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1、Lesson81短语 洗澡 快准备好了 请抽烟 来杯威士忌 在7点钟 去饭店 吃晚餐 烤牛肉和土豆 怎么了 打算计划干某事 在楼上 1.Have a bath 2. Be upstairs 3. Be nearly ready 4. Have a cigarette 5. Have a glass of whisky 6. At seven oclock 7. Have dinner 8. Go to a restaurant 9. roast beef and potatoes 10. Whats the matter? 11.Be going to do Lesson83Goingonho

2、liday Lesson83Goingonholiday 单词学习 现在完成时 课文讲解 练习 日常用语 作业 Newwordsandexpressions mess/mes/n.杂乱,凌乱 pack/pk/v.包装,打包,装箱 suitcase/sju:tkeis/n.手提箱 leave/li:v/v.离开 already/a:lredi/adv.已经 Listentothetapethenanswerthisquestion: WheredidSamgoforhisholiday thisyear? Lesson83短语 请进 在12点半 来一杯咖啡 让我们 进入客厅 收拾行李 请原谅屋子

3、乱 度假 今年 呆在家里 吃午餐 1.Come in 2. Have lunch 3. At half past twelve 4. Have a cup of coffee 5. Lets 6. Go into the living room 7. Excuse the mess 8. Pack our suitcases 9. have a holiday 10. This year 11.Stay at home LanguagePoints CAROL:Hello,Sam. Comein. TOM:Hi,Sam. Werehavinglunch. Doyouwanttohavelunc

4、hwithus? SAM:No,thankyou.Tom. Ivealreadyhadlunch. Ihadathalfpasttwelve. 现在进行时 已经吃过了。 现在完成时态 I have already had lunch. CAROL:Haveacupofcoffeethen. SAM:Ivejusthadacup,thankyou. Ihadoneaftermylunch. TOMLetsgointothelivingroom,Carol. Wecanhaveourcoffeethere. 动词+其他 CAROL:Excusethemess,Sam. Thisroomsveryu

5、ntidy. Werepackingoursuitcases. Weregoingtoleavetomorrow. TomandIaregoingtohavea holiday. 杂乱的 messy杂乱的形容词 Were leaving tomorrow Im coming soon. Shes going My father is arriving leave come go arrive 可以代替一般将来时 Were going to leave tomorrow. = Were leaving tomorrow. 当动词是leave, go, come, arrive等时 ,可以用现在进

6、行时表将来。 Im coming. 他今天晚上就到 Hes arriving tonight. SAM:Arentyoulucky! TOM:Whenareyougoingtohavea holiday,Sam? SAM:Idontknow. Ivealreadyhadmyholiday thisyear. CAROL:Wheredidyougo? SAM:Istayedathome! 现在完成时的构成 主菜单上一页下一页 have (has)+ 过去分词 present(now) future past 现在完成时 ( present perfect tense) do my homewor

7、k 现在完成时的基本句型: 肯定式:主语 +助动词have/has+动词的过去分词. 疑问式:助动词Have/Has+主语 +动词的过去分词? 否定式:主语 +助动词have/has+not+动词的过去分词. 英语小贴士 already&yet 1. already“已经”,用于肯定、 2. yet用于疑问、否定句的句尾,含有“仍然”,“还没 有”之意。 Haveyoudoneityet? -Yes,Ihavealreadydoneit. Haventyoudoneityet? -No,Ihavetdoneityet. Lesson84Haveyouhad? 时态造句 1. 我每天做作业。 2

8、. 我昨天做作业了。 3. 我的作业已经做完了。 4. 我还没有做完作业。 5. 你已经做完作业了吗? 6. 1-5句中的“我”换成“她”。 I do my homework every day. I did my homework yesterday. Ive already done my homework. I havent done my homework yet. Have you done your homework yet? 时态造句 1. 她每天做作业。 2. 她昨天做作业了。 3. 她的作业已经做完了。 4. 她还没有做完作业。 5. 她已经做完作业了吗? she does

9、her homework every day. She did her homework yesterday. She has already done her homework. she hasnt done her homework. Has she done her homework yet? 动 词 填 空: 1._ you _(clean) the room? Yes, we _(do) that already. When _ you _(do) it? We _(do) it an hour ago. 2._ he _(see) this film yet? Yes. When

10、_ he _(see) it? He _ it last week. Havecleaned have done diddo did Hasseen didsee saw 下一页上一页主菜单 PatternDrill Ive/Shesalreadyhadsomelettuce. Ive/Shesjust(already)hadsomelettuce. Haveyou/Hasshehadanyvegetablesorfruit? -Ihavent/Shehasnthadanyvegetables. Ive/Shesjust(already)hadsomefruit. Have you had a

11、ny? Yes ,I have. / No , I havent. Lesson83-84学习重点 1. 现在完成时的含义、结构和用法。 2. 现在分词的变化。 3. 一般陈述和疑问句。 Homework 1.Recitethenewwords 2.ListentothetapeandRecite Lesson83 3.Dotheexercisebook “Let”祈使句的否定句 一 三 Letsgotothepark. Lethereatsomerice. LetPeterdrinksomemilkandjuice. Letusnotgotothepark. Dontlethereatany

12、rice. DontletPeterdrinkanymilkorjuice. 现身说“法” 现在完成时() 1.什么时候用现在完成时? 表示在说话之前已经完成,而后果或影响至今仍存在的动 作。 Ihaveopenedthedoorofthebuilding. 已经开始的动作依然在持续,且有可能持续下去。 IhavestudiedEnglishsince1975. 2.现在完成时的谓语动词构成? have/has+动词的过去分词 现身说“法” Let祈使句 1. 句意中含有第一或第三人称作主语; 2. 以let开头,解释为“让”; 3. 表示“建议”、“邀请”或者“愿望”。 Retellthes

13、tory. 现在完成时VS一般过去时 时态 用法动词形式 时间状语 标志词 例句 现 在 完 成 时 已经发生 的事对现 在的影响 have/has+ 动词的过 去分词 have/has done already, just 用于肯定 句中 Ivealreadyhad lunch. Haveyouhadsome tea? Hehasjusthadsome coffee. 一 般 过 去 时 过去发生 的事不强 调对现在 的影响 过去式 was/were/ did yesterday last ago after Ihadlunchan hourago. Shewentto Londonlast

14、year. 一般现在时&一般过去时&现在完成时 &现在进行时 1. 一般过去时:表示在过去的同某个时间做过的事情或 存在的状态。Ididmyhomeworklastnight. 2. 现在完成时:动作发生在过去,但对现在造成了影响 或结果。Ihavealreadydonemyhomework. shehasjustwatchedTV. 谓语动词结构:时态是通过动词的变化来体现的。 1. S人物 +was/wereS+V动词-(e)d 2. S+have/has+p.p.动词的过去分词 3.过去分词的构成? 如果一个动词的过去式是规则变化的,那么它的过去分词 形式与过去式形式相同。 look-looked-lookedstudy-studied-studied 如果一个动词的过去式是不规则变化的,那么它的过去分 词形式也是不规则的,没有任何规律可循。要加强记忆! take-took-takenbuy-bought-bought


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