高级英语第二册 Marrakech.ppt

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1、Unit 2,Marrakech,Contents,1. Background information 2. Type of writing 3. Organization structure 4. Detailed study 5. Exercises,1. Background information,Marrakech Author and his works,Morocco (摩洛哥),Morocco,a. Located in North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean b. About 2000 B.C

2、. settled by Berber tribes, then invaded by Arabs in the 7th century, bringing with them Islam. c. In 1912, a Franco-Spanish agreement divided Morocco into 4 administrative zones-French Morocco, Spanish protectorate (保护国) , a southern protectorate and an international zone .,d. Gained independence i

3、n 1956 and became a constitutional monarchy (君主国) in 1957. Morocco is a member of the United Nations, the League of Arab States, and the Organization of African Unity. e. People: most Muslims; Most (70%) Moroccans are farmers, using camels, donkeys and mules to pull plows, trying to grow their own f

4、ood. In the South a few tribesmen still wander from place to place in the desert. f. Islam: the state religion g. Arabic- the official language, French and Spanish also spoken.,National flag of Morocco,Marrakech,Marrakech is not only a fantastic city, it is also a symbol of the Morocco that once was

5、, and which still survives here. The streets of the old and pink city have been too narrow to allow the introduction of cars, and tourists searching for the real Morocco have turned the medieval structures of Marrakech into good business.,It was founded in 1062 and was the capital of Morocco from th

6、en until 1147 and again from 1550 to 1660. It was captured by the French in 1912.It has extremely hot summer but mild winters. The city renowned for leather goods, is one of the principal commercial centers of Morocco.,The market 1,The market 2,Marrakech,Author and his works,George Orwell (1903-1950

7、) : the pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair a British novelist and essayist between the second world war much praised in the west partly because of his anti-communist point of view. born in India, his father, a so called empire-builder -serving the British government abroad.,received good education in Br

8、itain and studied in the most famous school “Eden”. traveled widely (including Marrakech). His travel made him take a hostile attitude toward imperialism. He showed deep sympathy for the poor and became a firm supporter of socialism.,joined Spanish war and was seriously wounded. The Spanish socialis

9、t forces divided into faction. The faction he belonged to was persecuted. So he became so pessimistic and depressed, which led him toward anti-communist attitude.,His works,Down and Out in Paris and London 1933 A Clergymans Daughter 1935 Keep the Aspidistra Flying 1936 Coming up for Air 1940 动物农庄 An

10、imal Farm 1945 Nineteen Eighty-Four 1949,动物农庄 Animal Farm 1945,a satirical fantasy attacking communism his reputation as an anticommunist writer,All of his works : the sociopolitical conditions of his time, notably with the problem of human freedom His works show sharp powers of observation and deep

11、 sympathy for suffering people. His works give a deep sense of conviction and urgency. The use of English is clear, simple and direct, with no formality of embellishment. (Addition/decoration)he said his ideal was to write prose like a window pane.,In reading his works, several aspects draw our atte

12、ntion:,2. Type of writing,Description - deals with appearances and feelings Narration - deals with events and experience Exposition - deals with processes and relationships Argumentation - the purpose of argumentation is to convince. Argumentative essays should have a debatable point, sufficient evi

13、dence, and good and clear logic.,2. Type of writing,It is an exposition, a political essay. Orwell leaves no doubt about his feelings concerning colonialism and its results. He has shown the reader how millions of people can be ignored and treated as less than human.,Exposition,Exposition means expl

14、aining. The writer appeals to a readers understanding with verifiable facts and valid information, explaining and interpreting that materials so that the reader will accept his point of view or explanation. Thus he must organize and develop his thought objectively and present it with honesty and com

15、pleteness so that the reader will have confidence in what he is saying.,Exposition,Exposition is perhaps the type of writing that is most frequently used by a student, a scientist, or a professional.Exposition - expounding explaining,Exposition,An expository paper explains or explores something, suc

16、h as the process of making a machine, the causes of a natural or social phenomenon, the planning of a project, or the solution of a problem.,Thesis: the central thought or purpose The thesis may be supported and developed: Comparison and contrast, analogy, classification, illustration, analysis, def

17、inition, etc.,Exposition,Things can be explained by Definition Listing Examples Classification Comparison and contrast,Definition,The key to a definition is concreteness. One has to give concrete facts to make a definition effective.,2. Listing,We must have enough number of items to be listed. Then,

18、 if possible, arrange the items in the graded order of increasing importance.,3. Examples,Its the simplest, the most common, best method.,4. Classification,We have to follow a system consistently. The categories of division should be mutually exclusive. There should be no overlapping. One item can b

19、elong to one category and only one.,5. Comparison and contrast,We liken(把比作 ) one thing to another by pointing out their similarities (comparison) We emphasize the difference between the two. (contrast),Organizational pattern,Sect.1 (para 1-2) Sect.2 (para 3 ) Sect.3 (para4-7) Sect.4 (para8-15) Sect

20、.5 (para16-18) Sect.6 (para19-21) Sect.7 (para22-26),Organizational pattern,Sect.1 (para 1-2) objective presentation of Example 1 Sect.2 (para 3 ) the thesis - “All colonial empires are founded upon this fact”,Sect.3 (para4-7) Ex.2 The Arabian government employee is as poor as a beggar. Sect.4 (para

21、8-15) Ex.3 1) the living conditions of the Jews2) the hard work the Jews do3) prejudice against the Jews,Sect.5 (para16-18) Ex.4 1 The soils are poor. 2 Everything is done by hand. 3 The farming tools are rough. 4 The farming animals are weak and the peasants calculate carefully. 5 The natural condi

22、tions are poor. They had to dig deep ditches.,Sect.6 (para19-21) Ex.5 the miserable life of women Sect.7 (para22-26) conclusion,4. Detailed study of the text,Sect.1 (para 1-2) objective presentation of Example 1 As the corpse went past the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after

23、it, but they came back a few minutes later. went past: more vivid than “was carried past” in a cloud: a large number of small things moving through the air as a mass 那些汽车在滚滚尘埃中启动了。 The cars set off in a cloud of dust.,The little crowd of mourners - all men and boys, no women-threaded their way acros

24、s the market place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, wailing a short chant over and over again. threaded their way-picked their way through the piles of pomegranates, and taxis and camels chant- 1. words repeated in a monotonous tone of voice; 2. a religious prayer or s

25、ong that is spoken or sung on only a very few notes so that there is not much variation in it.,all men and boys, no women,According to Muslim law, Muslims must respect women, and for this reason girls and women used to be kept in the house, where they could be safe. When they went out, they wore the

26、 veils to cover their faces. But this law has become a kind of excuse to discriminate against women.,“What really appeals to the flies is that the corpses here are never put into coffins, they are merely wrapped in a piece of rag and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders of four friends.”

27、appeals to the flies- the flies are attracted by the stench of the exposed dead body,The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.,derelict - from the Latin word meaning “to abandon” The burying ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full o

28、f mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.,Para.1-2: (Review) How are people buried in Marrakech? wail a short chant hack an oblong hole dump the body fling over it a little of the dried-up earth The fact shows the human life has

29、 no value at all.,Sect.2 (para 3 ) the thesis “All colonial empires are founded upon this fact”,Para.3 “own literally nothing except the rags they stand up in” the rags they stand up in - the rags which they were wearing as they stood there The shabby, much worn rags they are wearing at the moment a

30、re the only clothes they own.,All colonial empires are in reality founded upon this fact.,All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings) This thesis is going to be supported by more illustra

31、tions and examples.,Are they really the same flesh as your self? Do they even have names? Or are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff, about as individual as bees or coral insects?” flesh : -mankind, human beings undifferentiated brown stuff: -sth. brown in color with no individual cha

32、racteristics.,They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard They are born. Then for a few years, they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.,“Sometimes, out for a walk as y

33、ou break your way through the prickly pear, you notice that it is rather bumpy underfoot, and only a certain regularity in the bumps tells you that you are walking over skeletons.” -force your way or pick your way When out for a walk picking your way through the prickly pear, you might find that the

34、 ground is bumpy. You realize that you are walking over skeletons. You know they are graves only because the bumps appear in an even pattern.,Prickly pear,Sect.3 (para4-7) Ex.2 The Arabian government employee is as poor as a beggar.,Para. 4 I was feeding one of the gazelles in the public gardens.,As

35、 soon as you look at the hind legs of the gazelles, you will think of the delicious mint sauce that you would want to dip it in when eating it. Pork is delicious meat but the living animal, the pig, doesnt look good to eat. To the author, the only living animal that also looks good to eat is the gaz

36、elle.,Para.6 “An Arab navvy working on the path nearby lowered his heavy hoe and sidled slowly towards us.” -abbreviation of “navigator”, an unskilled laborer, as on canals, roads etc. -to move slowly sideways, especially in a shy or stealthy manner,Para. 7 and he stowed it gratefully in some secret

37、 place under his rags.,to put, hide away in safe place If you stow sth. somewhere, you put it neatly away in a place where it can be kept until it is needed.= storestow away = hide,Para.9dark fly-infested booths that look like caves.,Small cell-like rooms that were dark like caves and full of flies.

38、,Para.9 “A carpenter sits crosslegged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chairlegs at lightning speed.” Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.,Para.9,his left leg is warped out of shape. to cause to ben

39、d, curve, or twist out of shape The hot sun warped the boards.,Para.10 Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews,-(transferred epithet.) the Jews were in a frenzy , not the “rush” Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed o

40、ut wildly excited.,Para.10 and every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury. Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.,Para.11A good job Hitler wasnt here.,(BrE. colloquial) a fortunate state of affai

41、rs This restaurant is not cheap, so its a good job youve brought plenty of money. It was lucky for the Jews that Hitler had not come to this place. If he had, the Jews would have been exterminated as they were in Poland and other European countries.,Para.15 “In just the same way, a couple of hundred

42、 years ago, poor old women used to be burned for witchcraft when they could not even work enough magic to get themselves a square meal. square meal”. -the use of sorcery or magic; communication with the devil -a decent substantial meal Jews were now being condemned by prejudice and ignorance as some

43、 poor old women who could not even get themselves a decent meal were condemned and burned for witchcraft.,Sect.5 (para16-18) Ex.4,Para.16Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.,(synecdoche) However, a white-skinned European is always quite noticeable.,chances are: it is likely that; in all

44、 probability; probably大概是, 很可能是 Chances are shes already heard the news. 可能她已经知道这消息了。 很可能她要来. The chances are that shell be coming.,Para.16 In a tropical landscape ones eye takes in everything except the human beings. -see or hear with interest; pay close attention to Eg: He didnt take in what he re

45、ad because his mind was on something else. If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.,Para.17 What does “this” in the sentence “It is only because of this . tourist resorts.” stand for?,Para. 17,It is only because of this “This” here stan

46、ds for the fact that people always miss the peasants labouring in the fields because they have the colour of the earth. It is only because of this reason that these poor starved countries are accepted as tourist resorts.,Para.17 No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas. No o

47、ne would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas ( for these trips wouldnt be interesting).,What does Morocco mean to a Frenchman? Orange groves,What does Morocco mean to an Englishman? To an Englishman, Morocco is a romantic, mysterious country which he has rea

48、d in novels. Camels, castles, etc. are the romantic bits planted in his mind by the novels.,Foreign Legion: French volunteer armed force composed chiefly, in its enlisted ranks, of foreigners. Its international character and the tradition of not revealing enlistees backgrounds have helped to surroun

49、d the Foreign Legion with an aura of mystery and romance.,“for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an soil.” wring sth from/out of sb: to force or persuade someone to give you something Life is very hard for 90% of the people. They can produce a little food on the poor soil only with hard backbreaking toil.,What kind of people , according to the writer, are partly invisible? Why does he


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