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1、Were conducting a poll among the children who have dropped out of school. A recent poll shows that 70% of British children are regular TV viewers by the age of three.,poll n.,C a survey of public opinion 民意测验,conduct/carry out a poll 进行一次民意调查,FOR EXAMPLE:,Poll so 因此,所以,Shes an expert in her field, a

2、nd is paid accordingly.,2) In a way that is suitable for a particular situation 相应地,accordingly ad.,According to sth. 根据,按照,以为依据 Everything goes according to the plan. According to the bible, eveyone was born equal.,enroll v. become a member of an organisation 注册,登记 at the college in/for 报名登记参加(课程学习

3、) The school will enroll new students in August . she has enrolled for the roller-skating class. enrollment n. 1.注册或登记的人数 2. 登记,注册(过程) The enrollment of the students are increasing. The deadline of the enrollment is 3 days away.,She went to _ school at the age of 5. We should learn the _ technology

4、of other countries. Her health is what mattersthe cost is of _ importance.,级别,水平方面 Elementary 初级的,基本的 mistake/level Secondary 中等的,其次的 importance/level Advanced 高级的,先进的 technology/level,教育方面 Elementary school /education secondary school/ education high school /education,In the course Im taking, there

5、s no opportunity for specialization until the final year. The lawyer said that he was unable to help us because our case fell outside his specialization.,U, C specializing 专业化,专门化,FOR EXAMPLE:,special adj.特殊的,专门的 specialize in sth. 专攻于(某个项目)= major in We specialize in primary school education./appli

6、ed chemistry./electrical engineering and automation.,specialization n.,This is beyond the confines of human knowledge. within the confines of one country. confine sb. to sth.(doing sth.) 把某人限制到某个领域/地区 All the prisoners are confined to an island. I dont like a job in which Im confined to doing only o

7、ne thing.,FOR EXAMPLE:,(pl.) limits, borders界限,范围,keep sb./sth. within certain limits 把限制于,confine n. v.,occupy vt.1.占领 a place/country2.占用(某座位或位置)All the rooms in the hotel have been occupied.He occupied an important position in this class.3.sth. occupy sb.Sb. occupy oneself with sth.忙于某事,某事占据某人的时间

8、精力等(=be busy with sth.)Her career occupied all her time.He occupies all his time with English study.occupied adj.已占用的;使用中的occupation n. 职业,占领 occupational adj.职业的;占领的, sth.(help/service/thanks) to sb. 给某人提供帮助 This is a reward for services rendered. Someone thinks that thanksgiving Day is a holiday t

9、o render thanks to everybody.,2. cause sb./sth. to be in a particular state 使得,使成为 ( sb. +adj. 使某人出于某种状态境况),1. give 给予,提出,His rudeness rendered me speechless. (his rudeness made me speechless) We were rendered helpless by the accident. (we were made helpless by ),render v.,His wife divorced him afte

10、r the revelation that he was having an affair. Shocking revelations appeared in the newspaper about the private life of the president.,U making known sth. that was secret or hidden 泄露,揭示,2. C sth. which is revealed 所揭露的事,revelation n.,rather than anything, anywhere, etc. else 更可取地,更好地,FOR EXAMPLE:,P

11、ut the potatoes into boiling water, preferably after taking the skin off. They want to buy a new house, near the sea preferably. Prefer vt. 更喜欢 A to B 喜欢A 多于B Preferable adj 更合适的,更好的,更喜欢的 A be preferable to B A 比B更好,更合适 It is preferable to live in the contryside. A diplomatic negotiation is preferab

12、le to wars in face of international conflicts.,preferably ad.,Everyone made a contribution of $ 50 to the people of the earthquake striken area. His last novel is his greatest contribution to the literature of Spain.,C,U action of giving (money, support, help or ideas) towards a particular aim or pu

13、rpose; sth. given 捐献, 捐赠,贡献,Contribute to 1.lead to/ cause, 导致,促使,是造成的原因2.为做出贡献 3.为捐款 His carelessness contributes to the failure of the project.,FOR EXAMPLE:,contribution n.,Puzzle vt./ n.vt. sb. (=confuse sb.)使迷惑,使费解what puzzles me is how he managed to know my telephone number.n. (难以回答或解释的)难题,迷How

14、 life begins on the earth remains a puzzle.How to fight against H7N9 is still a puzzle.puzzled adj. 迷惑的,困惑不解的 be at the problem puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的,困惑的 a story,Are u a materialist or an idealist?,Idealism refers to the quality or habit of living according to ones ideals, high principles and perfect

15、standards. sometimes live in a way that is impractical or shows a lack of understanding of the real world.,Materialism puts great interest in possessions(财产), money, etc., rather than spiritual matters, art, etc.,test to see yes/no?,Is to get the college degree so as to find a good job your only rea

16、son to pursue a college education?,If it were possible for you to change your present major(专业), will it be your first concern to choose the new major which will help you find a better job and earn much more money in the furture?,Do you think mathematics, English, physics are quite useless for your

17、furture career and do not want to learn them?,Is financially well-off(富裕的) your life goal?,which will you choose? The former one?,Job which you do not like, while with high pay,Job which matches your interest ,while do not pay well,which will u choose?,love,Career,vs,So what do we study for all thos

18、e twenty years, what can education gives us?,It can give us more than just a job, knowledge, but also Friendship, love and a kind of attitude,Attitudethough when you will get married, do the same the job, be a parent just like those without a higher education, we can have a different attitude, feeling and your children will have a different kind of quality.,A bounder (暴发户) a noble(贵族),有人会问,上那么久学,读那么多书, 大多数人最终还是回到一座平凡的城,打一份平凡的工, 娶妻生子或嫁作人妇,洗衣做饭,何苦折腾? 我想,我们的坚持,是为了,就算最终步入繁琐, 洗尽铅华,同样的工作,却又不一样的心境, 同样的家庭会有不一样的情调, 同样的后代会有不一样的素养。,There is a lot more to life than a job,人生的意义不止止是谋生,


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