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1、Lesson 53 Hot snake,A True Story,A bear went out of the zoo to search his child. Surrounded by so many people , he climbed the electrical pole out of panic(惊慌).,When he reached the top of the pole, he didnt know whtat to do.,He decided to get down, but unfortunately, he was killed for touching the w

2、ire.,Finally, he fallen from the pole and passed away.,What will happen when a snake meet an eagle which is right around a pole and electical wire ?,What will happen when a snake meet an eagle, right around the wire ?,They caues a fire.,【New words and expressions】(13) hot adj. 带电的,充电的 fireman n. 消防队

3、员 cause v. 引起; n. 原因 examine v. 检查 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 remains n. 尸体,残骸 wire n. 电线 volt n. 伏特(电压单位) power line 电力线 solve v. 解决 mystery n. 谜(无法接受地, 解释不了的) snatch v. 抓住 spark n. 电火花,1.hot adj. 带电的, 充电的 hot adj. 热的;新鲜的;棘手的;带电的, 充电的 hot-hot-hot 麻辣烫; hot-wings 辣鸡翅;hot dog 热狗 hot-tempered 火暴(脾气)的 (t

4、emper n. 脾气) hot line 热线; hot topic 热门话题 It sells like a hot cake/cakes. 表示一个东西的畅销, 热销,best seller 畅销的东西 hot potato 棘手的问题 hot news 最热点的新闻 2.fireman n. 消防队员 hydrant n. hadrnt消防栓, 消防龙头 fire extinguisher kstgw 灭火器 (extinguisher n. 熄灭者, 灭火器) extinguishput out 灭火,cause v. examined(1. 4); were not able to

5、find(1. 5); did not start(1. 6); discovered (1. 7); noticed(1.8); was wound(1. 8); was able to s olve(1. 9);dropped(1. 10); wound(1.11); it did so(1. 11); sent(1. 11); started (1. 11) What has happened: have put out(1. 1) What has been happening: have been trying to find(1. 2),C Jack looked at his w

6、atch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jill arrived. Ive been waiting for over an hour, he said angrily. You never come on time. Oh, is that so?Jill answered. Were you here at 2. 30? Jack went red. Well, he said, I got here five minutes late myself, but you werent here. I came here at exactly 2. 30,

7、Jill said, and I waited for five minutes, but you didnt come. What have you been doing since then? Jack asked. Ive just been to the hairdressers,Jill answered brightly.,c 根据课文第二行 they have been trying to find out how the fire began 可以判断出只有c. wanted to find out what had caused the fire 最能说明消防队员仔细查看地面

8、的原因,其他3个选择都不够全面。,2. d 根据课文第10-12行A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires When it I did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire 可以判断只有d. a snake which had been dropped on to the wires by a bird 与课文的实际内容相符,只有它是引起火灾的原因,其他3个

9、选择都不符合课文的实际内容。,3. a 只有a. since最合乎题目意思和语法。因为本句是现在完成进行时,只有since引导的时间短语最适合于完成进行时态,表示“自从以来”,所以应该选a.其他3个选择都不能引导合适的时间短语。,4. c 本句表示时间的词是often, 表示经常性的动作,因此应该用一般现在时。 a. is causing 是进行时,b. has caused 是完成时,d. is caused by 是现在时被动语态,而本句需要主动语态。 只有c. causes 是一般现在时,第3人称单数形式,本句的主语Broken glass 是单数,所以c.最符合语法,所以选c.,5.

10、c a. almost certain(几乎肯定), b. fairly certain(相当肯定),c. completely certain(完全肯定), d. nearly certain(几乎肯定)4个选择中只有c. 同前一句中的quite sure(十分确信)意义最接近,所以选c.,6. c 只有c. succeeded in solving it (成功解决了它)同前一句中的 was able to solve the mystery (解开了这个谜)的含义相同,所以c.是正确答案。 其他3个选择都与前一句意思不符。,7. d 只有d. on是对的,因为它后面的词是the grou

11、nd,表示在地面上,只能用介词on.其他3个选择都不符合题目意思. The snake had been on the ground.这条蛇在地面上。 注意本句说的是在蛇被抓起之前,它在哪?它在地面上。,8. c a. controlled it (控制了它);b. checked it (制止了它); c. extinguished it (扑灭了它);d. turned it off (关掉,关上它),只有c. extinguished it 与前面一句中的 put out the fire (把火扑灭) 意义相同,所以选c.,9. d 只有d. this morning 今天早上, 是正

12、确的表达方式.其它3个选择都不符合习惯用法,都不是正确的表达方式.所以选d.,10. a a. by chance (偶然),b. chancily (没有这个词);c. fortunately (幸运地) 和d. luckily (侥幸地,幸运地)这4个选择中只有a. by chance 同前一句中的accidentally (偶然地)意义相同,所以选a.,11. c 前一句的短语In this way 是用这种方法,本句需要选一个同这一短语含义相符合的短语. a. Thats so 就是如此 b. like this 像这样 d. so 因此, 这3个选择都不符合题目意思. 只有c. Thats how(那就是.的方法)同In this way 的含义相符合,因为how 相当于the way in which ,所以选c.,12. c a. taken(拿), b. pulled(拉,拖), c. seized(抓住)和d. carried(携带)4个选择中只有c. seized同前一句的snatched(抓住)意义相同,所以选c.,Bye bye !See you next time!,


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