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1、To Kill a Mockingbird杀死一只知更鸟,Introduction,To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the American life during the Depression,showing the life in a small town in South America through the visual angle of two children, Jem and Scout. The Movie,To Kill a Mockingbird, was made in 1962,which was adapted from a best

2、-selling novel of the same title written by a woman writer,Harper Lee.,The Author,Harper Lee grew up in Alabama in April 28,1926,the daughter of a lawyer.She was educated in the South,moved to New York in the 1950s, took a job as an airline reservations clerk,and wrote her first and the only novel d

3、uring that time.To Kill a Mockingbird,published in 1960,won a Pulitzer Prize,and is still admired,widely-taught,and beloved.,Jem & Scout,Jem and Scouts father,Atticus Finch who is a single father and also an attorney defends a black man who is wrongly accused of the rape of a white woman.Atticus is

4、the image of a great hero and the representative of benevolence and justice in the ordinary world,Tom Robinson,Mayellas father Bob Ewell,The Plot,In the book,an adult Scout ( Jean Louise Finch) reflects on growing up during the Depression in fictitious(虚构的) Maycomb,Alabama,with her older brother,Jem

5、,and her father,Atticus.Calpurnia,their black maid,has taken care of Scouts family since her mother died when Scout was two years old. During the three-year span of the novel,Scout and Jem,with Atticuss guidance,learn about the world around them.,The first section of the novel,which is divided into

6、two parts,begins with the narrator reflecting on the year that her brothers arm was broken, and she attempts to trace the events that led to the accident.She describes her lineage(血统),the major families that make up Maycomb, and the caste system(等级制度) that is deeply embedded into the psyche(灵魂) of a

7、ll who live there.When Scout is six,she and Jem meet Dill,a boy who has come from Meridian,Mississippi,to spend the summer with his aunt.Together,the children devise plans they hope will get their reclusive(隐居的) neighbor,Arthur “Boo” Radley,to come out of his home.,They have heard rumors about his l

8、ife, and they begin to make up stories of their own. When Atticus learns that the children are bothering the Radley family, he encourages them to stop, but their fascination with Boo never diminishes. Boo also becomes interested in them. He leaves them small gifts in the knothole(树洞) of a tree, mend

9、s(修补) Jems pants when they are caught in a fence, and surreptitiously(秘密地) covers Scout with a blanket while she stands watching fire consume a neighbors home. As the novel progresses, the childrens image of Boo slowly evolves from that of an oddity to that of a human being capable of love.,At Chris

10、tmas,Scout and Jem are given air rifles and a dictum: “Shoot all the bluejays you want,if you can hit em,but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird.”. Their father later explains that mockingbirds only make music and sing their hearts out for people.Atticus also tells Scout and Jem that it is evil

11、 to take advantage of people who are disenfranchised(被剥夺公民权的).,The second part of the novel reveals the childrens growing maturity as they watch the events unfold when Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson,a black man who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell,a poor, white woman. Atticus tells Scout, “

12、I couldnt go to church and worship God if I didnt try to help that man,” suggesting that it is his Christian duty to help those in need regardless of their race or class. When Scout and Jem visit Calpurnias church,they learn that segregation(种族隔离) extends to religious practices though Calpurnia main

13、tains that whites and blacks serve the same God.,Atticus clearly proves Tom Robinsons innocence by arguing that a left-handed person abused Mayella and by showing that an accident during childhood left Toms left hand useless.Despite this,Tom,a symbolic mockingbird, is convicted and sentenced to pris

14、on.The children are surprised and hurt to learn that the people in their community allow racism to prevent justice from prevailing(占优势).,Mayellas father,Bob,enraged by Atticuss ability to reveal that he and his daughter falsely accused Tom,tries to stab Scout and Jem.Though Bob breaks Jems arm,Boo R

15、adley defends the children,killing Bob in the process.In an effort to protect this particular mockingbird from public scrutiny, the sheriff decides he will not arrest Boo.Echoing the beginning,the end of the novel focuses on Atticus and Scout as they sit by Jems bed waiting for his broken arm to hea

16、l.,Killing a mockingbird symbolizes that the evils destroy the innocent.In the novel, Jem,Tom Robinson, Boo,and Mayella Ewell are all mockingbirds spiritually.,Relative Reviews,To kill a Mockingbird protests against racial discrimination and social unjustness sincerely. And at that time, the civil r

17、ights movement was becoming to attract all the nations attention. - -The New York Times To kill a Mockingbird is a precious cultural relic of the times.It saved the hope and emotion for the world in that kinder, purer and more elegant America. -Chicago Sun-Times,My Feelings,This novel impresses on m

18、e profoundly.Prejudice and injustice on the Negro are deeply rooted in peoples heart in the small southern town.However, justice and kindness still exist.Though Finchs effort ultimately turned out changeless of the racial tension in the town,his noble spirit had set an good example for people of con

19、science.Besides, another thing I want to mention is the title “to kill a mockingbird”.Literally,the novel seems to have nothing to do with the mockingbird,but actually,it has a great symbolic meaning.It presents the innocent.Furthermore,it is a symbol of the noble kind of human quality.,Question,1.Do you want to watching the movie? 2.Whats your feeling about the book? 3.Can you tell me the meaning of the mockingbird? rhetoric skill:symbolism,Thank you,


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