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1、Lesson 33 A day to remember,prelude n. 序幕,前奏 prelude与介词to搭配表示“的前奏” For him, reading was a necessary prelude to sleep. 对他来说,阅读是入睡的必要前奏。 introduction n. 导言,绪论 (连to) introduction to the book prefaceprfsn. 序,前言 (连to) .the preface to Kelmans novel. 凯尔曼小说的前言。 foreword frwdn. 序 (连to) She has written the fo

2、reword to a book of recipes.她为一本食谱写了前言。,unforeseen a. 意料之外的,foresee v. 预见,预知 (过去式 foresaw 过去分词 foreseen 现在分词 foreseeing ) foresee = see beforehand / in advance -I foresee a bright future for you. foreseeable a. 可预见的 foretell v. (普通用词)预言 predict v. 预言,预示(语气比foretell强 ) He predicts that it would happe

3、n in ten years. forecast v. 预测,预报 Timely snow foretells bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。 weather forecast,series n. 系列,series 单复数同形 常见搭配 a series of Weve got a series of good harvest. 我们取得了一连串的大丰收。 chain n. 连串,连锁 a chain of 一系列 a chain of reaction=a series of reaction chain store 连锁店 chain reaction 连锁反应 chain

4、 smoker 吸烟很严重的人,succession 侧重指时间的顺序,强调时间的连续没有间隔开 a succession of failures 一系列的失败 Weve got a succession of successes. 我们取得了一次又一次的成功 string 连续不断相似的事件 a string of cars 一连串的汽车 train 一个接一个发生的事 a train of thoughts /ideas 一个个的想法,catastrophe n. 大祸,灾难,强调严重,波及范围广的灾难 worldwide catastrophe 世界范围的灾难 national cata

5、strophe 波及全国的灾难 disaster n. 灾难,不幸 (比catastrophe 弱) calamity klmt n.灾害,不幸事件 naturalcalamity自然灾害 He described drugs as the greatest calamity of the age. 他形容毒品是这个时代最大的灾难。,panic n. 惊慌,恐慌,panic = uncontrollable quickly spreading fear or terror get into a panic 陷入惊慌之中 He suddenly got into a panic and stop

6、ped his car. be seized with panic 惊慌失措 terror n. 惊骇 horror n. 恐惧 fright n. 害怕 alarm n. 惊恐,stray a. 迷失的,ADJAstraydog or cat has wandered away from its owners home. 走失的 (狗或猫) 例:A stray dog came up to him. 一只走失的狗来到他跟前。 Inawaywearestraylambs,fortoerr ishuman. Soweconstantly need guidance in ourlives. V-

7、IIf someonestrayssomewhere, they wander away from where they are supposed to be. 走失 例:Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas. 旅游者们经常迷路走进一些危险区域。,confusion n. 混乱,confusion = condition that is out of order in order 秩序井然 out of order 混乱 in confusion 乱七八糟 fall into confusion 陷入混乱状态 Confuc

8、ianism knfj,nzm n. 孔子学说 Confucius knfju:js Institute,devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃,有三种意思: 1. eat greedily 狼吞虎咽 The dog devours the cake. 2. destroy completely 吞灭,席卷 The flame devours the whole building. 火把整幢楼都吞没了 3. take in eagerly with eyes, ears, or mind 贪婪地看、听、想 His eyes devoured the scene. 他两眼贪婪地看着这美丽的风景。,We

9、 have all experienced days when everything goes wrong .,译文:我们都曾经历过诸事不利的日子。 when 引导的定语从句修饰days Every dog has its day. 人都有得意之时。,A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.,我们大家都有过事事不顺心的日子。一天开始时,可能还不错,但突然间似乎一切都失去了控制。 get out of control = uncontrollable = beyond sb

10、control 失控 under control have control of/over be in control of /take the control of /lose the control of = everything seems to be uncontrollable / beyond control,What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to(decide to do deliberately ) go wrong at precisely the same moment.,情况经常

11、是这样的,许许多多的事情都偏偏赶在同一时刻出问题。 invariably = always 由what引导的主语从句。 What happened yesterday was that he couldnt deal with the hot potato. 昨天发生的事就是他没能应付这个棘手的人。 precisely = exactly,It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions.,好像是一件无关紧要的小事引起了一连串的连锁反应。 a chain of reactions = a series of r

12、eactions it is as if 似乎看起来 it seems as if 似乎看起来 it looks as if 似乎看起来 set up = cause 引起,导致,造成 What set up the accident / trouble? set up(= create) 创立,建立 set up a world record 创立一个世界纪录,Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and

13、 this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes.,假设你在做饭,同时又在照看孩子。这时电话铃响了。它预示着一连串意想不到的灾难的来临。 keep an eye on = look after = take care of Please keep an eye on my house while I am out. look sb. in the eyes 两眼直视某人 Dont look me in the eyes. 不要直直地盯着我看。 turn a blind eye to sth. 对视而不见 He eve

14、n turns a blind eye to me.,While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the table-cloth off the table, smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process.,就在你接电话时,孩子把桌布从桌子上扯下来,将家中最好的陶瓷餐具半数摔碎,同时也弄伤了他自己。 on the phone = answer the phone pull off 拉下来 pick off 取下来 knock off 碰落下来 in the pro

15、cess 在这个过程中,You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc. Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt.,你急急忙忙挂上电话,赶去照看孩子和餐具。这时,饭又烧糊了。 hang up = put on the receiver 挂断电话 attend to = look after = deal with 照顾,处理 Excuse me, I have something urgent to attend to. 请原谅,我有一件急事要处理。,As if this were not enough to

16、 reduce you to tears, your husband arrives, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner.,好像这一切还不足以使你急得掉泪,你的丈夫接着回来了,事先没打招呼就带来3个客人吃饭。 reduce you to tears = make you cry His comforting words almost reduced his wife to tears. His answer almost reduced me to silence. The bomb reduced to the city to ruin

17、s. Troubles never come single. 祸不单行。 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,船破又遇顶头风 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,儿遇荒年饭量增!,Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.,就像许多人最近在悉尼郊区帕拉马塔发现的那样,有时乱子会闹得很大。 on a big scale = to a great degree = to great extent As we know, the earth is round.众

18、所周知 As Brane pointed out, giving up smoking is the easiest thing to do in the world. As the headmaster mentioned, one is never too old to learn. As we expected, John was admitted to the university. She married him as was unexpected.,During the rush hour one evening two cars collided and both drivers

19、 began to argue.,一天傍晚交通最拥挤时,一辆汽车撞上前面一辆汽车,两个司机争吵起来。 during the rush hour 上下班的高峰期,The woman immediately behind the two cars happened to be a learner. She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.,紧跟其后的一辆车上的司机碰巧是个初学者,她一惊之下突然把车停了下来。她这一停使得跟在后头的司机也来个急刹车。 happen to 恰巧 I happen to hear the news . 我恰巧听说

20、了这个消息。 It happened that I heard about it the day before yesterday. 很凑巧,我是昨天听说这个事的。 原句 = it happened that the woman behind the two cars was a learner.,This made the driver following her brake hard. His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake.,这使得她后面的司机紧急刹车。司机妻子正坐在他身边,手里托着块大蛋糕。 following 现在分词

21、作定语修饰driver brake vi. 刹车n. 闸,As she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the windscreen and landed on the road.,她往前一冲,蛋糕从挡风玻璃飞了出去掉到马路上。 副词right作状语,相当于straight,Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry-driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden.,此时,一辆卡车正好从后边

22、开到那辆汽车边上,司机看见一块蛋糕从天而降,紧急刹车。 draw up 追上 pull up 停车 all of sudden = suddenly,The lorry was loaded with empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the vehicle and on to the road.,卡车上装着空啤酒瓶。成百只瓶子顺势从卡车后面滑出车外落在马路上。 was loaded with = was filled with vehicle这里指的是truck,lorry,This led to yet

23、 another angry argument.,译文:这又导致了另外一次激烈的争吵。 lead to = cause 导致,Meanwhile, the traffic piled up behind.,译文:同时后面的车辆全停下了,堵塞了交通。 meanwhile = at the same time = at the same moment = in the meantime 与此同时 pile up= accumulate Snow was piling up overnight. His debts are piling up.,It took the police nearly a

24、n hour to get the traffic on the move again.,译文:花了近一个小时才使交通重新通畅。 get the traffic on the move 使得车辆开动起来 on the move = move from place to place 在移动之中(介词on和名词搭配表示处于某种状态或者某种动作正在进行之中) on the rise 正在上升 on the boil 正在沸腾 on the go 正在忙碌中 on the watch 正在监视中 on the turn 正在转变中 on the run 正在逃跑中 on the fly 正在飞行中 on the increase 正在增加 on the decrease 正在减少,Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake. It was just one of those days!,译文:只有两条野狗从一片混乱中得到好处,因为他们贪婪地吞噬了剩下的蛋糕。这就是事事不顺心的那么一天! benefit from 从得益 You can benefit a lot from the seminar.,


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