloaded the car? Have you unloaded the parcel from the car? The ship is unloading in the harbour. Un- Unlock the door/the secrets of the universe Unfold the map 展开 Unpack your suitcase/clothes 从(包裹)中取出 Untie the string/ the person from the

6、 chair 解开 She unzipped her dress. 拉开拉链,occur vi. 发生 vi. Happen/take place 发生 When did the accident occur? vi. 被想起,被想到 The possibility that she might be wrong never even occurred to her. It occured to sb. that 某人想起了 It occured to me that I didnt finish my homework. It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人想起了 I

7、t suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.,astonish vt. To fill with great surprise or disbelif 使惊讶 astonishing adj. 令人惊讶; astonished adj. 感到惊讶的 An astonishing piece of news He was astonished at what he found. We were astonished to hear that he had passed his driving test.,What su

8、rprised me most was that he was late again. We were astonished to learn that he failed in the exam, as he was so excellent. The earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean shocked the whole world.,admit v. 承认 承认,供认 She admitted stealing the money. 承认做某事 Sally admitted that she had stolen the bike. de

9、ny sth. /deny doing sth. 否认做 dna permit to enter;let in 准许进入,准许加入 Without a ticket you wont be admitted into cinema. I must study hard so that one day I can be admitted to a famous university.,confine v. to keep within limits 把.局限于;把.限制于;监禁 confine to 限制在范围内 Please confine your remarks to the subjec

10、t under discussion. Teachers duties are not confined to giving lectures. He was confined to a dark,narrow room.,1. unload 木制的 2.wooden 卸 (货) 3. extremely 发生 4. occur 非常,极其 5.astonish 堆 6. pile 使惊讶,7. woollen 发现 8. goods 承认 9. discover 毛织品 adj. 羊毛制的 10. admit 商品,货物( 常用复数 ) 11. confine 正常的,通常的 12. nor

11、mal 关在,Exercises: 1.Who first _America? 2.I am _sorry to disturb you,but I have something important to tell you. 3.You must _the task to be difficult. 4.Dont worry, everything will return to _. 5. She has got a _ of work to do. 6. Is it cruel to _ a bird in a cage? The workers were _ the goods from

12、a car. It _ to me to visit my teacher.,Listen and answer,Where did the plane take off? And where did it land? What did the man in the story do?,Read and answer: What did the workers unload from the plane? What did they contain? Was one of the boxes extremely heavy? Did anyone know why it was so heav

13、y? What did a worker do? What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods? How did he feel about being discovered? Was the man arrested?,9. When had he hidden in the box? 10. Did he have a nice trip? 11. How much did he pay ? 12. How much does an ordinary ticket cost? 13. What do you think of the

14、man?,True or False It was a flight from London to Sydney. The workers opened the box to find out why it was so heavy. A man was lying in a pile of woollen goods. Woollen goods was very soft, so the man had a nice journey. After being discovered, the man tried to escape. The man had to pay the normal

15、 price of a ticket.,What did the workers do? He was astonished to find a man was lying in the box. Workers found one box extremely heavy. Workers began to unload wooden boxes from the plane. One worker opened the box.,What did the man do? He was arrested. He stayed in the box for over 18 hours. He h

16、ad to pay a lot more money for the trip. He was discovered by a worker. He hid in a box before the plane took off. He was so surprised that he did not run away.,Put the following events in the right order: The worker discovered a man was lying in the box. The plane arrived at the airport. The man wa

17、s arrested. The workers began to unload wooden boxes. The man hid in the box before take-off. One box was unusually heavy. The man had to pay a lot money for the trip. One worker opened up the box.,A brief summary The story took place in Sydney _. When _ wooden boxes from the plane, workers found on

18、e box _ _.So one worker opened the box and was _ to find that a man was _ on _ of a _ of woolen goods. The person had _ in the box before the plane took off. Finally, the man was _ and he had to pay _ _ money than the normal price. That was truly an _ and _ trip for him.,When a plane from London arr

19、ived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the bo

20、x on top of a pile of wooden goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eigh

21、teen hours. The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!,1.When a plane _London arrived _ Sydney airport, workers _ to _ a _ of _ boxes which contained _. cloth /clothes/clothing cloth un/cn 做衣服用的“布、布料”;用作某一用途的布 clothes “衣服” 谓语动词用复数形式 clothing u

22、n 衣服的总称,服装,谓语动词用单数 I need several metres of _to make a dress. Clean the windows with a soft _. _are made from various kinds of _. The staff at the chemical plant wear protective _. Our _ protects us against the cold.,account n.帐户 open an account account for = explain 说明的原因、对作出解释 The bad weather in E

23、ngland accounts for Harrisons decision to leave the country. He could not account for his absence from school. No one could _ _ one box was _ heavy.,No one could _ _ the fact _one of the boxes was _ heavy.,It suddenly _ _ one of the workers to _ _the box. He was _ _ what he found. sth. occurred to s

24、b. 某人想起某事 open up 打开 open up boxes/gifts sb. be astonished at sth. 某事使/让某人吃惊,A man was _ in the box on _ of a _ of woollen goods. He was _ surprised at _ discovered _he did not even _to run away. Lie lay lain On top of “在顶上,在上面” ,其中on表示部位上的接触 The high hill has a tower on (the) top of it. At the top

25、of “在(房子、山等平面的)顶上”; “在(某事物)上部,(某事物)首位”。 Her name was at the top of the list. She is always at the top of the class.=always gets the highest grades.,After he was _, the man admitted _ in the box before the plane _ London. Admit doing sth Hide- hid-hidden 躲藏;把.藏起来;隐瞒 A hidden microphone Ill hide behin

26、d the door. I couldnt hide my disappointment. I think shes hiding some important information. There is a hidden meaning in this poem. Hide-and-seek,He _ _a long and _ trip, _ he had been _ to the wooden box for _ eighteen hours. be confined to 把限制起来 Last weekend, Toms mother confined him to his room

27、. over = more than,The man was _to _$3,500 for the _of the trip. The _ price of a ticket is $2,000! Order sb to do sth Pay 申请 ;attach(ed) to 附属于 ;attend to 处理;照顾 ;belong to 属于 ;challenge to 向提出挑战 ;compare to /with 比较 ;turn to 转向 ;condemn(ed) to 判刑 ; confess to 承认 confine to 限制 ;consent to 同意 ;conver

28、t to 改信(某宗教) ;entitle(d) to 使有权利 ;listen to 听 ;mention sth to sb 向提及,与 to, at, for和with连用的动词 object to 反对 ; occur to 想到 ; prefer to .更喜欢 ;react to /against 对反应 ;reply to 回答 ;respond to 响应 ;see to 注意 ;submit to 服从于 ; surrender to 向投降 ;yield to 屈服 I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers. Wil

29、l you see to this flower while Im away? To 带有“倾向”“方向”的意思,与 at 连用的动词: amused at/by 对 感到有趣 ;arrive at/in 到达 ;astonish (ed) at/ by 感到惊愕 ;exclaim at 惊叫/叹 ;glance at 看一眼 ;guess at 猜测 ;knock at 敲 ;look at 看 ;point at/to 指向 ;shock(ed) at / by 感到震惊 ;stare at 盯着看 ;surprise(d) at /by 感到惊讶 ;wonder at/about 感到惊

30、异 ;work at/on 钻研 at 用于表达感情的一些词之后,常用被动语态 He was astonished at what he found. Dan was both surprised and amused at the news. at 表达 “感情”,“原因”, “方向”,与for连用的动词: account for 说明(原因) ;ask for/of 请求 ;act for/on 代表 ;apologize for 因道歉 ;blame for 责备 ;beg for 乞求 ;call for 需要;去接 ;charge for 收费 ;exchange for 交换;ho

31、pe for 希望;look for 寻找 ;mistake for 误认为;mourn for 哀悼;pay for 为付款 ;prepare for 准备 ;provide for 提供 ;search for 寻求 ;thank for 感谢 ;vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on 等候 He searched for the stolen money. Can you account for his strange behavious? For 表达“目的” “请求” “原因”,与with连用的动词: agree with 同意 ;begin with 以开始;co

32、mmunicate with 与联络;finish with 完成 ;compare with/to 与比较;compete with/against 同竞争;comply with 服从;遵从;confuse with 误作;contrast with/to 形成对照;cope with 对付;correspond with 与一致;通信 disgust(ed) with 使讨厌;help with/ in 帮助,interfere with/in 干扰;mix with 混合;交往occupy(ied) with忙于;从事于;part with 放弃 ;please(d) with 对满意 ;quarrel with/about 争论 ;reason with 规劝 ;satisfy (fied) with/by 感到满足;threaten (ed) with 威胁 Im pleased with this room. Sam used to mix with those people. Well begin with the exercises. With 表示方式(以、用)、对象(联系/竞争、情感),Homework: 1. 单词抄3汉1 2.课文背诵& summary writing 3. 将P208上带to/at/for/with的短语抄一遍并注汉语,


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