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1、Lesson 29Taxi!,Preview,How often do you take a taxi? What is the advantage(优势) or disadvantage of taking a taxi?,Describe the picture,taxi tksi,n. 出租车 He called a taxi for me. 他给我叫了辆出租车。 by taxi 乘出租车 taxi stand (AmE)出租车站 taxi driver 出租车司机 take a taxi to 打车去 他每天早上打车上学。 He takes a taxi to school every

2、 morning. He goes to school by taxi every morning.,passenger psnd(r),n. 乘客,旅客 This bus can carry 50 passengers. 这辆公交车能载50名乘客。,land lnd,v. 着陆,登陆 The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。 The pilot landed the plane safely. 飞行员将飞机安全着陆。 The ball landed in the lake. 球落入湖中。,plough pla,词根:v. plough

3、plough a field 耕田 They plough in spring. 他们在春耕。 美语表达:plow plau (发音一样) Farmers plow in fall or spring. 农民们在秋天或者春天耕种。 the Plough 北斗七星(BrE) the Big Dipper 北斗七星(AmE) ploughed: adj. 耕过的(地),Birmingham b:mhm,n. 伯明翰 (主要指英国中部城市,为英国第二大城市。注:美国也有同名的城市) 扩:英国主要城市: London (伦敦,位于英格兰英国首都) Birmingham (伯明翰,英格兰中部) Manc

4、hester (曼彻斯特,英国西北部) Liverpool (利物浦) Cambridge (剑桥) Oxford (牛津) Edinburgh (爱丁堡) Belfast (贝尔法斯特) Cardiff (卡地夫) Portsmouth (朴茨茅斯),block blk,n. 大楼,大厦,街区,阻塞,障碍物 an office block 办公大楼 Turn left after two blocks. 走过两个街区后左拐。 a block in the pipes. 管道阻塞 a road block 路障 a block of rock 一块岩石 a block in traffic 交

5、通阻塞,flat flt,n.(楼房的)一层,公寓房间,平的 公寓另一种表达:apartment I hope to have a flat of my own. 我希望拥有一套属于自己的公寓。 a block of flats 一幢公寓大楼 The earth is round, not flat. 地球是圆的,不是平的。,occasion ken,n. 场合,时机,时刻,理由 I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合系领带。 He was not at home on that occasion. 那时他正好不在家。 Ive met h

6、er on several occasions recently. 我最近见到过她好几次。 You have no occasion to buy another car. 你没有必要再买一辆车。,deserted dz:td,adj. 被遗弃的,荒芜的 联想:desert n. 沙漠,荒野 v. 遗弃,抛弃 deserted city 荒凉的城市,lonely lnli,adj. 寂寞的,孤独的,偏僻的,荒无人烟的 When his wife died, he was very lonely. 他太太去世后他非常孤独。 She has no friends, so she always fe

7、els lonely. 她没有朋友,所以常常感到孤独。 自从我最好的朋友离开后,我感到很寂寞。 I felt very lonely when my best friend left. They live a lonely life in the hills. 他们在山里过着寂寞的生活。,lonely,扩:与另一个近义词alone的区别: 仔细想想下面这句话,比较两词的不同: I lived alone, but I didnt feel lonely. 我虽然单独一人生活,但我并不感到寂寞。 lonely 强调感觉上的孤独寂寞,是种不好的感觉。 但alone强调形式上的孤单,没有不好的感觉。

8、 She watches TV when she is alone. 她单独一人时便看电视。 I can do it alone. 我可以独自一人办理此事。,the Atlantic Ocean,Review: 四大洋 the Atlantic Ocean tlntik 大西洋 the Pacific Ocean psifik 太平洋 the Arctic Ocean :ktik 北冰洋 the Indian Ocean 印度洋,Listen and answer,Does Captain Fawcett think any trip is too dangerous? Yes, he doe

9、s. He once refused to fly to Rockall.,Text,Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhe

10、re: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcetts first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another o

11、ccasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.,Key structures,现在完成时 & 一般过去时 中时间状语的比较 现在

12、完成时的时间状语多表示到现在为止的这段时间:since+某一时间,for+一段时间,up till now, just, before等。 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作,时间状语多为last year (month), ago (3 years ago), in + 某一年,just now等。 I saw him in 1994. I havent seen him since 1994. I saw him 3 years ago. I havent seen him for 3 years.,Key structures,He stayed at this hotel last mo

13、nth. Have you ever stayed at this hotel? I went abroad last year. Up till now, I have never been abroad before. 3. 用already, yet, just, ever, never这类副词作状语时,常可用于现在完成时。如: I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. Have you ever been to London? I have never been there. Have you had your lunch

14、yet?,Tell the story,Captain Fawcett unusual new service taxi Swiss Pilatus Porter wonderful seven passengers most surprising land anywhere first doctor Birmingham mountains Since then flown unusual places Once flats another car park refused strange businessman wanted Rockall Atlantic didnt take dang

15、erous,Multiple choice questions,1- b 2- c 3- c 4- b 5- d 6- b 7- a 8- b 9- b 10- b 11- c 12- b,Grammar Box 1,posted your letter - stamped - Ive posted your letter. - I hope you stamped it before you posted it. eaten those apples peeled put the plates away washed painted the door cleaned sent that le

16、tter off signed,Grammar Box 2,worked in a bank - Have you ever worked in a bank? - I worked in one for two months once. owned a horse driven a Toyota stayed at a hotel kept a cat had a bad cold,Grammar Box 3,No ones seen Tim hes moved - Has anyone seen Tim? - He hasnt been seen since he moved. clear

17、ed the path its snowed dusted the room the maids left missed Mary shes gone away mended the stereo Janes broken it,Grammar Box 4,write the essay - Did it take long to write the essay? - I wrote it in two hours. Ive never written an essay so quickly before. paint the picture read the book catch the thief make the dress mend the TV,Thank You !,


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