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1、Review 故事 发生 黑暗的 手电筒 声音 鹦鹉 进入 贼 我的一个朋友 爬进 打开手电筒 尽快逃跑 下楼 回去睡觉 这是一年前发生在我的一个朋友身上的故事。 当我的朋友乔治在床上看书时,两个小偷爬进了 他的厨房。 他们进到屋里后,走进了饭厅。饭厅很暗,于是 他们打开了手电筒。 突然他们听到身后有声音。小偷扔下了手电筒 ,飞快地逃走了。 乔治听到了响声,迅速地下了楼。 他开了灯,但不见一个人。小偷逃走了。 但时乔治的鹦鹉亨利仍在那里。 Lesson 121 The man in a hat 单词学习 customer n. 顾客 forget v. 忘记 manager n. 经理 ser

2、ve v. 照应,服务,接待 counter n. 柜台 recognize v. 认出 customer n. 顾客(买东西的顾客) client 银行,律师等的客户 guest 旅馆的旅客 passenger 乘客 a regular customer 老顾客 顾客至上。 The customer is always right. -forget v. 1) 忘记 我忘了他的电话号码。 I forget his telephone number. forget doing 忘记曾做过 我永远忘不了在纽约见到他。 Ill never forget seeing him in New York

3、. forget to do 忘记去做 别忘了打电话给我。 Dont forget to call me. 她忘了寄信 She forgot to mail the letter. 2) 忘记事 -I forgot my umbrella. 我忘了带伞。 他将伞忘在火车上。 He forgot his umbrella on the train, = He left his umbrella on the train. manager n. 经理 销售经理 sales manager 总经理 General Manager 他是我们的经理 He is our manager. manage v

4、. 管理 经营公司 manage a company serve v. 照应,服务,接待 一位年轻的侍者侍候他们进餐 A young waitor served them. serve sb right (口语) 给某人应得的报应(惩罚) 他活该 Serve him right.= It serves him right! service n. 那家餐馆的服务很差。 The service in that restaurant is poor. a charge for service 服务费 counter n. 柜台 在珠宝部 at the jewelry counter 付帐柜台 che

5、ckout counter recognize v. 1) 认出 你能认出他的笔迹吗? Do you recognize his handwriting? 2)承认(事实),认清,确认 我们都肯定她在舞蹈方面有才华。 We all recognized her talent for dancing. 他不承认自己犯下了大错。 He didnt recognize that he had made a big mistake. 定语从句 定义:在复合句中修饰名词和代词的从句 叫做定语从句。 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词是先行词。 定语从句必须放在先行词之后。 The student who ans

6、wered the question was peter. 回答问题的那个学生叫Peter. 用作关联词的关系代词有who, whom, whose, that, which 等。 A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤儿。 我想要一个有大窗户的房间。 Id like a room whose window is big. 用铅笔写的信很难读 A letter that is written in pencil is difficult to read. Listen and answer Why didnt

7、 Caroline recognize the customer straight away? CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me. MANAGER: Who served you, sir? CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing behind the counter. MANAGER: Which books did you buy? CUSTOMER: The books which are

8、 on the counter. MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline? He says hes the man who bought these books. CUSTOMER: I cant remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat. MANAGER: Have you got a hat, sir? CUSTOMER: Yes, I have. MANAGER: Would you put it on, please? CUSTOMER: A

9、ll right. MANAGER: Is this the man that you served, Caroline? CUSTOMER: Yes. I recognize him now. 顾:半小时以前我在这里买了两本很贵的辞典,但是我忘了拿走 。 经:是谁接待您的,先生? 顾:站在柜台后面的那位女士。 经:您买的是两本什么书? 顾:就是柜台上的那两本。 经:卡罗琳,半小时前你接待过这位先生吗? 他说他就是买这两本书的人。 卡:我记不起来了。我接待的那个人戴着 一顶帽子。 经:先生,您有帽子吗? 顾:有的,我有帽子。 经:请您把帽子戴上好吗? 顾:好吧。 经:卡罗琳, 这就是你接待过的

10、那个人吗? 卡:是他。我现在认出他来了。 课文讲解 I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me. half an hour ago 半小时之前(用在过去时当中) hour 是以元音音素开头字母,前面的不定冠词用 “an” forget to do 表示忘记去做某事 昨天我忘记了要给你打电话。 I forgot to call you yesterday. 下次别忘了把你的书带来。 Dont forget to bring your book here n

11、ext time. take sth with sb 把某物带走 我去那个村庄的时候我随身带了一些药。 I took some medicine with me when I went to the village. take sb sth = take sth to sb 把某物拿去给某人 我将给我在北京的朋友们带一些礼物。 Ill take some presents to my friends in Beijing. = Ill take my friends in Beijing some presents. bring sth with sb 把某物带来 如果你下次再不把书带来,我就

12、给你父亲 打电话。 Peter, if you dont bring your book with you next time, Ill call your father. Peter, bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 谢谢你给我带来你的照片。 Thank you for bring me your pictures. Who served you, sir? The lady who is standing behind the counter. served是serve的过去式,“服务” 我会全心全意为人民服务的。 Ill serve the

13、people with heart and soul. 这不喜欢站在门口的那个男人。 I dont like that man who is standing by the gate. Which books did you buy? which 指在一定范围内的哪个(些) which 既可用来指人,又可用来指物 Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline? He says hes the man who bought these books. I cant remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat. wear 穿(表示状态) put on 穿上(强调动作) Have you got a hat, sir? Yes, I have. Would you put it on, please? All right. Would you? 请你好吗? Is this the man that you served. Caroline? Yes, I recognize him now.


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