新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 4.ppt

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1、Unit 4,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 4 Product,新职业英语,职业综合英语 1 第 2 版,Contents,Warm-1-1,Task 1 Work in pairs. Choose one product from each pair and explain why to your partner.,Sample,Warm-1-2,Warm-2,Task 2 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.,What factors do you need to consider before you b

2、uy a product? Which one is the most important for you? Why?,Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider. Necessity: Do I really need this? Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality, color, shape, packaging, etc? Price: Do I have a

3、ny spare money right now? Is it a bargain or is it too much money? Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase? After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty? Shipment: How can it be sent to my house?,Warm-2,Task 3 Watch the video clip and learn how the presenter organizes her product i

4、ntroduction.,Warm-2,Task 4 The following sentences are often used for product introduction. Read aloud and try to memorize some.,1. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle school students. 2. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quali

5、ty, compact-sized, energy-saving and its also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate. 3. They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects. 4. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one person to perfor

6、m the task of three persons. 5. This product will pay its own way in a year. 6. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.,Warm-2,7. The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical. 8. This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry a

7、round, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams. 9. The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H . 10. These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure. 11Compared with other brands, this kind of tire costs less per

8、 mile and wears much longer due to its topnotch rubber. 12. This kind of tire is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.,Warm-2,13. As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made, I strongly recommended to you. 14. Vacuum cleaners of this brand are

9、 competitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind. 15. “Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market. 16. Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European

10、 countries.,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Reading A,Reading A,Watch a video clip about an introduction to a digital touch pen and list as many as possible the advantages it brings to your life, work and the environment.,Text A-1,Reading A,Our Heritage 1 Every day, we go to

11、 work hoping to do two things: share great coffee with our friends and help make the world a little better. It was true when the first Starbucks opened in 1971, and its just as true today.,Text A-2,2 Back then, the company was a single store in Seattles historic Pike Place Market. From just a narrow

12、 storefront, Starbucks offered some of the worlds finest fresh-roasted whole bean coffees. The name, inspired by Moby Dick, evoked the romance of the high seas and the seafaring tradition of the early coffee traders. 3 Howard Schultz first walked into a Starbucks store in 1981. From drinking his fir

13、st cup of Sumatra coffee, Howard became drawn to Starbucks and he joined them a year later.,Reading A,Text A-3-1,Reading A,4 In 1983, Howard traveled to Italy and became captivated by Italian coffee bars and the romance of the coffee experience there. He had a vision to bring the Italian coffee hous

14、e tradition back to the United States. It has since become our vision: a place for conversation and a sense of community, a third place between work and home. Howard left Starbucks for a short period of time to start his own coffee houses and returned in August 1987 to purchase Starbucks with the he

15、lp of local investors.,Text A-3-2,Reading A,5 From the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company, one that not only celebrated coffee and its rich tradition, but also brought a feeling of connection. 6 Its just a moment in timejust one hand reaching over the counter to present a

16、 cup to another outstretched hand. But its a connection. We make sure everything we do honors that connectionfrom our commitment to serving the highest quality coffee in the world, to the way we engage with our customers and communities to do business responsibly.,Text A-4,7 Today, with more than 18

17、,000 stores in 62 countries, Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. And with every cup, we strive to bring both our heritage and an exceptional experience to life. 8 From our beginnings as a single store over 40 years ago, in every place that weve been, and e

18、very place that we touch, weve tried to make it a little better than we found it.,Reading A,A-Trans-1,Reading A,我们的传统 1 每天,我们上班都想做两件事:与朋友们分享美味的咖啡和让这个世界变得更好一点。这是1971年第一家星巴克咖啡店开业之时我们的想法,也是我们至今坚守的信念。,A-Trans-2,2 回首过去,星巴克只是西雅图历史上著名的派克市场上的一家小店。在一家狭窄的店面里,星巴克售出了世界上最美味的现磨纯正咖啡。星巴克这一名称的灵感来自白鲸,让人不禁想起早期咖啡贸易商的远海

19、传奇故事和航海传统。 3 1981年,霍华德舒尔茨初次走入一家星巴克咖啡店。从喝第一杯苏门答腊咖啡开始,霍华德就被星巴克所吸引,一年后他加入了该公司。,Reading A,A-Trans-3-1,Reading A,4 1983年,霍华德远赴意大利并被意式咖啡吧和极富浪漫色彩的咖啡体验所倾倒。他萌生了要把意式咖啡馆传统带回美国的想法。这个想法使所有人得偿所愿:咖啡馆成了一个交流和融入社区的场所、一个除工作和家庭之外的第三生活空间。霍华德曾经短暂离开星巴克去创立自己的咖啡馆,但1987年8月他重返星巴克,并在当地投资者的帮助下收购了星巴克公司。,A-Trans-3-2,5 自诞生之日起,星巴克就

20、致力于成为一家与众不同的公司。它不仅将咖啡及其丰富的内涵发扬光大,也成为某种联系的纽带。 6 虽然只是短暂的一瞬一只手越过柜台将一杯咖啡递给另一只伸出的手,但它是一种联系。我们确信我们所做的一切都是为了实现这种联系从我们承诺全世界最佳品质的咖啡,到对顾客和社会担负的责任。,Reading A,A-Trans-4,7 如今,星巴克在62个国家拥有18,000多家分店,雄踞全球特色咖啡烘焙商和零售商之首。每一杯咖啡,我们都倾注心血,让它生动诠释我们的传统和一种独特的生活体验。 8 从40年前的一家小店开始,在任何所到之处,任何触及的地方,我们都在试图带来优于过去的些许改变。,Reading A,I

21、t was true when the first Starbucks opened in 1971, and its just as true today: Today, it is just as true as it was in 1971 when the first Starbucks opened.,Reading A,e.g. His sad childhood inspired him to write a novel.,Reading A,inspire,v. to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create,e.g.

22、These pictures evoked his memories of those old movies.,Reading A,evoke,v. to cause (a particular reaction or response) to happen,Reading A,From drinking his first cup of Sumatra coffee, Howard became drawn to Starbucks and he joined them a year later: From drinking his first cup of Sumatra coffee,

23、Howard was attracted by Starbucks and he joined them a year later.,v. to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc. e.g. Her stories captivated the imagination of millions of children. be captivated with/by e.g. He became captivated with the idea of creating a pie

24、ce of music that might be interesting to all. We were immediately captivated by the beauty of this valley.,Reading A,captive,e.g. When he was still at college, he had a vision of building the highest tower in the world.,Reading A,vision,n. someones idea or hope of how something should be done, or ho

25、w it will be in the future,e.g. The event was celebrated by poets and historians.,Reading A,celebrate,v. to do something enjoyable because of a special occasion or to mark someones success,Reading A, a feeling of connection,a feeling of being connected with each other, or a sense of being close to e

26、ach other,v. to do what you said you would do,Reading A,honor,e.g. He informed us that he was unable to honor his contract with the company.,e.g. You should never forget your commitment to your people.,Reading A, our commitment to,Here “to” is a preposition followed by a noun.,to make an effort to u

27、nderstand and deal with someone or something,Reading A,engage with,e.g. This famous actor knows how to engage with his audience.,A-Task 1,Reading A,Task 1 Tick off the facts about Starbucks mentioned in the passage.,A-Task 2,Reading A,Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or fa

28、lse (F) according to the passage.,T,F,T,F,T,Business Know-how,Making a Catalog, A catalog usually includes a description of the goods, prices and pictures; Select carefully the goods, the pictures and the language used; Keep it simple. Limit the number of the pictures used; Ensure high quality of de

29、sign, photography, paper and printing.,Reading B,Reading B,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Text B-1,iPod Safety Manual Important Handling Information Failure to follow these handling instructions could result in damage to iPod or other property. Carrying iPod iPod contains sensitive components. Do not bend, drop

30、, or crush iPod. If you are concerned about scratching iPod, you can use one of the many cases sold separately.,Reading B,Text B-2,Using connectors and ports Never force a connector into a port. If the connector and port dont join with reasonable ease, they probably dont match. Make sure that the co

31、nnector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port. Keeping iPod within acceptable temperatures Operate iPod in a place where the temperature is always between 0o and 35oC (32o to 95oF). iPod playtime might temporarily shorten in low temperature con

32、ditions.,Reading B,Text B-3,Reading B,Store iPod in a place where the temperature is always between -20o and 45oC (- 4o to 113oF). Dont leave iPod in your car, because temperatures in parked cars can exceed this range. When youre using iPod or charging the battery, it is normal for iPod to get warm.

33、 The exterior of iPod functions as a cooling surface that takes heat from the unit inside to the cooler air outside.,Text B-4,Keeping the outside of iPod clean To clean iPod, unplug all cables, turn iPod off, and slide the Hold switch (if available) to HOLD. Then use a soft, slightly damp cloth. Avo

34、id getting moisture in openings. Dont use window cleaners, household cleaners, or other chemical cleaners to clean iPod.,Reading B,B-Trans-1,Reading B,iPod 安全手册 重要操作信息 注意:不遵守下列操作指示可能导致iPod或其他物件受损。 携带 iPod内装敏感组件。切勿弯曲、摔落或挤压。如果担心划伤iPod, 您可以购买一个外壳。外壳另有出售。,B-Trans-2,Reading B,使用接头和端口 不要强行将接头插入端口。如果接头不能顺畅

35、地插入到端口中,说明它们可能不匹配。连接时,确保接头与端口匹配,并且将接头对准端口。 确保合适的温度 须在温度为摄氏0到35度(华氏32到95度)之间的地方使用iPod。在低温条件下,iPod的播放时间可能会暂时缩短。,B-Trans-3,须将iPod存放在温度为摄氏零下20到零上45度(华氏零下4到零上113度)之间的地方。不要将iPod留在停泊的车内,因为车内的温度可能会超出上述范围。 在使用iPod或者给电池充电时,机壳发热是正常现象。机壳将设备内部的热量传导给外部的冷空气,起到散热的作用。,Reading B,B-Trans-4,保持外壳干净 清洗iPod时,拔下所有电源线,关闭机器,

36、并且将”锁定”转换开关(如果有)置于“锁定”位置。然后用微湿软布擦拭。避免开口处受潮。切勿使用玻璃水、家用洗涤剂或其他化学清洗剂清洁。,Reading B,B-Task 1,Reading B,Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the manual.,( ) 1. A case can protect your iPod from being bent, dropped or crushed. ( ) 2. You should fit a connecto

37、r into a port correctly and join them with ease. ( ) 3. iPod playtime might shorten if its stored in a place where the temperature is below 0oC. ( ) 4. Dont leave your iPod in parked cars unless it is switched off. ( ) 5. You can use a soft and slightly damp cloth with household cleaners to clean yo

38、ur iPod.,F,T,F,F,F,B-Task 2,Reading B,Task 2 Choose the right things to do in each of the following situations.,Listening,Listening then for each product there is a product name, some relevant specifications or options, perhaps a description and then the price of the product. With Internet access be

39、coming universally available, online catalogs play an ever bigger role in todays business. In comparison to traditional printed catalogs an online catalog is inexpensive. Also, a printed catalog can sometimes be out of date before it is even in the customer s hand whereas an online catalog can be up

40、dated at any time, so that customers can always have access to the latest information.,W-Task 1,Writing,Task 1 Read the description of the mobile phone Nokia N95 (8GB) for a catalog, and complete the following table.,8 GB,2.8-inch,5-Megapixel,all multimedia files,350.00,Notes: GB = Gigabyte,千兆字节 Meg

41、apixel: 百万像素,Mini,Work in groups. Each group should choose one product and demonstrate to the class how to use it. The following sample is provided for your reference.,Mini-project, Work in groups; Refer to the sample on P59; Good time management and cooperation; In-class presentation.,Language Lab,

42、Language Lab,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Task 5,a rough or unfinished drawing or painting be greater in weight, value or importance than far away in space or time make or become flat make (something) on a large scale using machinery an objective or result towards which efforts are directed improve t

43、he quality, value or extent of something find the exact position of something an act of trying to do something read or examine quickly,LL-Task 1,Language Lab,( ) 1. locate ( ) 2. target ( ) 3. remote ( ) 4. sketch ( ) 5. manufacture ( ) 6. attempt ( ) 7. flatten ( ) 8. outweigh ( ) 9. enhance ( ) 10

44、. run over,Task 1 Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right.,H,F,C,A,E,I,D,B,G,J,LL-Task 2-1,Language Lab,Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from Task 1. Change the form if necessary.,1. He _ his notes before the lecture. 2. For Tom, the f

45、ear of visiting the dentist _ the pain of a toothache. 3. The factory met its production _ ahead of schedule. 4. They are making a new _ to solve the problem. 5. He usually starts with a _ in the design period.,ran over,outweighed,target,attempt,sketch,LL-Task 2-2,Language Lab,6. She had never imagi

46、ned being able to visit such _ countries. 7. Passing the English examination should _ the chances of getting the scholarship. 8. Their new job is to _ toys in a factory. 9. The workman _a piece of metal by hammering it. 10. Her new office is _ in the center of the town.,remote,enhance,manufacture,fl

47、attened,located,LL-Task 3-1,Language Lab,Task 3 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,Model 1: We make the product attractive. It is one of our goals as a profession. One of our goals as a profession is to make the product attractive. 1. We save lives. It is the most important thing. The

48、 most important thing for us is to save lives. 2. A postman delivers letters and newspapers. This is his duty. The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and newspapers. 3. I point out the difficulties of the matter. It has been my purpose. My purpose has been to point out the difficulties of the matter.,LL-Task 3-2,Language Lab,Model 2: Some products may look cool and work well. Other products may have annoying qualities that nearly outweigh their usefulness. Some products may look cool and work well, while other products may have annoying qualities that nearly outweigh their usefulness.


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