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1、新概念二册18课,He often does this,Lead-in questions,Have you ever lost anything? If yes, what are they? Have you got it back ? How do you think your lovely things got lost? Do you think you lost it yourself or a thief stole it ?,Was the authors bag stolen by a thief? Who had stolen it ? Have he got it bac

2、k ?,Questions about the passage,New words,pub (小酒店、酒吧),我喜欢去酒吧。 I like pubs.,pub club bar的区别,pub是专门酒店(一般带有西方风格) club专指有会员的俱乐部 Bar形式多样,可以是咖啡吧,酒吧或水吧,hotel,在酒店里的最低住宿消费是1299美元。 The lowest cost in the BurjAl-Arab is 1299 dollars a night.,BurjAl-Arab(阿拉伯塔酒店),迪拜酒店是世界上最豪华的酒店。 BurjAl-Arab Consistently voted t

3、he worlds most luxurious hotel.,landlord(店主),If you see a landlord like him, what is your feeling?,landlord,land 土地 lord 统领者,业主,房东,狮子和大象是森林的统领者。 Lions and elephants are lords of the forest.,bill(账单),Pay the bill.(付账) 该是我付账了。 It is my turn to pay the bill. It is my turn for the bill.,lord,n上帝,主,贵族 as

4、 drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 Lord !天啊! landlord n店主 landlady n女店主 pub 小酒店 inn 客栈,小旅馆,bill 账单、纸币 pay the bill =settle the bill 付账 Its wrong to leave a hotel without paying your bills. Bill please !买单 n招贴,广告牌 a movie bill 电影海报 NO bills !禁止张贴 Fill/fit the bill .符合要求,出类拔萃 He is a good person to do the job ,he

5、will fit the bill .,leave,leave left left 离开 leave Bejing for Shanghai . 把人或者物留下,丢下 May I leave my shoes here ? 听任,使处于.状态 leave sth +adj leave the door open Better leave it unsaid .有些话还是不要说的好 on leave 休假,Beside 在旁边 come and sit beside me . Besides 除了.之外还有 Besides this photos,I have a number of other

6、s . be beside oneself 得意忘形 beside the point 离题,跑题 Do you know the meaning of except ?,Key structure,他现在(已经)有一套新房子了。 He owns a new house .,He has a new house . He has got a new house.,Come in =enter How about enter for ? look for 寻找 find 找到 find out 查明,一般指通过努力得到 You should find out the answer by your

7、self .,give it back =return I will give the book back to you tomorrow. give away I want give away some money for the charity give in =hand in 上交 投降 Though the problem is hard but I wont give in. give up give up smoking Do the exercise in page 82.,Wonderful sentences,1.After I had had lunch at a vill

8、age pub, I looked for my bag. 语言精彩点: (1)过去完成时的完美运用 (2)I had had lunch. 造句: 我那时已经吃过早餐/晚餐。 I had had breakfast/supper.,1.After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. 精彩点:(3) at a pub 造句: 我曾经在小酒店里做过兼职。 I have done some part time job at the pub. (4) at a village pub I like village pubs.

9、(5) look for(寻找) 我正在找我的铅笔。 I am looking for my pencil.,Wonderful sentences,Wonderful sentences,2.I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there. 精彩点: (1)had left (2)leave something on (把遗忘在) 我把钥匙遗忘在桌上了。 I left the key on the desk. 我把钥匙忘在教室里了怎么说?,Wonderful sentences,2.I had left it o

10、n a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there. 精彩点: (2)beside the door(在门旁边),这个小女孩站在大门口。 The girl stand beside the door.,Wonderful sentences,3.As I was looking for it ,the landlord came in. 精彩点: (1)过去进行时的完美使用 (2)as somebody was v-ing,something happened 当我在唱歌时,他进来了。 When I was singing , he came in

11、. 当我正上课时,外面下起了暴雨。 When I was having the class, the heavy rain began.,Wonderful sentences,4.Do you have a good meal? 精彩点: have a good meal(吃得不错) have a good time(玩的不错) have a good lesson(课上的好),-Do you have a good meal? -Yes,of course.,Do you remember how to order a dish?,What would you like ? Would y

12、ou like ? How about ? Id like to have May I have a menu please ? What is the specialty here? May I order?,McDonald s Menu,Wonderful sentences,5.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and give it back to me . 精彩点: (1)in a few minutes(一会儿以后) (2)returned with (带着回来) 我带着很好的心情回家。 I returned home with a

13、 good mood.,5.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and give it back to me . 精彩点: (3)give sth. Back 把我的心还给我。 Give my heart back to me .,Wonderful sentences,Will the person who took my ruler please give it _ to me. 请那个拿了我尺子的人把尺子还给我。 When my children grew up ,I give all their toys _ . 当孩子长大成人,我就把他们

14、的玩具给别的小孩玩。 We were losing the battle but we did not give _ . 我们已经输了战争,但是我们不会放弃。,back,away,up,用带give的词组填空,Questions,Did the writer had lunch there? Yes. Could she pay the bill first? No , without the bag . Who find it to her ? The landlord. Who had taken it ? The dog.,P25.P65,现在完成时 Have、has + 过去分词 过去

15、完成时 Had + 过去分词,review time,现在完成时,现在完成时 表示过去某时发生的某一动作对现在造 成影响或者是结果 I have finished reading the book .我已经读完这本书了。 I have had supper . Have you had supper ? 表示动作从过去已经开始持续到现在,并且还有可能继续持续下去。 I have lived here for two years .我已经住在这里2年了。,过去完成时态,过去完成时态表示在过去某一时刻或者动作以前已经完成。即过去的过去。 我昨天已经完成我的作业了。 I had finished m

16、y homework yesterday . 表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时刻的动作或者状态。 After he came back ,I had lived in Xiamen for 2 years . 你能找出课文中的过去完成时态吗?,Key structure,他现在(已经)有一套新房子了。 He owns a new house .,He has a new house . He has got a new house.,Key structure,他现在(已经)有一套新房子了。 He owns a new house .,He has a new house . H

17、e has got a new house.,Key structure,他现在(已经)有一套新房子了。 He owns a new house .,He has a new house . He has got a new house.,Key structure,他现在(已经)有很多钱了。 He possesses a lot of money .,He has a lot of money. He has got a lot of money.,Key structure,他现在(已经)有很多钱了。 He possesses a lot of money .,He has a lot o

18、f money. He has got a lot of money.,Key structure,他现在(已经)有很多钱了。 He possesses a lot of money .,He has a lot of money. He has got a lot of money.,想想这两句话怎么改?,Does he possess a lot of money. He doesnt possess a lot of money.,Does he has a lot of money? Has he got a lot of money? He hasnt has a lot of money. He hasnt got a lot of money.,Thank you !,


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