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1、,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 3: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,1.In paragraph 1, the author says that we are in the middle of a sixth great extinction. What are these great extinctions? Could you name some. In what way is the curre

2、nt great extinction different from the previous five ones?,The difference lies in the fact that the previous five great extinctions have occurred for natural causes, but the current great extinction has been caused by human activities.,Reference,Ex. I, p.50,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,2.What is th

3、e author trying to do with paragraph 2?,The author gives us some examples to show what human needs have caused the current great extinction. Generally speaking, they are humans needs for survival.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,3.Why did the buffalo and the passenger pigeon in North America

4、 become extinct?,Both the buffalo and the passenger pigeon became extinct owing to overhunting by humans.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,4.What point does the author want to illustrate by writing about the European rabbits in paragraph 4?,He wants to illustrate that natural habitats of some

5、 native species could be destroyed by the introduction of foreign species. The introduction of European rabbits into Australia is a good example. They multiplied quickly and threatened the habitat of native grazing animals in Australia by eating all the vegetation.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehe

6、nsion,5.In paragraph 5, the author states that humans endanger other species by destroying their natural habitats. What example does the author give to support this statement?,The example is: The rapid shrinking of rainforest caused the loss of many species that made their homes in it.,Reference,Uni

7、t 3: Reading comprehension,6.What can we learn from paragraph 8?,Each life form occupies a special place in the ecosystem, and the disappearance of any species will affect other species in the ecosystem. But 74 species are dying out every day.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,7.What are the t

8、wo advantages that biodiversity has over monocultures according to paragraphs 912?,1) Biodiversity makes it possible for useful substances to be found in species we havent got to test or study. 2)Biodiversity will save humanity from being starved to death owing to their great dependence on a small n

9、umber of species.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,8.In paragraph 10, the author writes about the Pacific yew tree. What makes the Pacific yew tree so highly valued today? What does the author want to tell us by mentioningthis tree?,Because it is discovered that the bark of the Pacific yew tr

10、ee contains a substance called taxol, which can effectively treat certain kinds of cancer. By mentioning this tree, the author wants to tell us that many species may die out before their value is discovered.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,9.What is the main idea of paragraph 11?,Paragraph 1

11、1 mainly tells us that the value of the vast majority of species has yet to be discovered. It is very important for us to protect the diversity of species. If we dont, we will lose species that may turn out to be extremely important to our own survival.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,10.Wha

12、t point is suggested by the last paragraph?,It suggests that its hard to tell whether these protective methods will be effective or not now because the rapid human population growth may make it difficult to put these methods into practice.,Reference,1.Introduction (Paras. 12),2.Body (Paras. 315),3.C

13、onclusion (Para. 16),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,Ex. II, p.51,1. Introduction (Paras. 12),We are in the middle of a sixth great extinction, which is caused by _.,Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,human activities,2.Body (Paras. 315),1) _ that human activities endanger other s

14、pecies. (Paras. 35),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,Three major ways,2) The reasons why we should preserve every life-form on earth. (Paras. 613),3) Methods of protecting endangered species. (Paras.1415),2.Body (Paras. 315),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,A.Human beings _ for t

15、heir meat, bones, skins or for protecting their crops and livestock. B.Foreign species introduced by human beings can _. C.Human beings _ by cutting down forests, building towns, etc.,kill off animals directly,endanger the habitat of native species,destroy animals natural habitats,2.Body (Paras. 315

16、),2) The reasons why we should preserve every life-form on earth. (Paras. 613),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,A. _. B. The variety of species can add natural beauty. C. Some species provide humans with economic value. D. Each life-form _. E. Biodiversity has obvious advantages over _.,Ev

17、ery life-form has a right to exist,occupies a place within its ecosystem,monocultures,2.Body (Paras. 315),3) Methods of protecting endangered species. (Paras.1415),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,A. _. B. _. C. Protecting animals through captive breeding (zoos).,Passing laws,Setting aside

18、 national parks and preserves,Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,3. Conclusion (Para. 16),We Its hard to tell the effectiveness of these protective methods now. The biggest problem remains _.,how to meet the needs of a growing human population,1.The passenger pigeon was a _ example of a spec

19、ies that was made extinct by overhunting.,prime,Unit 3: Vocabulary,2.Climate, soil, water, and air are nonliving _ of an ecosystem.,components,Unit 3: Vocabulary,3.As a language, English is _ from the Anglo-Saxon, a West Germanic variety, although its current vocabulary includes words from many lang

20、uages.,derived,Unit 3: Vocabulary,4.Stopping the loss of _ and limiting climate change are the two most important challenges facing our planet.,biodiversity,Unit 3: Vocabulary,5.A recent report claims that Microsoft products, with their market dominance, are creating a computing _ thats dangerously

21、susceptible to worms and other attacks.,monoculture,Unit 3: Vocabulary,6.The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was reported to have killed more than 225,000 people, and with _ others missing or losing their homes.,uncounted,Unit 3: Vocabulary,7.With the invention of blogs, the number of website

22、s that would be interesting to follow each day has _ several times over.,multiplied,Unit 3: Vocabulary,8.The movie Two Brothers tells the story that two tigers are separated as cubs and taken into _, only to be reunited years later as enemies.,captivity,Unit 3: Vocabulary,9.In 2000 and again in 2002

23、, the US congress considered _ to limit violent content and more tightly regulate the video games industry in America.,legislation,Unit 3: Vocabulary,10.These _ projects and educational activities have contributed to wildlife habitat improvement, watershed protection, and forest health.,conservation

24、,Unit 3: Vocabulary,Part B,Unit 3: Vocabulary,1.The environmental changes might have caused the disappearance of many species by eliminating food sources, or exposing animals to climatic conditions to which they were not adapted. A. extinction B. distinction C. punctuation D. destruction,2.The study

25、 showed that increasing amounts of bird flu virus were contaminating the birds surroundings without the farmers realizing of it. A. conditions B. climates C. habitats D. ecosystems,Unit 3: Vocabulary,2.The study showed that increasing amounts of bird flu virus were contaminating the birds surroundin

26、gs without the farmers realizing of it. A. conditions B. climates C. habitats D. ecosystems,3.While recently becoming the tenth most crowded city in the USA, San Jose has also held the title of The Safest Big City in America for the past several years. A. diverse B. popular C. disappointing D. popul

27、ous,Unit 3: Vocabulary,3.While recently becoming the tenth most crowded city in the USA, San Jose has also held the title of The Safest Big City in America for the past several years. A. diverse B. popular C. disappointing D. populous,4.An internal inquiry has begun into whether soccer players recei

28、ved improper housing benefits under the former coaches. A. examination B. investigation C. invasion D. invitation,Unit 3: Vocabulary,4.An internal inquiry has begun into whether soccer players received improper housing benefits under the former coaches. A. examination B. investigation C. invasion D.

29、 invitation,5.Its our job to prepare bright, ambitious young people for the opportunities offered by what will continue to be the main sectors for the 21st century. A. principle B. extinguished C. global D. keystone,Unit 3: Vocabulary,5.Its our job to prepare bright, ambitious young people for the o

30、pportunities offered by what will continue to be the main sectors for the 21st century. A. principle B. extinguished C. global D. keystone,6.The teenager who made a dramatic escape after eight years of confinement in a windowless cell has agreed to a televised interview this week. A. captivity B. pr

31、evention C. preservation D. limitation,Unit 3: Vocabulary,6.The teenager who made a dramatic escape after eight years of confinement in a windowless cell has agreed to a televised interview this week. A. captivity B. prevention C. preservation D. limitation,7.The little group so imperfectly known to

32、 us is counterbalanced by multitudes of species, of which there are numberless varieties. A. uncommon B. prime C. uncounted D. rare,Unit 3: Vocabulary,7.The little group so imperfectly known to us is counterbalanced by multitudes of species, of which there are numberless varieties. A. uncommon B. pr

33、ime C. uncounted D. rare,8.The protection of tropical rainforests as public good will require cooperation between all countries in the world. A. institution B. conservation C. precaution D. construction,Unit 3: Vocabulary,8.The protection of tropical rainforests as public good will require cooperati

34、on between all countries in the world. A. institution B. conservation C. precaution D. construction,9.Taken before or while drinking, many medications will increase the effects of alcohol on your body. A. expand B. multiply C. enlarge D. extend,Unit 3: Vocabulary,9.Taken before or while drinking, ma

35、ny medications will increase the effects of alcohol on your body. A. expand B. multiply C. enlarge D. extend,10.The Chicago History Museum has one of Americas largest collections of architectural working drawings, as well as manuscript materials, photographs, architectural models, and building fragm

36、ents. A. components B. substances C. monocultures D. debris,Unit 3: Vocabulary,10.The Chicago History Museum has one of Americas largest collections of architectural working drawings, as well as manuscript materials, photographs, architectural models, and building fragments. A. components B. substan

37、ces C. monocultures D. debris,Loss of Biodiversity Biological diversity is the variety of all life forms the different plants, animals and microorganisms, the genes they 1)_, and the ecosystems to which they belong. Millions of years of 2) _ from other continents have resulted in Australian plants a

38、nd animals evolving in ways 3)_ from elsewhere. As a result, about 82% of our mammal species, 45% of our land bird species, 85% of our flowering plant species, 89% of our reptile species, and about 93% of our frog species are found 4)_ in Australia.,contain,Unit 3: Cloze,isolation,different,only,Ex.

39、 VI, pp.5455 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.,To be continued .,The 5)_ threat to our biodiversity is the loss of habitat through clearing for agriculture, forestry, mini

40、ng and 6)_ development. This, combined with the effects of invasive plants and animals, and 7)_ events such as fire, drought and flood, threatens the survival of our 8)_ species. Since European settlement, most of Australias ecosystems have been 9)_ altered.,major,Unit 3: Cloze,urban,natural,native,

41、extensively,To be continued .,The result has been 10)_ declines in the distribution and abundance of many species, and the 11)_ of at least 17 native mammal species and ten terrestrial (陆栖的) bird species. The effects on aquatic (水栖的) habitats have 12)_ to a decline in our native fish populations.,dr

42、amatic,Unit 3: Cloze,extinction,contributed,To be continued .,The benefits of conserving biodiversity are 13)_. The worlds species provide us with all our food and many medicines and industrial products. There are also opportunities for 14)_ new or improved food crops from our biological diversity.

43、Biodiversity is also 15)_ for ecological processes such as regulating climate, producing soil, providing protection from erosion, 16)_ nutrients and breaking down pollution.,numerous,Unit 3: Cloze,developing,important,storing,To be continued .,Biodiversity is culturally important and it 17)_ the aes

44、thetic values of our landscapes. There is also the 18)_ every species on earth has the right to 19)_ and that no single species or generation can 20)_ the earth as its own.,maintains,Unit 3: Cloze,view,survive,claim,1.由生物多样性的丧失而引起的对人类和地球的威胁和由气候变化所带来的危险一样大。,biodiversity,The threat to humanity and the

45、 planet posed by biodiversity loss is as great as the dangers presented by climate change.,be caused by be posed by,be as great as be the same as,Unit 3: Translation,2.收到年轻读者表达他们对被囚动物的关心的信,并询问他们能帮助做什么,我们总是很高兴。,express their concerns for ,We are always happy to hear from young readers expressing conc

46、ern for animals in captivity and asking what they can do to help.,animals in captivity,Unit 3: Translation,3.这两个最盛行的理论都认为恐龙之所以灭绝是因为地球大气和温度的变化而造成的。,popular prevalent,The two most popular theories both say that dinosaurs died out because of changes in the earths atmosphere and temperature.,the reason

47、why,is caused by,Unit 3: Translation,4.这场森林大火最终被消防队所控制住了,花费将近50万美元。,bring sth under control,The forest fire was finally brought under control by the fire-fighting crews at a cost of nearly half a million dollars.,cost at the cost of,Unit 3: Translation,5.植物根茎能够固定土壤,使之不会被雨水冲蚀。,hold the soil,Plant roots can hold the soil in position and prevent it from being washed away by the rain wat


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