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1、hope,wish与want的区别和用法,want用于口语,表达迫切的愿望。,1、 want+n./pron. 想要某物 e.g. I want a new pen. 2、 Want+to do sth. 要做某事 e.g. I want to buy the bike. 3、 Want+sb.to do sth. (需)要某人做某事 e.g. the teacher wants us to clean the classroom. 4、 Want+sth. done 在要别人把某事作了。 e.g. He wants the work done at once.,5、 Sth+want+doi

2、n g/to be done 某事需要做。 e.g. The windows wants cleaning/to be cleaned. 注意want之后不能跟从句或“object+n.”结构作宾语。,wish表示客观上不太可能实现的希望或表示祝愿。,1、wish+to do sth. 希望做某事 e.g. I wish to visit America someday. 2、wish+sb. to d o sth. 希望某人做某事 e.g. His parents wishes him to be a scien tist in the future. 3、wish+sb.+n,/adj.

3、祝愿某人. e.g. I wish you success! I wish you happy!,4、wish+that clause但愿. .(从句要用虚拟语气) e.g. I wish(that) I were young again. 5、 wish+sth. done 希望(别人)做了某事 e.g. I wish the work finished this week. 注意wish后跟宾语从句时要用虚拟语气。,hope强调主观上的“希望”。,1、hope+to do sth. 希望做某事 e.g. W e hope to visit Yanan soon. 2、hope+that c

4、lause 希望. e.g. Our foreign friends hope that they can join the May Day celebrations in Beijing. 注意 hope后不能跟复合宾语。,1.He wants you _ him . A help B to help C helped D helping 2.Your coat _ washing . A want B wants C need D to need 3.He wants _ his homework . A do B to do C doing D done 4.I dont want my

5、 daughter _ out after dark . A take B to take C taken D taking 5.You are _ on the phone . A want B to want C wanted D wants,6.He hopes _ back . A her to come B her come C come D her coming 7. I hope _ to travel with them during the holiday . A. to invite B inviting C. to be invited D . invite 8. I h

6、ope _ . A him to succeed B that he to succeed C he succeed D that he will succeed 9.I hope_ you and your family soon. A see B seeing C sees D to see,10. You mustnt give up _ . A hope B hoping C to hope D hopes . 11. You have no hope of_ . A success B succeed C successful D successfully 12.You are my

7、 only_. A hope B hoping C to hope D hopes . 13.The boy hopes that you _ him with his lessons . A can help B could help C helped D helping ( 14.They hope that they _China some day . A will visit B would visit C visited D to visit,15.I wish I _ a bird and fly to the moon . A am B was C were D be 16.Al

8、l parents _ their children to be happy . A hope B wish C wants D expect 17.The teacher _ us to clean the room . A hopes B wants C expect D wishs 18.Her parents _ her to be a scientist in the future . A wants B hope C wish D expects 19.I wish I _ as tall as you . A was B were C am D is 20. I _ it would rain tomorrow . A hope B want C wish D like,


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