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1、,Lesson 33 A fine day 晴天,连读,在语流中连读是常见的现象,一般是在有意义联系的词之间,可以是辅音与元音之间的连读,也可以是元音与元音之间的连读。 Please come in.(辅音与元音) I must finish it in an hour and a half. One of us must go. Here is a pair of shoes.,在句子中间有停顿的地方,则不可以连读。 If you need it, you may keep it. 其中it和you不能连读。,cloudy,rainy,snowy,cloudy,windy,sunny,day

2、 de n.日子 cloud klad n.云 sky ska n.天空 sun sn n.太阳 shine an v.照耀 with w prep.和在一起 family fml n.家庭(成员) walk w:k v.走路,步行 over v prep.跨越,在之上 bridge brd n.桥 boat bt n.船 river rv n.河 ship p n.轮船 aeroplane erplen n.飞机 fly fla v.飞,day n.日子 Its a fine day.好天气。 day after day day and night day-break 拂晓 daydream

3、 v. You are always daydreaming. 你总是做白日梦。,日复一日的,日日夜夜,做白日梦,cloud n. 云(可数名词) There are some clouds in the sky. 天空中有一些云彩。 乌云 When there are black clouds, you can tell its going to rain. 当乌云密布的时候,天就快下雨了。,black cloud,cloudy: full of clouds 多云的 Its cloudy today. 今天多云。 cloudless adj. without clouds 无云的,万里无云

4、的,晴朗的,sky n. 天空 在空中 There is a bit of blue sky between clouds. 在云彩之间可以看到一点蓝天。 天蓝色 非常的高 Prices have gone sky-high. 价格已经高的不得了。 sky light n.,in the sky,sky blue,sky-high,天窗,sun n. 太阳 同音词son sunrise n. 日出 sunset n. 日落 a beautiful sunrise 美丽的日出 a beautiful sunset 美丽的日落 sunglasses n.太阳镜 a pair of sunglass

5、 一副太阳镜 在她的手提包里有两副太阳镜。 There are two pairs of glasses in her handbag.,请摘掉你的太阳镜。(take off) Please take off your sunglasses. Please take your glasses off. Please take them off. 不能:please take off them. 注:代词放中间,名词均可。 sunny adj. 晴朗的,充满阳光的 充满阳光的房间 晴天,a sunny room,a sunny day,shine v. 照耀 太阳每天照耀着大地。 The sun

6、 shines every day. 太阳正照耀着大地。 The sun is shining. shine n. 照射 sunshine n. 阳光,阳光的照射 sunlight n. 阳光 You are my sunshine after the rain. 你是我雨后的阳光。,with prep. 和在一起 be with 和在一起 Im with my parents. 我和我的父母在一起。 She is with her family. 她和她的家人在一起。 They are with their children. 他们和他们的孩子在一起。,family n.家庭(成员) How

7、 many people are there in your family? 在你家里有多少人? There are four people in my family. 我家有四口人。 family man 家庭观念很强的人 已有家的男人 family doctor 家庭医生,home 抽象的概念 My home is in China. 我的家在中国。 house 指房子结构 Will you come to my house tomorrow? 你明天来我家好吗?,振振有“词”family,family 家:单数可数名词 I have a happy family. A happy fam

8、ily is my dream. 家庭成员:集合名词,复数概念 My family are all workers. home & house home 家 (主要指家的住宅、处所) My home is in Sanmenxia. house 房屋(主要指房子外观结构) He lives in a large house with his wife and children.,walk v. 走路 walk home 走路回家 I walk to school. 我走着去学校。 go out for a walk 出去散步 take a walk 散步,over prep. 跨越,在之上 o

9、n 在之上(接触物体的表面) beneath在之下(接近或者接触物体表面) There is a book on my desk. 有一本书在我的书桌上。 There is a village beneath the hills. 群山脚下有一个村庄。 Some birds are flying over the house. 几只鸟飞过一座房子。,振振有“词”over,over prep. 跨越 They are walking over the bridge. 在.之上 The bridge is over the river. (垂直上方) 结束,完了 Game is over. 在期间

10、 I am always in the garden over lunch. 超过 There are over 50 people in the room. on & above 在.之上 on表示在某物间的垂直上方,且一定要有接触面。 The book is on the desk. above表示在某物既不垂直也不接触的上方。 The kite is above the tree.,above 在上方(斜上方) below 在下方(斜下方) The book is above me on the shelf. 书在我上方的书架上。 Put the desk below the pictu

11、re. 把书桌放在这幅画的下面。,over 在垂直的上面 under 在垂直的下面 The bridge is over the river. 桥在河的上面。 The pair of the shoes is under the chair. 那双鞋在椅子的下面。,over adv. 跨越 go there go over there 去那 He is going there. 他打算去那。 He is going over there. go to France go over to France去法国 They will go over to France. 他们打算去法国。 come t

12、o my house come over to my house 注:over, 指距离比较远,中间有一段距离 My friend is coming over to my house. 我的朋友就要来我家了。,bridge n. 桥 There is a bridge over the river. 江上有一座桥。 walk on the bridge 在桥上走(具体的方位) walk over the bridge 走过桥(强调过程,从桥的一段到另一端,跨越),boat n .船(一般木浆打水的船) boat race 赛船 in the same boat 在同一条船上(指同在一个不好的

13、形势下) If you lose your job, Ill lose mine, were in the same boat. 你丢了工作,我也会丢了我的工作,我们在同一条船上。,river n .江,河 There are some boats on the river. 有几只小船在江面上。 There are many fishes in the river. 在河里有许多种鱼。 fish一种鱼许多时不可数, 种类时可数。,ship n .大的轮船 spaceship 宇宙飞船 aeroplane英式 美语当中可以说 airplane,口语中可说plane fly n.苍蝇 not h

14、urt a fly 特别的善良,特别温柔,fly v.飞,飞行 An aeroplane is flying over the river. 一架飞机正飞越这条江。 fly a kite 放风筝 I must fly. 我必须马上走了。 我必须赶紧离开。 I am late. I must fly. 我晚了,我必须抓紧时间。 I am flying to London tomorrow. 我明天要飞到伦敦去。,Listen to the tape then answer this question. Where is the Jones family? 听录音,然后回答问题。琼斯一家 人在哪里

15、?,bridge,cloud,shine,family,clouds,sky,sun,walk,boat,boats,river,ship,aeroplane,It is a fine day today. 今天是个大晴天。 1)英语中,表示天气内容的句子通常以It is 开头,it指代天气。 今天多云。 今天很晴朗。 天冷吗? 不冷。 Is it cold? No, it isnt. 注:cloud, sun+y表示样的天气。,Its cloudy.,Its sunny.,2)以“It is ”结构来表达的句子还包括表示“时间,金钱,距离,重量,温度”等内容的句子。比如: It is Fri

16、day today.今天星期五。(表示时间) It is over 10miles from my home to school.从我家到学校有10多英里远。(表距离),There are some clouds in the sky.天上飘着几朵云。 1)这是一个典型的“there be”结构的句子,因为句子的主语“some clouds”是复数,所以句型用“there are”。 2)“在天上”的表达式“in the sky”,而不是“on the sky”。 天上有一些小鸟。,There are some birds in the sky.,but the sun is shining.

17、 but“但是”,连接两个分句。 在太阳,地球,月球等世界上独一无二的东西前要加定冠词the, the earth, the moon,some一些,用法如下: 形容词,后面接可数名词复数或不可数名词。 例如: 我们有一些书。 There is some milk in the cup. 杯里有一些牛奶。 也可作代词。例如: The pears are good,I want some. 这些梨很好,我想要一些。,We have some books.,一般用在肯定句中或表祈求,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句当中。例如: Can you pass me some paper? 你能递给我一些纸吗?

18、Would you like some water? 你想喝些水吗?,Mr. Jones is with his family. (对划线部分提问) 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 Who is Mr. Jones with? with 是个介词,后面常常跟名词或者代词来做它的宾语。 be with sb.和某人在一起 I must be with my family. 我必须和我家人在一起。,with的其他用法 1)用(某种工具) We are cooking the meal with the oven. 我们正在用烤箱做饭。 2)有(表伴随) He comes in the room wit

19、h a dictionary in his hand. 他手里拿着一本词典进了房间。,Sally is looking at a big ship. 萨莉正在看着一艘大船。 look at 是一个动词词组。看 The students are looking at the blackboard. 学生们正在看着黑板。 The ship is going under the bridge. 轮船正从桥下通过。 The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正从河上飞过。 on the river 在河上 in the river 在河里,不定冠词a/an泛指

20、一类人或事物中的任何一个,相当于汉语的“一个”,但不强调数目概念。定冠词the用在单数或复数名词前,表示特指的某一个或某一些人或事物,相当于汉语的“这(些)”或“那(些)”。,定冠词the的常见用法为: 表示类别:定冠词与单数可数名词连用表示类别。例如: The horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。 定冠词与某些形容词连用也可表示类别 the old老人 the sick病人,表示特指:既可特指前面提到的人或物,也可指说话双方的人或物。例如: Look! Thats a car. The car is very nice. 表示世界上独一无二的事物。 The ea

21、rth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。,用于序数词或形容词最高级前。 Sunday is the first day of a week. 星期天是一个星期的第一天。 Kate is the tallest of the three girls. 凯特是三个女孩中最高的。 用于乐器前表示演奏。 He plays the piano very well. 他钢琴弹得很好。,用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 the Red Cross Hospital 红十字医院 the Great Wall长城 用于姓氏的复数前表示一家人。 The Whites live next

22、to us. 怀特一家住在我们隔壁。 用于一些习惯用语中。 by the way 顺便说一下 in the morning在上午,用a,an ,或the填空 1.I dont know _ girl under the tree. 2.She has _ QQ number. 3.-Where are _ new pencils? - They are on _ desk. 4.Jack Chen is _ action star. 5-Kate, please take _ book to Tom . -OK.Is it _ one in your bag? 6.Can you play _

23、 piano? 7._ first class(班) is next to our class.,the,a,the,the,an,the,the,the,The,选择填空 1_ is a fine day today. A.That B.This C.It D.Today 2.The aeroplane is flying _the bridge. A.on B.of C.out D.over 3.They are looking _ the sky. A.at B.over C.on D.in 4.There is a bridge _ the river. A.on B.over C.i

24、n D.at 5.They_ over the bridge now. A.walk B.walking C.are walking D.is walking,C,D,A,B,C,Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.,There are some clouds in the sky.,The sun is shining .,They are walking over the bridge.,There are some boats on the river.,It is a fine day today.,Mr.Jones is with hi

25、s family.,Tim is looking at an aeroplane.,The aeroplane is flying over the river.,The ship is going under the bridge.,Sally is looking at a big ship .,What is the weather like? Where are the family walking? Are there any boats on the river? What is Sally looking at? What is Tim looking at?,询问天气情况:Wh

26、ats the weather like today?或者:Hows the weather today?,Its sunny today. Its windy today. Its rainy today. Its warm today. Its hot today. Its cold today . Its cool today. Its a fine day today. 今天天气好。,现在进行时,结构:主语+be动词+动词ing I am reading a book. 否定句:I am not reading a book. 一般疑问句:Are you reading a book?

27、 对划线部分提问:What are you doing?,Translation,我正在关门。 I am shutting the door now. 你正在穿衣服。 You are putting on the clothes now. 她正在打开电脑。 She is turning on the computer now. 他正在擦黑板。 He is cleaning the blackboard now. 你们正在倒空杯子。 You are emptying the cup now. 他们正在削铅笔。 They are sharpening the pencil now.,shine s

28、have type a letter sleep cry do homework cook wash clothes wait for the bus,哭 做饭 睡觉 照耀 刮脸 打信 等车 洗衣服 做作业,sleep,They are sleeping .,What are they doing ?,shave,They are shaving .,What are they doing ?,cry,They are crying .,What are they doing ?,wash,They are washing.,What are they doing ?,wait,They ar

29、e waiting .,What are they doing ?,jump,They are jumping.,What are they doing ?,cook,They are cooking.,What are they doing ?,fly,They are flying.,What are they doing ?,eat,They are eating.,What are they doing ?,shine shave type a letter sleep cry do homework cook wash clothes wait for the bus,哭 做饭 睡觉

30、 照耀 刮脸 打信 等车 洗衣服 做作业,Pattern Drill,What are the cooks doing? Theyre cooking.,What are they doing? They are cooking.,What are the children doing ? They are sleeping.,What are the men doing? They are shaving .,What are the children doing ? They are crying .,What are the dogs doing ? They are eating bo

31、nes.,What are the girls doing ? They are typing letters.,What are the children doing ? They are doing their homework.,What are the girls doing ? They are washing bowls.,What are the birds doing? They are flying over the river.,What are the man and the women doing ? They are walking over the bridge.,What are the man and the woman doing ? They are waiting for a bus.,What are they doing ? They are jumping off the wall.,


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