新概念第一册Lesson 45&46.ppt

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1、Lesson 45 The bosss letter,Sharon,Everyday English:,1. You are amazing! 你太棒了! 2. You rule! 你太牛了! 3. I gotta leave/go! 我得走了 gotta t 1.美俚必须; = got to,New words and expressions,can modal verb 能够 boss n. 老板,上司 minute n. 分(钟) ask v.请求,要求 handwritingn. 书写 terribleadj. 糟糕的,可怕的 (注意红色字体字母的发音!), can 能够 e.g.:

2、Can you make the tea? e.g.: Can you be my girlfriend? 过去式could, 表请求时,语气更委婉些 e.g.: Could you help me, please?, boss n. 老板,上司 bosss 老板的 e.g.: He is my boss.他是我的老板。 You are the boss! 扩展:boss+y= bossy 好发号施令的,专横的 e.g.: She is so bossy! she is stingystndi: , narrow- minded andbossy.她小气,心胸狭窄,又拔扈。 be nice t

3、o sb. 对某人很好 e.g.: Our boss is nice to us. 我们老板对我们很好。,Your boss is your boss just because he (she ) has a larger vocabulary than you have . (你老板的词汇量比你的词汇量大。这是他为什么会成为你老板的一个重要原因。),minute n. 分(钟),a minute/ one minute 一分钟;一会儿 minute 可数 复数缩写mins 时间单位:century decade year, season,month, week,day, hour, minu

4、te, second daily seckilling 形容时间短 e.g.: Ill be back in a minute. e.g.: Ill be back in no time! 相似表达: a moment mumnt 片刻 e.g.: Wait a moment, please!请稍等一下。 e.g.: Just a moment! 就一会儿。, ask /:sk/ (英) /sk/(美) (1) 问 ask sb sth 问某人 ask me a question Can I ask you a question? 问我一个问题 If you have any question

5、s, please ask me now. ask him the way 向他问路,(2) 要求,请求 ask sb to do 要求某人做 ask sb not to do 要求某人不要做 I ask him to do that. ask for sth 请求,要求某样东西 Can I ask for some food? She is asking for our help! You asked for it你自找的。 ask sb for sth 向某人要 ask me for some help, handwriting 书写 hand(手)+ writing(写) 拓展:call

6、igraphy klirfi 书法 very clear handwriting 非常清晰的字迹 His handwriting is bad. 他的字迹潦草。,terrible adj. 糟糕的,可怕的 (1)糟糕的 1)-How are you today? -Terrible! 2)-How do you like the movie? 你觉得那部电影如何? -Its terrible! How do you like + sth 你觉得如何?,(2)可怕的 She is a terrible woman. terrible weather 糟糕的天气 terrible traffic

7、糟糕的交通 terrible accident 严重的事故 adj. 极度的;非常严重的 Ive got a terrible headache. adj. 糟透的(口语);很蹩脚的 She is terrible at maths. 她的数学很蹩脚。 He is good at maths. 他擅长数学。,Its a terrible day! 可以指心情,天气,相貌,味道等 I feel terrible! Oh, my god! She looks terrible! The Japanese food is terrible! The movie is terrible! horrib

8、le hrbl adj. 恐怕的,毛骨悚然的,terribly adv. =very badly,adv. 很糟糕 I am terribly sorry. 我很抱歉。,Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions. Q1.Where is Pamela ? Q2.Who are talking? Q3.Can Pamela type the letter for her boss ? Why?,Lesson 45 The bosss letter老板的信,THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute pleas

9、e, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS:Wheres Pamela? BOB: Shes next door. Shes in her office, sir. THE BOSS:Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. Bob! BO

10、B: Yes? Whats the matter? PAMELA: I cant type this letter. I cant read it! The bosss handwriting is terrible!,Notes on the text,1. The bosss letter bosss 老板的(注意读音) s的名词所有格: 表所有关系 名 + s “的”,todays newspaper 今天的报纸 Natashas Mr. Right Natasha的白马王子 Marys toy 玛丽的玩具 Mens room 男厕 Womens room 女厕,书写规则: (1)单数名

11、词+“s”,若复数名词词尾无“s”,也+ “s”。 例: childrens day (2)若名词有复数词尾又是s, 只加“ ”。 the students teacher the workers boss,(3)复合名词,“s”加在最后。 my mother-in-laws home 我岳母/婆婆的家 father-in-law 岳父,公公 mother-in-law婆婆;岳母 sister-in-law小姑;大姑;小姨子;大姨子 嫂嫂;弟媳 妯娌;丈夫的嫂子;丈夫的弟媳 brother-in-law内兄,内弟;大伯,小叔 姐夫,妹夫连襟;丈夫的姐夫,丈夫的妹夫 son-in-law女婿 养

12、子 daughter-in-law 儿媳,2. Can you come here a minute please, Bob? can-cannot (can的否定形式)-cant(cannot的缩写)-can not(可以不) can-could(过去式) 翻译: 1. 我能跑得很快。 2. 你明天能回个电话吗? 3. 他们会说法语。 4. 我能够做到。 5. 我现在可以回家了吗? 6. 他不能回答老师的问题。,翻译:,1. 我能呢个跑得很快。I can run fast. 2. 你明天能回个电话吗?Can you call back tomorrow? 3. 他们会说法语。 They ca

13、n speak French. 4. 我能够做到。I can do that. 5. 我现在可以回家了吗? Can I go home now? 6. 他不能回答老师的问题。He couldnt answer the teachers question.,cannot/cant-can not(可以不),cannot是“不可以”,而can not是“可以不”。例: I cannot believe this! (我无法相信!等于I cant believe this!) I can not believe this! (我可以不相信!也就是说,I can believe this, or I

14、can not believe this。我并不一定要相信,我可以选择不相信。),can 罐头,a beer can 罐装啤酒 a can of peaches 一罐桃 a can opener 开罐器 canned fruit 罐装水果,Are there any errors in the following sentences? 1.He can sitting there. sit 2. She can types the letter. type 3. Can you help me? 没错!,4. It cans eat grass. can 5. They can not wor

15、k. cannot/cant 6. Can She turn off the light? she,2. Can you come here a minute please, Bob? a minute 虚指,“一会儿”。 Hold on a minute.请别忙挂断电话。 Wait (for) a minute. 等一会。 hang up 挂断电话,When you are chatting online with your friends, the telephone rings. If you have to leave for a while but will come back so

16、on, you can say:1. Be back in a minute/bit. 我很快回来2. Hang/hold on. 等一下3. Dont go away. 别走开哦4. Away from keyboard. 暂时离开(键盘)When you come back, you can say, Back at keyboard (回来了). If you have to log out (especially when youre chatting on QQ or MSN), you can say:1. Keep in touch. 保持联系。2. Nice talking t

17、o you. 与你谈话很愉快。 3. Talk to you later / See you later 以后再聊。,A clock usually has three hands-the hour hand, the minute hand and the second hand. 时钟通常有三个指针:时针、分针和秒针。 The hour hand of the clock points to ? . 时针指向几点? a quarter 一刻钟 9:45 ?,3. Yes, sir? “Yes”的用法解析: (1)肯定答复:是;好 例: -Can you help me? -Yes, I c

18、an.,(2)回应他人呼唤。 A: Tom! B: Yes, I am here.,(3)表反问或希望对方进一步讲述(升调):什么事?然后呢? 例: -Winsome! -Yes? 什么事?,分析文中的yes的用法: Yes, sir? (3) Yes, sir. (1) Yes, of course I can. (1) Yes? (3),4. Shes next door. next door 隔壁 next one 下一个 next page 下一页 the next day第二天 形容词 adj. 1.紧邻的,贴近的He rose to fetch a chair from thene

19、xtroom.他立起身来去隔壁房间搬一张椅子。 2.紧接在后的;接下去的;下一班的Is he coming this weekend ornextweekend?他这个周末来还是下个周末来? 副词adv.1.接下去,然后What happenednext?然后发生了什么事情?,5. Shes in her office, sir. OL = office lady 白领丽人 SOHO=Small Office Home Office家居办公 SOHO也可以是Super Office (and) Human Office,即超级的办公室、人性化的办公室。 SOHO是一种新经济、新概念,指自由、弹

20、性而新型的生活和工作方式。SOHO专指能够按照自己的兴趣和爱好自由选择工作,不受时间和地点制约、不受发展空间限制的白领一族。,6. Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. 介词for: “为,给,替”。 我做任何事情都是为了你。 I do everything for you.,句型?,祈使句,7. Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? Yes, of course I can. of course 当然 加强语气 例: -Are you Jim? -Yes, of

21、course I am.,8. Bob! Yes? Whats the matter? I cant type this letter.,Whats the matter? 怎么了? Whats the matter with sb? 怎么了? 她怎么了? Whats the matter with her? 你怎么搞的? Whats wrong with you?,9. The bosss handwriting is terrible!,老板的书写太糟糕了! 名词n. 1.书写;手写 2.笔迹;笔法Is that signature in yourhandwriting?那个签名是你的笔迹

22、吗? 3.【古】手抄文件,手稿 sign neat homework; neathandwriting. 整洁的家庭作业;工整的书法。,It is a love letter for you, my dear. My handwriting is very good.,Wang Xizhis handwriting is good.,My handwriting is terrible.,Lesson 46 Can you ?,New words and expressions,lift v. 拿起,搬起,举起 cake n. 饼,蛋糕 biscuit biskitn. 饼干,lift v.

23、拿起,搬起,举起,过去式:lifted (1) v.举起;提;抬; lift sth 我可以举起它。 I can lift it. Can you lift the box onto the shelf? 你能不能把这个箱子搬到架子上? The elderly lady lifted her eyes from the book. 那位年长的女士从书本上抬起眼睛。,(2) n.抬,举 weight lift 举重 (重物) (3) n. 电梯(直上直下式) 升降机;起重机;千斤顶 lift 电梯 (BE),lift,货物升降机cargo lift,elevator 电梯(AE),take an

24、elevator 乘电梯,escalator eskleit n. 手扶电梯,滚梯,自动扶梯,a passenger or cargoelevator 电梯载客或载货电梯 Is there anelevator? 有电梯吗? Theelevator broke down. 电梯出毛病了 Thelift is not working. 电梯坏了。 The elevators out again. 电梯又坏了。 Many department stores have bothelevatorsand escalators.许多百货公司既有电梯又有自动扶梯。, cake 蛋糕 birthday ca

25、ke 生日蛋糕 make a birthday cake 做一个生日蛋糕 cheese cake芝士蛋糕 a piece of cake一块蛋糕 Do you want any cake? 你想要些蛋糕吗? No, I dont. 不,我不想要。,习语: a piece of cake =very easy 小菜一碟 、像吃一块蛋糕一样简单、 轻而易举、 轻松的事、小事一桩、 不费吹灰之力 -How is your exam(考试)? -It is a piece of cake for me. How was the test? (你考试考得怎么样?) Itsapieceof cake.小菜

26、一碟。, biscuit 泛指饼干 复数 biscuits cookie 饼干(多为甜的)复数cookies 1.曲奇饼干2.精明强干的人(尤指男人) Give me some biscuits. 给我一些饼干。 I dont want any biscuits. 我不想要饼干。,Exercise A,Examples: He is taking his book. He can take his book. She is putting on her coat. She can put on her coat.,Exercise A,提示: can 是情态动词,其后要用动词原形。,Exerc

27、ise A,1. They can type these letters. 2. She can make the bed. 3. You can swim across the river. 4. We can come now. 5. We can run across the park. 6. He can sit on the grass. 7. I can give him some chocolate.,Exercise B,Examples: Can you put on your coat? Yes, I can. What can you do? I can put on m

28、y coat. Can you and Sam listen to the radio? Yes, we can. What can you and Sam do? We can listen to the radio.,can的特殊疑问句 What can + 主语 + “动原” ?,Exercise B,1. Yes, I can. What can you do? I can type this letter. 2. Yes, she can. What can she do? She can wait for the bus.,3. Yes, they can. What can th

29、ey do? They can wash the dishes. 4. Yes, he can. What can he do? He can take these flowers to her.,5. Yes, it can. What can it do? It can drink its milk. 6. Yes, we can. What can you and Sam do? We can paint this bookcase.,7. Yes, I can. What can you do? I can see that aeroplane. 8. Yes, she can. What can she do? She can read this book.,Assignments: 1. 复习情态动词can的用法,掌握名词所有格s的用法并完成30个选择题; 2.听写并背诵第45课课文; 3.完成练习册第45课、第46课;,


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