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1、1,英语长句一般都是形体长、词数多、结构复杂的句子。主要因修饰成分多、并列成分多或结构层次多而形成。其中既有并列句,又有复合句,也有简单句。当然,长句中并列句和复合句比例最大,简单句相对要少一些。,Translation of Long Sentences,2,英语长句多用于书面语体,如政论、科技语体。 英语长句常常是一个主句带有若干个从句,从句中又夹着短语,短语又帮衬着从句,从句套从句,短语接短语,一步接一步、一环扣一环,互相交叉、互相依附、互相制约、互相解释、互相说明、互相渗透,使句子显得十分冗长。,3,像这种英语长句,翻译时,可考虑采用层次翻译法,首先对原文进行意义分析、切块拆分,按照汉

2、语习惯做文字增删、结构调整,根据逻辑关系重组语言,合理转换语码。,小节结束,4,例1:It was originally surmised that different bodies fell to the ground at rates proportional to their respective weights, but, towards the end sixteenth century, Galileo contended that the rate of fall was the same for all bodiesprovided gravity were the only

3、force actingand he attributed the slower rate of fall observed on the case of a light body to the resistance of the air, which exerted a relatively greater effect on a light body than on a heavy body of the same size and shape.,It was but, Galileo contended and he attributedthe air that thatwas whic

4、hgreater (主语从句) (宾语从句) (定语从句) provided(虚拟条件状语从句),【译文】原先人们曾猜测,不同的物体落到地面上的速度是与各自的重量成正比的。但是到了十六世纪末,伽利略坚决主张,若重力是惟一的作用力,则所有物体的降落速度都是相同的,他还认为,人们观察到的轻物体降落速度较慢是由于空气的阻力引起的,因为空气阻力对轻物体的影响要比对同样大小同样形状的重物体的影响大得多。,1. 顺译法 2. 逆译法 3. 拆分法,4.1.1 顺译法,顺译法就是英语长句所叙述的内容逻辑和顺序与汉语的表达相一致时,可以直接按照原文顺序翻译。,Sometimes an innocent per

5、son who is involved in an accident is crippled for life and the person who caused the accident might not have the money to pay him for years but the insurance company does. 有时事故中的无辜受害者终身残废,而肇事者就是拖上几年也拿不出钱来赔偿,可是保险公司却赔得起。,这个句子含有两个并列的定语从句。句子共有三层意思(一)事故中的无辜受害者终身残废,(二)肇事者就是拖上几年也拿不出钱来赔偿,(三)可是保险公司赔得起。这三层的内

6、容逻辑和汉语表达是一致的,因此我们可以把它顺译出来。一般来说,当句子按时间来描述动作发生的先后顺序,或者每个分句之间是并列关系时,多采用顺译法。,9,The testing, the launching and the recovery are indications 主语 谓语,【译文】原子弹、氢弹、导弹试验成功,人造地球卫星的发射成功和准确回收,集中标志着我国科学技术达到的新水平。,The successful testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs and guided missile and the launching and accurate rec

7、overy of man-made earth satellites are important indications of our new level in science and technology.,10,课堂互动1: 用顺译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),7. The development of industrial technology largely strengthened human physical capabilities, enabling people to harness more energy, process and shape materials more e

8、asily, travel faster, and so on while the development of microelectronics extends mental capabilities, enabling electric “intelligence” to be closely related to a wide range of products and processes. 【译文】工业技术的发展大大增强了人的体力,使人们能更广泛地利用能源,更方便地对材料进行加工和成型,更快地进行旅游等等,而微电子学的发展则增强了人的智力,使电子“智能”用于各种各样的产品和过程。,4.

9、1.2 逆译法,很多情况下,英语的表达顺序和汉语的表达顺序有很大的不同,甚至完全相反。这就要求翻译时,要仔细分析英语的长句结构,将原文句子或进行局部调整,或进行总体调整,以达到使译句符合汉语习惯表达和叙事逻辑顺序的目的。,12,逆着或基本逆着原文的词序或句序进行翻译,词序与思维方式和表达习惯有关。 汉语时空观上大体遵循逆序法,即由大至小,由远及近,由重而轻;而英语的时空观大体遵循顺序法在表达法上多有不同。 英语长句的叙述层次、表达习惯不同于汉语,如果按原文次序翻译就会感到译文模糊,不通顺,这时就需要逆着原文的顺序去译,从后面的部分译起。,逆译法 (Translation in Reverse

10、Order),Yet as Indian IT companies are discovering as they develop local centers to service global customers, market access in China may add up to nothing if the countrys graduate and post-graduate community of software professionals lacks proficiency in English. 参考译文1 然而,印度信息技术企业在中国设立地区中心以期为全球客户提供服务

11、时却发现,如果中国软件专业的应届本科毕业生和研究生英语水平不高的话,这些企业进军中国市场的举动可能会毫无意义。,Yet as Indian IT companies are discovering as they develop local centers to service global customers, market access in China may add up to nothing if the countrys graduate and post-graduate community of software professionals lacks proficiency

12、in English. 参考译文2 然而,印度信息技术企业发现,在中国设立地区中心以期为全球客户提供服务时,进军中国市场的举动可能会毫无意义,要是中国软件专业的应届本科和研究生毕业生英语水平不高的话。,这句话是一个套嵌的状语从句。分析后,按照汉语表达逻辑,这句话有这么几层意思:(1)Yet as Indian IT companies are discovering,(2)as they develop local centers to service global customers, (3)if the countrys graduate and post-graduate communi

13、ty of software professionals lacks proficiency in English,(4)market access in China may add up to nothing. Yet as Indian IT companies are discovering as they develop local centers to service global customers, market access in China may add up to nothing if the countrys graduate and post-graduate com

14、munity of software professionals lacks proficiency in English.,因此,要这句话的汉译语气自然,就要调整翻译的语序,以符合汉语表达习惯。比较发现,参考译文2不符合汉语的习惯,整个句子给人印象混乱,不合章法。而参考译文1调整了译文语序,使之更符合汉语的逻辑,容易让读者理解。 但是我们在采取逆译法的时候也要视情况,按意群来进行全部倒置或部分倒置。如果译句既能顺译又能倒置时,就要由译文的效果来决定采取什么手段来翻译。,Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are

15、often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers. 参考译文1 许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。 参考译文2 这在西方倒是人之常情,许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位。,这是一个比较长的同位语从句。按照汉语的习惯,通常原因在前,结果在后;条件在前,事实在后。我们按照汉语习惯把这句话的主句Such is human nature in the West倒置到句末,不仅更符合汉语习惯,而且语言也更流

16、畅。,19,It was our view that the United States could be effective in both the tasks assigned by the President, i.e., of ending hostilities, and making a contribution to a permanent peace in the Middle Eastif we conducted ourselves so that we could remain in permanent contact with all of these elements in the equation.,【译文】如果我们采取行动以便能继续与中东问题各方面保持接触,美国就能担当起总统布置的两项任务,即结束中东敌对行为,并对核地区的永久和平做出贡献,这就是我们的看法。,


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