新概念第一册 lesson 43-44.ppt

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1、趣味英语 知识竞赛,比赛规则,下面有五套选择题,每组选择任意一套,派选一名代表回答,组内亲友团可以给建议。 答对一题加10分,答错扣10分 每题限时30秒,1,3,2,4,5,1,1. What three letters turn a girl into a woman? A.SUN B. DAB C. EYE D.AGE,D,2. ItsGreektome是指: A. 我是希腊人 B. 我会说希腊语 C. 我不知道 D. 我听不清你的话,C,3.Whats that? Thats a lily. I like it very much. 提问:lily 指的是? A. girls name

2、 B. flower C. picture D. cup,B 百合花,4. A _ is a young dog. (选择合适的称谓) A. puppy B. lamb C. chick D. kitten,A,5.I dont like Mr Chan. He is an old woman.指的是: A.老太婆 B.喜欢啰嗦的人 C.没妻子的老头 D.女人气的男人,B,2,1.hell cat指的是() A 好发脾气的猫 B 泼妇,巫婆 C 冷酷的人 D 阴险的人,B,2.What letter can fly? Its the letter . a) A b) B c) T d) U,B

3、(B与bee同音,意为蜜蜂),3. What is the apple of ones eye(指的是)? A掌上明珠 B 眼球 C 瞳孔 D 苹果,A,4. “Woof! Woof!” Its a sound of() a) cow b) dog c) duck d) cat,B,5.We have _ in Spring Festival. a) Lantern Festival b) Childrens Day c) Dragon Boat Festival d) Summer Holidays,A,3,1. What letter is on your face? Its letter

4、 . a) A b) O c) I d) U,C(I与eye同音),2. He is a green hand.指的是: a) 有经验的人 b) 绿手 c) 没经验的人 d) 老手,C,3. He is the black sheep(指的是) of the family. a) 害群之马 b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马 d) 领头羊,A,4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B.two C.three D.four,C,5. I dont li

5、ke going afterthe dog.(指的是) A 背后议人 B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面,A,4,1.We dont want it. Its “a white elephant.” What is it? A.一件无用而累赘的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱,A,2.Whats the meaning for “talk big”? A.吹牛 B.说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大,A,3.Mars指的是: A金星 B水星 C火星 D木星,C,4. He is a fat cat 是指: A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰,

6、B,5. know that from A to Z. (指的是) A.从A到Z B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远,B(俚语习惯用法),5,1.You can play with Bill. He is notin the same class. (指的是) A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手,D,2. China rose 指的是? A中国玫瑰 B中国荷花 C中国月季 D中国向日葵,C,3.小偷最怕哪三个字母? A .SOS B. PLC C.VIP D.ICU,D( I see you),4.有一种草叫“勿忘我”,许多文人常用它来描述相思和痴情。据说,人们

7、只要将它带在身上,恋人就会将自己铭记于心、永志不忘。这种草的英语名字叫? A. Dont forget me B. forget-me-not C. no-forgetting grass D. not-forget-me,B,5.英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说成? A. red tea B. white tea C. black tea D. green tea,C,Words Review,cheese,bread,soap,chocolate,sugar,coffee,tea,tobacco,loaf,bar,pound,half,quarter,cert

8、ainly,certainly,soup,piece,Phonetic Review,/bred/,/SHGE/,/tEbZkEH/,/kFfI/,/bB:d/,/sVm/,/kwC:tE/,/hA:f/,/paHnd/,/sEHp/,/tSFklIt/,/ti:/,/mIlk/,/sB:tnlI/,/tIn/,/hevI/,Word dictation,表示数量的短语有:,一个,a loaf of,一条,a bar of,一瓶,a bottle of,一磅,a pound of,半磅,half a pound of,四分之一,a quarter of,一听,a tin of,一块,a pie

9、ce of,Fill in the blanks,a loaf of a piece of_ a bar of_ a bottle of _ a pound of _ half a pound of_ a quarter of a pound of_,课文背诵,Warm up: 测谎仪游戏 纸上有单词,拿纸条的同学用there be 句型说句子,可以是真的,也可以是假的。 其他同学判断真假,如果觉得没有这个单词 可以喊:stop,判断正确的得分。,There is some.,There are some.,规则:全体起立,老师说单词,学生说句子 eg. chocolate-Is there

10、any chocolate? books-Are there any books? 老师说yes时,同学们站着。 老师说no时,同学们坐下。,tea,kettles,water,teaport,cupboards,cup,box,building,tables,some bread,T:Is there any bread here? Ss: Yes, there is some bread on the table.,some hammers,some milk,some soap,some newspapers,some water,some tea,some cups,some choc

11、olate,some teapots,some cars,some coffee,Page88 B,some spoons,What can you see?,I can see.,some hammers,I can see some glasses, but I cant see any (knife),knives,I can see some buses, but I cant see any (bike),bikes,P88 A,How to make the tea?,tea,kettle,teapot,tea cups,The kettle is boiling!,put the

12、 kettle on the gas cooker,wait ten minutes,step1,step2,step3,put the tea into the teapot,pour the water into the teapot,pour the tea into the cup,step4,step5,step6,OK,Lesson43 Hurry up!,1. Where are they? 2. Guess, what does the woman want the man to do?,Listen and answer,1. Is there any water in th

13、is kettle? 2. Wheres the teapot? 3. Where are the cups?,Hurry up!,PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam? SAM:Yes, of course I can, Penny. Is there any water in this kettle?PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM:Wheres the tea?PENNY: Its over there, behind the teapot. Can you see it? SAM:I can see the teapot, but I ca

14、nt see the tea.PENNY: There it is! Its in front of you! SAM:Ah yes, I can see it now. Where are the cups?PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. Can you find them? SAM:Yes. Here they are.PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettles boiling!,Penny: Can you_the tea, Sam. Sam: Yes, of course I_ , Penny,make,can,Wh

15、o can make the tea?,make the tea 沏茶,tea 茶叶,茶树,茶水 ,茶点,tea table,teahouse,teaegg,茶几,茶馆,茶叶蛋,make the coffee,make,煮咖啡,整理床铺,make the bed,make the bookcase,做书柜,Is there any water in the kettle?,Sam: Is there water in this kettle? Penny: Yes, .,any,there is,Wheres the tea?,Sam: Wheres the tea? Penny: Its ,

16、 behind the .,over there,teapot,What can Sam see?,Penny: Can you_it. Sam: I can see the , but I see the .,see,teapot,cant,tea,Can Sam see the tea?,Penny: There_. Its of you. Sam: Ah Yes, I can it now.,it is,in front,see,Where are the cups?,Sam: where _ the cups? Penny: There are in the cupboard.,are

17、,some,Can Sam find the cups?,Penny: Can you_them. Sam: Yes, Here are.,find,they,look for 寻找的过程find 寻找的结果,我正在找我的眼镜,但是我找不到。 I am _my glasses.But I cant _ them. I can help you to_in the end.,looking for,find,find,How is the kettle?,Penny: , Sam! The kettles .,Hurry up,boiling,watch the video,Hurry up!,

18、PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam? SAM:Yes, of course I can, Penny. Is there any water in this kettle?PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM:Wheres the tea?PENNY: Its over there, behind the teapot. Can you see it? SAM:I can see the teapot, but I cant see the tea.PENNY: There it is! Its in front of you! SAM:Ah yes

19、, I can see it now. Where are the cups?PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. Can you find them? SAM:Yes. Here they are.PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettles boiling!,找出带can的句子,情态动词can(一),情态动词can有一定的词义,但不能独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。 情态动词can没有人称和数的变化。,1.表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。 I can speak Chinese.我会讲汉语。 2.表示“可能”

20、,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。 He cant be in the classroom. 他不可能在教室里。 3.表示“可以”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。 Can I have a cup of tea, please?请问我可以喝一杯茶吗?,can在口语中可以代替may,表示许可或可以。 情态动词can的过去式could,用于现在时,可使语气更委婉、更客气。 例如:Could you help me with my English?你能帮助我学习英语吗?,情态动词can的基本句型:1.肯定句型为: They can play basketball. She can danc

21、e. You can go to watch TV. 2.否定句型为: You cannot pass the ball like this. 你不能像这样传球。I cant ride a motorbike. 我不会骑摩托车。,1.肯定句型为: 主语+can+动词原形+其它。 2.否定句型为: 主语+can not(cant/cannot)+动词原形+其它。表示“某人不能(不会。不可能)做”。 其中cant是can not的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。,Mr. Thin was very poor, _ he was very happy. A.and B.but C.could D.c

22、an May I talk in class? No, you _. A.dont B.neednt C.mustnt D.may Can I have _ meat? Sorry, you cant. There isnt _. A.some/some B.some/any C.any/some D.any/any,I can see some glasses, but I cant see any cups.,I can see some apples, but I cant see any bananas.,I cant sing.,She cant jump.,We cant touch.,六,


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