现代英语词汇学4 word-formation.ppt

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1、Word-formation IV,The Minor Processes,English Lexicology(II),2,Important Points,I. Abbreviation/Shortening Acronymy: Initialisms/Acronyms Clipping: Blending II. Back-formation III. Reduplication IV. Analogue V. Words from Proper Nouns,English Lexicology(II),3,I. The Introduction of Shortening,When n

2、ew words are formed by compounding or affixation, the result is of course a longer unit. Shortening is contrary to the tend of compounding or affixation. There are several ways of shortening English words as follows: Acronymy: Initialisms/Acronyms Clipping Blending,English Lexicology(II),4,I. Acrony

3、my,1.1 Initialisms 1.2 Acronyms,English Lexicology(II),5,1.1 Initialims,Initialisms are words formed from the initial letters of words which are pronounced as sequences of letters e.g., EEC. Acronyms are also formed from the initial letters of words, but are pronounced as a word, e.g. radar (radio d

4、etecting and ranging). 1) non-technical: O.K. (= all correct) / VIP (very important person) 2)borrowings: AD (= L. Anno Domini),English Lexicology(II),6,3) proper nouns: U.S.A. / OPEC (=Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) / IBM (=International Business Machines Corporation) 4) technical:

5、IQ(intelligence quotient) / N-bomb (= nuclear bomb,English Lexicology(II),7,IOC=International Olympic Committee BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation ISBN=International Standard Book Number CAD=computer assisted design cm=centimeter TB=tuberculosis,English Lexicology(II),8,CPU DIY CEO IT AI SOS,centr

6、al processing unit Do it yourself Chief Executive Officer Information technology artificial intelligence Save our ship international direct dial,Write out in full the following initialisms,English Lexicology(II),9,IDD GMT VIP P.S. a.m. p.m.,international direct dial Greenwich Mean Time very importan

7、t person postscript ante meridiem post meridiem,Write out in full the following initialisms,English Lexicology(II),10,1.2 Acronyms,Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. Most of the words are from the name of an organization or scientific terms,English Lexico

8、logy(II),11,radar WAVES NATO AIDS BASIC,Radio detecting and ranging Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Beginners all-purpose symbolic Instruction Code,Write out in full the following initialisms,English Lexicolog

9、y(II),12,N-bomb D-Notice G-man D-day V-day,Nuclear bomb Defense Notice Government man Decimalization day Victory day,Some acronyms are formed with the intial letter of the first word plus the whole of the second.,English Lexicology(II),13,This term refers to the process by which a word of two or mor

10、e syllables (usually a noun) is shortened without a change in its function taking place. Advertisement, examination, gymnasium, laboratory, photograph. professor, all have commonly-used clipped forms: ad or advert, exam, gym, lab, photo, Prof. Clipped words are generally used in less formal situatio

11、ns than their full-length equivalents: they indicate an attitude of familiarity on the part of the user, either towards the object denoted, or towards the audience.,II. Clipping,English Lexicology(II),14,2.1Clipped Words,ad=advertisement expo=exposition phone=telephone pro=professional memo=memorand

12、um tec=detective heli or copter=helicopter comfy=comfortable,English Lexicology(II),15,gymnasium dormitory handkerchief gasoline kilogram,gym dorm hanky Gas kilo,Give clippings for the following words,English Lexicology(II),16,influenza business parachute refrigerator taxicab,flu biz chute fridge ta

13、xi or cab,Give clippings for the following words,English Lexicology(II),17,1.Noun-verb conversion2.2 Types of Clipping,Back Clippings/Apocope Front Clippings/Aphaeresis Front and back Clippings Middle Clippings/Syncope Phrase Clipping,English Lexicology(II),18,1.2.1 Back Clipping,The shortening may

14、occur at the end of the word, sometimes with an addition of -o, -y, or -i.e.,picture Poliomyelitis Professional Rhinoceros stereophonic,pic Polio Pro Rhino stereo,English Lexicology(II),19,advertisement business Coca-cola champion demobilize doctor gasoline gentlement,ad biz coke champ demob Doc Gas

15、 gent,Give clippings for the following words,English Lexicology(II),20,hippopotamus information laboratory lavatory mathematics mechanic,hippo info lab lav math mec,Give clippings for the following words,English Lexicology(II),21,ammunition conscious objector television Australian recruit trigonomet

16、ry umpire veterinarian,ammo conchy telly Aussie rookie trig ump vet,Give clippings for the following words,English Lexicology(II),22,2.2.3 Front Clipping,bus (= omnibus) / bo (= hobo) / chute (=parachute) / coon (=raccoon) / copter (= helicopter) / dozer (=bulldozer) / mum (=chrysanthemum) / phone (

17、= telephone) / quake (=earthquake) 1.2.4 front and back clippings flu (= influenza) / fridge (=refrigerator) / tec (=detective) / scrip (=subscription)/ vic (=convict),English Lexicology(II),23,1.2.5 Middle Clipping,bike (= bicycle) / trike (= tricycle )/ cric (= critic) / Frisco (=San Francisco 1.2

18、.6 Some clipped words are used only in journalism Govt (= government); Intl (= International); Dept (= department); Hkong(=HongKong); Spore (=Singapore,English Lexicology(II),24,1.2.1 Phrase Clipping,Many phrases and sentences have shortened, simply because they are too lengthy and used too often in

19、 conversation. Goodbye and farewell were once God be with you and Fare thee well. After all is said to be the remnant of after all is said and done, and the Americanism fall is shortened from of fall of the leaf. The following are some recent examples:,English Lexicology(II),25,consols (= consolidat

20、ed annuities) pyro (= pyro-gallic acid) jet (=jet-propelled plane) private (= private common soldier) lube (lubricating oil)/ pub (public house),English Lexicology(II),26,III. Blending,The definition of blending Blending(拼缀法)is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining p

21、arts of two words. The result of such a process is called a blend or telescopic word or portmanteau word ( 并合词). Blending is thus a process of both compounding and abbreviation.,English Lexicology(II),27,Examples newscast (newsbroadcast) brunch (breakfastlunch) smog (smokefog) talkathon (talkmaratho

22、n) slimnastics (slimgymnastics) videophone ( video telephone),English Lexicology(II),28,sci-fi hi-fi workaholic stagflation Unicom sitcom motel dawk,sciencefiction highfidelity workalcoholic stagnationinflation United Communications situationcomedy motorhotel dovehawk,English Lexicology(II),29,Struc

23、turally blends may be divided into four types.,English Lexicology(II),30,avionics beautility bit botel lidar mingy smog,aviationelectronics beautyutility binarydigit boathotel light radar meanstingy smokefog,A. First part of the first word + Last part of the second one,English Lexicology(II),31,coms

24、at fortran moped sitcom Sci-fi telex,communicationsatellite formulatranslation motorpedal situationcomedy science fiction teleprinterexchange,B. First part of the first word + First part of the second one,English Lexicology(II),32,airtel faction lunarnaut slimnastics talkathon,airhotel factfiction l

25、unarastronaut slimgymnastics talk marathon,C. Whole form of the first word + Last part of the second one,English Lexicology(II),33,docudrama medicare motown,documentarydrama medicalcare motortown,D. Whole form of the first word + Last part of the second one,English Lexicology(II),34,II. Backformatio

26、n,1.The definition of backformation Back-formation(逆成法) is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed suffix. It is also known as a reverse derivation. This is because many of the removed suffixes are not true suffixes but inseparable parts of the words. eg.

27、 editor-editor,English Lexicology(II),35,Examples edit from editor automate from automation enthuse from enthusiasm gloom from gloomy donate from donation brainwash from brainwashing sleep-walk from sleep-walking,English Lexicology(II),36,2. Back-formation usually involves the following types of wor

28、ds:,2.1 Abstract Nouns diagnose diagnosis donate donation enthuse enthusiasm emote emotion,English Lexicology(II),37,2.2 Human nouns,Examples loaf sculpt burgle beg,Loafer Sculptor Burglar beggar,English Lexicology(II),38,2.3 Compound nouns,Examples eavesdrop merrymake babysit,eavesdeopping Merry-ma

29、king baysitter,English Lexicology(II),39,2.4 Adjectives,Examples drowse laze frivol,drowsy lazy frivolous,English Lexicology(II),40,Note: Words created through back-formation are mostly verbs. There are only a few that can be used as nouns or as both nouns and verbs. eg.gloom-gloomy greed-greedy Sty

30、listically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not gained public acceptance. Therefore, they should be used with care.,English Lexicology(II),41,III. Redulication,Minor type of word-formation by which a compound is created by the repetition. They are characterized by being

31、rhymed or alliterated. eg. go-go, ping pong, teeny-weeny Willy-nilly, wishy-washy, dilly-dally Shilly-shally,English Lexicology(II),42,The common use of Reduplicative are: A. To imitate sounds: tick-tick, quack-quack B. To suggest alternating movements sea-saw: up and down, to and pro zigzag: right

32、and left alternatively at sharp angles C. To express ones contempt of the character, appearance and behavior of a person eg. hocus-pocus, dum-dum, no-no,English Lexicology(II),43,D. to disparage by suggesting that sth is in disorder, or of small value or of inferior quality. eg. fiddle-faddle hurry-

33、skurry Topsy-turvy E. to show ones approval Super-duper Tip-top,English Lexicology(II),44,IV. Analogy,The definition of analogy(类比) The process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to the existing patterns in the language,English Lexicology(II),45,Examples Marathon-telethon,

34、talkathon blue-collar workers-white-collar workers, gray-collar workers, pink-collar workers, gold-collar workers environmental pollution-visual or eye pollution, noise pollution, cultural pollution, graffiti pollution First Family-First Lady, First Dog Landscape-moonscape, marscape Birds eye-fish-e

35、ye, worms-eye, cats-eye,English Lexicology(II),46,V. Words form Proper Name,Name of People Name of Places Name of Books Trade names,English Lexicology(II),47,Boycott: v&n refusal or refuse to do business with, attend or take part in, as a way of disapproval or opposition. From the 19th century landl

36、ord Captain Boycott Cabal: v&n A clique or make secret plans for political action. From the initial letters of the five ministers Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale,English Lexicology(II),48,I want to be TVS czar of script and grammar. Churchill, a bent Pickwick in blue uniform,

37、 looked up at him with majestic good humor, much older, more dignified, more assured. It is with procrustean thoroughness that the Soviet government squelches all dissent.,English Lexicology(II),49,5.1Names of People,Ampere Farad Ohm Volt Watt Diesel Machintosh Bloomers Cherub Protean Bobby quisling

38、,安培 French 法拉 British 欧姆 German 伏特 Italian 瓦特 Scottish 柴油 机 German 雨衣 Scottish 女士灯笼裤 New York 洋娃娃 cherub 多变的人 Proteus 警察 Sir Robert Peel Traitor Vidkun Quisling,English Lexicology(II),50,5.2 Names of Places,China Afghan Jersey Rugby Champagne,Porcelain A kind of knitted rug Jersey Island in Britain

39、British Rugby school A kind of wine in France,English Lexicology(II),51,5.3 Names of books,Utopia Odyssy babbit,Sir Thomas Homers epic (Odysseus) Sinclair Lewis,English Lexicology(II),52,5.4 Tradenames Nylon Orlon Dacron Rayon They are originally tradenames and now used to denote the four types of fabric, and lost their original identity.,English Lexicology(II),53,Examples,frisbee Deep-freeze Omega Xerox thermos,A plate-like plate A deep freezer A kind of cigarette Photocopier Vacuum bottle,


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