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1、,Moby Dick ,Author:,Herman Melville赫尔曼梅尔维尔(19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一) He is an American novelist, essayist(散文家) and poet. Because of the poor family, he worked as a famer, staff member, teacher, sailor, navy(海军) and some other duties.,In 1839, he served on a merchant ship, which bounded for(前往) Liverpool,Engl

2、and, was exposed to(接触到) the sea; this experience had a great impact on his later writing. In 1841, the year when he was 22, he worked as a sailor on a whaler(捕鲸船), sailing in the area of South Pacific Ocean. His later masterpiece Moby Dick is drawn from(取材于) the life at sea.,In August 1843, he beca

3、me a sailor on a warship(军舰), retired in October 1844 in Boston. Then he began to write and became a novelist. Taking the experiences at sea for the factual basis, the novel Moby Dick had come into being and been considered as one of the greatest novels in America. Melville is known as the American

4、Shakespeare.,The BookMoby Dick,The novel Moby Dick was finished in 1851. It is Melvilles masterpiece. This is a rich, deep and forceful novel. It describes the dread fight between Pequod Captain Ahab, who engaged in the whaling industry for 40 years, and a huge, ferocious whale Moby Dick in the firs

5、t half of 19th century, the vigorous era of whaling industry of America, reflecting the authers doubts and fears towards the great development of capitalism.,1851年完成的长篇小说白鲸(即莫比迪克 ) 是麦尔维尔的代表作。这是一部寓意丰富、深刻、笔触雄浑的长篇小说。它记述在19世纪上半叶美国捕鲸业蓬勃发展的年代,从事捕鲸业40年的百戈号捕鲸船船长亚哈在同一条巨大凶猛的白鲸莫比迪克搏斗中船破身亡的经历,反映出作者对当时资本主义巨大发展的疑

6、虑和惶恐心情。,Melville is obscure (默默无闻的)during his lifetime, being down and out(穷困潦倒) to the end. Melville won great fame after Moby Dick was published 70 years later. It was with Moby Dick that Melville had reached his peak as writer and observer of human nature in all its strengths and weaknesses.,His

7、works also include short stories like Bartleby书记员巴特子比 and novellas (中篇小说) like Billy Budd比利巴德and so on. Many of his works are steeped in(充满着)metaphor and allegory(寓言), at times cynical(愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲的), others satirical(讽刺性的).,works,泰比(Typee,1846) 奥姆(Omoo,1847) 玛迪(Mardi,1849) 白鲸又译莫比.迪克(Moby-Dick,1851) 皮埃尔

8、(Pierre,1852) 伊斯雷尔波特(Israel Potter,1855) 南北战争诗集又译战事集(Battle Pieces: Civil War poems,1866) 克拉瑞尔(Clarel,1876) 长诗 约翰玛尔和其他水手(John Marr and Other Sailors,1888) 诗集 梯摩里昂(Timoleon,1891) 诗集 水手比利巴德(Billy Budd,1924) 于作者去世后出版,When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the Melville Revival in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especiallyMoby-Dick, which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature.,Thank you,


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