hl希特勒 (2).ppt

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1、Hitler,Evil or Genius,Evil,*The leader of Nazi,*The launcher of World War ,*Genocide种族灭绝total of 6 million Jews were massacred屠杀,I am head of the German Empire, using tactical and armored装甲的 group of lightning tactics闪电战术 to conquer half of Europe and half of Africa. Its me that took German soldiers

2、 to the world . Its me that make World War II become the largest war in history! Its me that cause the elites精英 of those countries fighting endless on the battlefield! I am the head of the German Empire , I lead Germanic people fight with all the worlds major powers proposition , especially the Sovi

3、et Union and the USA with the power of single country.,德国犹太人数,20万人,1939年,1945年,12000人,whythe Jews?Because they are so smart,so rich,toobeautiful andno motherland,it isbestto killthe Jews .-Hitler,In September 1939, Hitler launched The second world war in 61countries and 2 billion people went to war,

4、 57million people were killed, causing the whole Europe and the world into the blood, bringing the unprecedented disaster to the human beings.,The word war ,Genius,Politician Strategist Speaker Psychologist Architect Painter,I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of thei

5、r weaknesses.,四年半来与谎言愚蠢与懦弱斗争的情况,My Struggle,It is said that there are 32 gestures and expressions every minute in his speech.,The first step to eliminate one nation is to disintegrate瓦解 its language which embodied消除 its culture that started from schools .,It is always more difficult to fight against

6、 faith than against knowledge. Hate is more lasting than dislike.,独裁思想,切勿模仿!,Humans grow in eternal struggle, perished in eternal peace. 人类在永恒的斗争 中壮大, 在永恒的 和平中毁灭。,疯子! 独裁者! 战争狂人! 杀人如麻! 种族灭绝者! 犹太人心中的恶魔!,空前绝后! 天才演讲家! 失败的英雄! 出色的军事家! 白手起家的政治家!,VS,阿道夫希特勒,What do you think of Hitler now,? ?,What do you thi

7、nk of Hitler now,? ?,What do you think of Hitler now,Conclusion,People turn pointed at Hitler, blaming him, cursing him. Error is all from Hitler? An comment on Hitler: He was a great man before 1938, a tyrant from 1938 to 1940, and a thoroughly madman after 1940. History is a mirror, it not only serves for the past, but now, and the future.,希特勒恶魔的崛起,献丑了,谢谢各位!,手举得好累吖! 表示一哈撒!,


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