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1、,Welcome to our class!,Good morning!,Say hello to our new friends,hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,hand,leg,Good morning!,Whats this?,Its a/an _,a bag,a pencil-case,a pencil,an eraser,a pen,a ruler,a book,ababag ababat adadan afa fan ahahat,amamap amamat apapan asa sam avavan,ba g b ad f a t ha t la p mad na

2、 p h at ra t sa d ta p wax,Finger play,Hello, Im His/her name is is my friend,Whats this?,a horse,a cow,a rabbit,a duck,a fish,a turtle,a chick,a goat,a sheep,a frog,a cat,a dog,Unit 3 I like apples,apple,banana,lemon,pear,orange,mango,coconut,watermelon,grapefruit,grape,pineapple,peach,What would y

3、ou like, Sir/Miss? I want . How many? Id like , please.,单词接龙,pen-nice-elephant- an- or- teacher- on-,Unit 4 whats in my hat?,Hello! Good morning. Please watch carefully! Whats in my hat?,a flower two birds two books two cars three pens,a pig a baseball a clock a fish a turtle an apple,bag cap hat ba

4、ll book pencil,hat see car dog,Unit 5,My body and the monster,hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,hand,leg,neck,foot,arm,head,Unit 6 Lets play games,bounce the ball,kick the shuttlecock,hopscotch,draw the clowns nose,catch the beanbag,hide and seek,pick and put,Unit 7 fruit and vegetable party,pear,potato,bean,

5、banana,carrot,orange,lemon,tomato,apple,bean,pineapple,lime,fruit,vegetable,bears sad orange happy pumpkin pumpkin dog cat pumpkin house,Catch the watermelon,Team banana Team apple Team orange Team grape,Farmer Watermelon,Unit 8 Colours around us,blue,yellow,white,green,red,purple,brown,grey,pink,bl

6、ack,blue,yellow,white,green,red,purple,brown,grey,pink,black,Guessing colors :,Say what colors they are.,Its white,a map,blue,+, a blue map,a pen,red,+, a red pen,an orange,orange,+, an orange orange,a kite a purple kite Its a purple kite.,an apple a green apple Its a green apple.,car a yellow car I

7、ts a yellow car.,Its a/ an + 颜色 + 物品,Unit 9 Where is my toy car?,a toy bike,a toy car,a toy plane,a toy train,a toy motorbike,a toy jeep,a toy bus,a toy boat,a toy ship,Whats this?,+ on,Its an apple,the table.,Where is the apple ?,Its on the table.,+ under,Its a car,the table.,Where is the car ?,Its

8、 under the table.,+ in,Its a plane,the hat.,Where is the plane?,Its in the hat.,+ between,the two birds.,Its a boat,Where is the boat ?,Its between the two birds.,+ behind,the bus,Its a train,Its behind the bus.,Where is the train?,+ next to,Its a motorbike,the jeep.,Its next to the jeep.,Where is t

9、he motorbike?,Its a/an + 物品+,on under in between behind next to,+ the+物品.,Where is the + 物品?,Its +,on under in between behind next to,+ the + 物品.,Quiz,Unit 10An easy maths lesson,1 2 3 4 5,one two three four five,6 7 8 9 10,six seven eight nine ten,11 12 13,eleven twelve thirteen,14 15 16,fourteen f

10、ifteen sixteen,17 18 19,seventeen eighteen nineteen,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,+,=,one,plus,two,is three,1 + 2 = 3,one,plus,three,is four,1 + 3 = 4,+,=,two,plus,two,is four,2 + 2 = 4,+,=,three,plus,two,is five,3 + 2 = 5,+,=,Quiz,1+

11、2=3 one plus two is three 2+3=5 two plus three is five 3+4=7 three plus four is seven 4+5=9 four plus five is nine 5+6=11 five plus six is eleven 6+7=13 six plus seven is thirteen 7+8=15 seven plus eight is fifteen,2+2=4 two plus two is four 6+2=8 six plus two is eight 5+3=8 five plus three is eight

12、 7+4=11 seven plus four is eleven 8+5=13 eight plus five is thirteen 9+6=15 nine plus six is fifteen 10+7=17 ten plus seven is seventeen,20 21 22,twenty twenty-one twenty-two,30 40 50,thirty forty fifty,60 70 80,sixty seventy eighty,90 ninety 100 one hundred,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,91,12,53,8

13、4,75,66,57,48,39,seven,minus,four,is three,7 - 4 = 3,-,=,six,minus,two,is four,6 - 2 = 4,-,=,twelve,minus,five,is seven,12 - 5 = 7,-,=,homework,写出1-20 、30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 相对应的英文 用英文写出给定的减法算式,14-2=12 fourteen minus two is twelve 13-5=7 thirteen minus five is seven 15-8=7 fifteen minus eight is

14、seven 65-37=28 sixty-five minus thirty-seven is twenty-eight 74-26=48 seventy-four minus twenty-six is forty-eight 99-99=0 ninety-nine minus ninety-nine is zero,7-3=4 seven minus three is four 47-19=28 forty-seven minus nineteen is twenty-eight 99-34=65 ninety-nine minus thirty-four is sixty-five 97

15、-61=36 ninety-seven minus sixty-one is thirty-six 99-51=48 ninety-nine minus fifty-one is forty-eight 5-1=4 five minus one is four,Unit 11 Our family tree,Dad,Mum,Grandpa,Grandma,Amy,Jack,Tom Green,Pat Green,Tony White,Kim White,Tim Green,Bob Green,Sue White,May White,Sam,Nick Green,Ann,cousin,cousi

16、n,nephew,niece,brother,sister,Homework,画一张自己家的 family tree 或者带一张的全家福,给其他同学介绍下自己家的家庭成员 抄写单词 Grandpa Grandma Dad Mum sister brother cousin nephew niece 5遍,Unit 12 Lets make friends!,Whats your hobby?,I like bike-riding.,Whats your hobby?,I like going shopping.,Whats your hobby?,I like wearing a red dr

17、ess.,Whats your hobby?,I like swimming.,Whats your hobby?,I like talking with friends.,Whats your hobby?,I like drawing.,Whats your hobby?,I like listening to music.,Whats your hobby?,I like flying a kite.,I like roller-skating.,Whats your hobby?,Whats your hobby?,I like climbing trees.,Whats your hobby?,I like helping mum.,Whats your hobby?,I like watching TV.,Unit 13 Paper clothes show,shirt,dress,skirt,jacket,hat,T-shirt,socks,glasses,trousers,shorts,


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