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1、译文,A Tranquil Night 许渊冲 译 Abed, I see a silver light, I wonder if its frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.,Chapter 3 Inquiries and Requests,Lead-in Reading 阅读与欣赏,静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 李白,询盘写法-具体询盘,1. 说明具体需求(商品、规格、数量、交期 、价格条件),2. 具体说明要对方做什么(报价

2、、提供样品、提供目录),3. 说明对方答复的期限,4. 可顺便强调一下价格的重要性,14.02.2021,Business English Translation,5,尊敬的陈先生: 2007年11月,浙江省嘉兴市举行了第五届中国纺织及制衣工业展览会。我们对贵方展台上展示的大衣系列服装很感兴趣。 我们是英国一家主要的时装进口商,在国内享有很高的声誉。目前,我方正在寻找能提供各种款式大衣的生产商。如贵方对这些条件感兴趣并能一次提供超过500件的订货商品,请惠寄你们的现行商品目录及价格表。 希望能尽早得到答复。 列维帕克 敬上,Section AWork Task询盘函,Dear Mr. Chen

3、, We are impressed by the selection of overcoats that were displayed in your showroom at the 5th China Textiles best terms; discount),询盘函句型Sentences of Inquiry Letters,1 使用祈使句译文 A. 请将贵公司的进口商品目录寄来为荷。 (荷:信函中表示“感谢”) B 1. Please state your best terms and discount for cash payment.(陈述 说明) B 2. Please let

4、 us know your best terms and discount for cash.,询盘函句型Sentences of Inquiry Letters,2 使用请求句 A. Would you please send us some samples with the quotations? (样品;报价单) B. 敬请惠寄商品的现行价格表。(current; price list),询盘函句型Sentences of Inquiry Letters,2 使用请求句译文 A. 敬请惠寄报价单与样品可否? B 1. Will you please let us have a rulin

5、g price list of the goods? B 2. Would you please send us a list of up- to-date/current prices for the goods? (最近的 最新的),询盘函句型Sentences of Inquiry Letters,2 使用请求句译文 A. 敬请惠寄报价单与样品可否? B 1. Will you please let us have a ruling price list of the goods? B 2. Would you please send us a list of up- to-date/c

6、urrent prices for the goods? (最近的 最新的),询盘函句子翻译练习 Inquiry Letters-Sentence Translation Practice,1 Please send us your catalogue and price list of . 2 I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date price list for your . 3 Would you please quote us your lowest price for .,1 请惠寄你方的商品目录和价格表。 2 如蒙贵方寄来的现

7、行价格表,将不胜感激。 3 贵方能否将的最低价格报给我方?,询盘函句子翻译练习 Inquiry Letters-Sentence Translation Practice,4 Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list? 5 We look forward to hearing from you soon. 6 We hope to hear from you soon.,4 贵方能否寄来最新的商品目录和价目表? 5 我们盼望能尽早得到答复。 6 我们希望能尽早收到您的回复。,14.02.2021,Business Englis

8、h Translation,22,Complimentary Close客套结束语 亲密式: Cordially, Cordially yours, Intimately yours, 普通式: Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Very sincerely yours, 正式: Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Faithfully yours, 最正式: Respectfully, Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully, Very respectfully,Thank You,


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