新视野第三版第二册Book 2 unit 5 Section A.ppt

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1、FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERTISY,To buy, or not to buy. Thats a question.,Useful Expressions,双11 Double Eleventh Day 网络购物狂欢节 online shopping carnival 剁手党 hands-chopping people 刷爆信用卡 max out the credit card spend money like water 挥金如土 big spender花钱大手大脚的人 G

2、o on a shopping spree/binge 去疯狂购物/去“扫货” Money burns a hole in ones pocket.一有钱就想花。 月光族moonlite,The money game,Section A,2,Spend or save The students dilemma,Objectives,Spend or save The students dilemma,1. How to manage money as a college student?,Create a strict budget and commit to sticking with it

3、; Prioritize ones finances by identifying the areas in which one need to spend money; Remember to save; Avoid credit cards; ,2. What do college students spend their money on?,Tuition and fees; Textbooks or other school supplies; Food and drink; Transportation in the form of bus or train tickets; Ele

4、ctronics, such as laptops and smart phones; Entertainment ; ,Read the following survey questions regarding spending habits of college students. Then check () all the responses that are true for you.,1. Whats the main source of your daily expenses?, From parents From student loan or subsidy From scho

5、larship From part-time job Other (specify) _,2. How much are your monthly expenses?, 500 yuan or less 501-800 yuan 801-1,000 yuan 1,001-1,500 yuan Over 1,500 yuan,3. Do you spend money based on your budget?, Always Sometimes Never,4. What costs most of your money as a college student?, Food, clothin

6、g and other necessities Books Entertainments Other (specify) _,5. If you have extra money, do you prefer to save it or spend it immediately?, Save it Spend it,1. What does financial literacy refer to ?,The ability to understand financial matters; The set of skills and knowledge; Allows an individual

7、 to make informed and effective decisions through understanding of finances.,2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to?,The funding intended to help students pay education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. for education at a colleg

8、e, university, or private school.,Spend or save The students dilemma,This is a _ and _ essay that depicts how the government and banks as well as commercial ads keep sending out a _ of two opposite messages every day: One is to _ people to spend money and the other is to _ people to save money.,Main

9、 idea by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.,What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages? What are the psychological and social consequences of this campaign to control our spending habits? (Para. 6),Every day we get two sets of messages at odds with each other.

10、The “_” message urges us to work hard and save, suspend our desires, and avoid luxuries. The _ urge us to spend. the essential message from ads is anyhow _ already. As psychological and social consequences, people get _ with the two contradictory messages.,Part II (Paras. 3- _),6,permissive advertis

11、ements,cemented into our consciousness,upright,confused,Why should students consider financial well-being as a key ingredient of university education? (Para. 7),What can students do to be financially healthy and have no money worries? (Para. 8),An educated consumer and saver,Balance spending and sav

12、ing,Captain of your own ship,A successful and productive direction,What conclusion can you draw from the text? (Para. 9),Part III Paras. 7-9,Students should learn how to become a smart and _ consumer and how to successfully _, which will help them gain a successful and productive life.,educated,mana

13、ge their finances,Introduction (Paras. 1-2),Example of contradictory messages: a failing consumer or a valued customer? (Para. 2),Introduction (Paras. 1-2),Body: paradox of the two sets of messages (Paras. 3-6),Body: paradox of the two sets of messages (Paras. 3-6),Conclusion (Paras. 7-9),It is impo

14、rtant to learn how to balance spending and saving to make your life better. (Para. 9),Spend or save the students dilemma I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy _ and contradict each other. The government tells us to spend and also to _ more. Banks offer higher interest ra

15、tes so we can increase savings and also send us _ offers so we can spend more. If we dont pay our credit card bill on time, the,common sense,save,credit card,To be continued,credit card company will warn us. As soon as we pay, the company will tell us how _ a customer we are and encourage us to_. We

16、 get two sets of messages at _ each other. One is the “permissive” perspective-advertisings permissive message is _; The other is “_” message. What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages?,To be continued,valuable,resume spending,odds with,upright,inescapable,On one hand, we

17、want more things because we want to satisfy our _. On the other hand, we hope to _ our desires. Anyway, many of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to your _. Money worries are extremely _ and _. So, how can you be a smart and educated consumer?,material appetite,postpone,fina

18、nces,stressful,distracting,To be continued,Consider _ classes or schools financial aid office or seek input in setting up a _. You can also finding a _ to help you stay on track and find _ in the administration. Most importantly, dont let your ego _ and urgently get help. As you learn to balance spe

19、nding and saving, you will have a successful and _ life.,financial literacy,budget,partner,pleasure,get in your way,productive,提到;谈到,(mention / refer to ),Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.,refer to,短语逆译,短语应用,尽管她没有提任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。,意群提示,不缺少;不缺乏,(go ahead

20、 with / project/ no shortage of ),You may go ahead with the project; there is no shortage of funds.,no shortage of,短语逆译,短语应用,你们可以继续进行这个项目,资金并不缺乏。,意群提示,得到,获得 (优势或愉快的感受),(derive from/satisfaction/introduction),Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the introduction to art course.,derive sth.

21、 from sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,许多学生从这门艺术入门课程中得到了巨大的满足。,意群提示,领会;理解;记住,It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in all at once.,take in,短语逆译,短语应用,这是一个有趣的展览,但要一下子记住所有的东西太多了。,意群提示,(exhibition / all at once/take in ),(对形势)作出估计(判断),(take stock of / position/circumstance/situation),We had to

22、take stock of our position before we could decide what to do next.,take stock (of sth.),短语逆译,短语应用,我们在决定下一步做什么以前,必须对我们的处境作出判断。,意群提示,在(可能通向成功的) 轨迹上,(run/ according to/ on track ),Everything is running according to our plan, so were still on track for 10% growth.,短语逆译,短语应用,一切都在按照我们的计划进行,所以我们仍有可能达到10%的增

23、长率。,意群提示,on track,这里还有一个大家熟悉的例子:如果我们不按时支付信用卡账单,我们会收到从信用卡公司发来类似这样的令人讨厌的催缴账单的电子邮件,原句译文,逆译练习,Heres another familiar example: If we dont pay our credit card bill on time, we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like,句型提炼,Heres another familiar example: ,句型提炼,应用提示,用于列

24、举“人们熟知的事例”。,句型应用,(gourmet/ be sold on / Peking Duck),典型例句,这里还有一个大家熟悉例子: “ 西方美食家已对北京烤鸭极有兴趣. ”,意群提示,Here is another familiar example : “ Western gourmets are sold on Peking Duck. ”,据计算,普通的美国人到18岁时,会看过60万个广告。,原句译文,逆译练习,Its been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,0

25、00 ads.,句型提炼,Its been calculated that,句型提炼,应用提示,用于引出“有说服力的数据”。,句型应用,(calculate/ population / double ),典型例句,据计算,世界人口在本世纪末将要增加一倍。,意群提示,Its been calculated that the worlds population will double by the end of the century.,学会了如何平衡支出和储蓄,你就会成为你自己的船长,驾驶着你的生活之帆,乘风破浪,驶向成功和富饶。,原句译文,逆译练习,As you learn to balanc

26、e spending and saving, you will become the captain of your own ship, steering your life in a successful and productive direction through the choppy waters.,句型提炼,As sb. learn to do sth., sb.will do sth.,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“某人学会某事就会有所收获”。,句型应用,(dive / appreciate/ magnetism/ to your heart content),典型例句,学会了潜

27、水就会见到海下的美丽景色,尽情领略大海的魅力。,意群提示,As you learn to dive, you will see the beautiful view under the sea, appreciating the magnetism of the sea to your heart content.,offer higher interest rates,pay credit card bill,messages at odds with each other,traditional values,core American values,advertisements inva

28、de daily lives,its been calculated that,do ones utmost,cement into our consciousness,satisfy your desires,contradictory but explicit messages,financial literacy class,satisfy our material appetite,take stock of your life,a key ingredient of education,focus on prime objective,set up a budget,balance

29、spending and saving,Heres another familiar example: ,Its been calculated that,As sb. learn to do sth., sb. will do sth.,Offer discount prices; Send giveaways; Associate with new technologies like Internet marketing; Compare with other merchandises.,What are some of the effective techniques used to p

30、romote the selling of various products?,2. Do you prefer to spend or save? Why?, I will spend because life is so short and I dont want to be thrifty or spend money carefully, which will drive me crazy. I only know I should enjoy my life while Im still young and healthy. I will save because with the

31、worsening economic situation everywhere, I dont know what could happen to me in the future. To be responsible for myself, I have to save some money for the future.,When I dont have much pocket money with me. When I want to buy something inexpensive but I cant afford it. When I dont have money to han

32、g out with my friends and classmates. When I see many things I dont need surrounding me.,3. How do you know whether youre overspending or not?,Learn a comparison / contrast essay To start with, if you have two items to compare or contrast, the first step is to figure out how they are similar and how

33、 they are different. if you are comparing or contrasting two professors, you might do so on these points: homework assignment, type of exam, class organization, grading system and style of teaching. The chart below illustrates how you can list your points:,to be continued,to be continued,Learn a com

34、parison / contrast essay The next step is to study your list and decide whether to write about similarities or differences, or both. It is usually best to concentrate on one or the other. If you see that there are more similarities on the list, you might need to omit differences, or vice versa. The

35、way to organize your points in your essay is either point-by-point or subject-by-subject. Please take a look at the chart below to see how you can organize the details with this pattern :,to be continued,to be continued,Lets look at Paragraphs 3 & 4 of Text A to see how comparison and contrast metho

36、d is used to develop ideas:,Translate a paragraph based on a summary of the text by using the expressions from the text.,政府告诉我们要消费的更多走出衰退。然而我们又被告知节省更多的钱来解决衰退问题。银行提供较高的利率鼓励我们存钱,同时又提供信用卡让我们花的更多。无论如何,一个成功的学生所需需要的很多技,get out of the recession,a successful student,save more,interest rates,credit card,To b

37、e continued,能可以应用到你的财务中去。你可以在金融问题变得失控之前向金融扫盲班或学校的财务援助办公室寻求帮助。当你学会了平衡收支,你就会拥有成功且富饶的生活。,apply,balance,get out of control,financial literacy classes,seek help,Samples,financial aid,successful and productive,The government tells us to spend more to get out of the recession. however, we are also told to

38、save more to help solve the recession. banks offer higher interest rates to encourage us to save and also send us credit card offers so we can spend more. Anyway, many of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to your finances. You could seek help from financial literacy classes or schools financial aid office before your financial problems get out of control. As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will have a successful and productive life.,Spend or Save The Students Dilemma,Spend or Save The Students Dilemma,


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