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1、Lesson 10,/lk/ look 看,看,look at,/t:l/ tall 高的,/:t/ short 矮的,/In/ thin 瘦的,/ft/ fat 胖的,/hDt/ hot 热的,/kld/ cold 冷的,tall,short,fat,thin,cold,hot,总结单词,look,at,fet colb thim louk hat tali shory,fat,cold,look,hot,tall,short,thin,单词改错,看图片说单词,看图片说出反义词,Look at Tom.,He is fat.,Tom,Mary,Look at Mary.,She is thi

2、n.,Look at him.,He is cold.,Look at her.,She is hot.,Look at it.,It is very fat.,Look at me.,I am very thin.,Language point:,Look at,看,1.Look at +人名.,2.Look at + 人称代词宾格.,Look at me. Look at her.,2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,请选择,Look at,Tony,Look at Tony. He is hot.,+2,Look at,Look at her. She is thin.,+3,啊哦,这个没有

3、题噢! 不能加分了!,Look at(变四句),Look at him. He is tall. Is he tall? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. He isnt tall.,+5,Look at him. He is fat. Is he fat? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.,+5,He isnt fat.,Look at(变四句),Sophie,Look at her. She is short. Is she short? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. She isnt short.,+5,Look at(变四句),哇

4、塞,你们简直是太 太太幸运了,不用答题还能得分!,+2,啊哦,真是太太太不幸了,这个不仅没有题,而且没有分!,0,I,me,my,we,us,our,you,you,your,you,you,your,he,him,his,she,her,her,it,it,its,they,them,their,Yes, it is/ I am. She is French. He is German. I am a new student/ a keyboard operator/ an engineer. Are you French? What nationality are you? Im Ital

5、ian. Are you a teacher? No, Im not. How are you today? Im very well/fine. Hes fine, thanks. Shes very well, too.,找一找 主格人称代词吧!,1)位置: 句首;动词前 2)功能: 动作的发出者, 句子的主角,Excuse me! Thank you very much. Is this it? Nice to meet/see you. Look at me/him/her/them/it.,找一找 宾格人称代词吧!,1)位置: 句中; 动词介词后 2)功能: 动作的接受者,Is th

6、is your handbag? My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Heres your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Is this your umbrella? My names Robert/ Sophie. Whats your job?,找一找 形容词性物主代词吧!,1)位置: 句首或句子 名词前 2)功能: 的,I,me,my,we,us,our,you,you,your,you,you,your,he,him,his,she,her,her,it,it,its,they,them,their,


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