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1、Peru,1. Which continent is Peru in?,South America,2. Which country once govern Peru?,Spain,统治,3. Which mountains are in Peru?,Rocky mountains Andes Mountains Himalayas Mountains Alps Mountains,Andes Mountains,The Andes Mountains, runs parallel to the Pacific coast, and it is the longest Mountains in

2、 the world.,4. Which is the national flag of Peru?,A,B,C,D,Brazil,Switzerland,Thailand,5. Which city is the capital of Peru?,Lima,Lima, the capital of Peru, lies on the Pacific coast.,利马唐人街入口处的中国牌楼。利马唐人街位于秘鲁首都利马市中心繁华地段的帕鲁罗街,是该国最大的华人聚居地,City Hall(市政府)of Lima,7. Which empire once existed in Peru?,Inca

3、,帝国,8. Which is the ancient capital of Inca?,Lima Puno Cuzco Andes,Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, and now is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen.,Cuzco,Cuzco,Lets learn more about Peru!,国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为:。由三个平行相等的竖长方形组成,中间为白色,两侧为红色,白色长方形中间有国徽图案。白色象征自由、民主、和平与幸福;红色象征

4、人民在独立战争中取得的胜利,也表示人民对烈士的怀念。,国名:秘鲁共和国(The La Repblica del Per)“秘鲁”在印第安语中是“玉米之仓”的意思,国徽: 中心图案为盾徽。盾面左上方是一只南美骆马i 为该国国兽,代表国家的动物资源,也是秘鲁民族的象征之一;右上方是一棵金鸡纳树i代表该国的植物资源;下半部为一只象征丰饶的羊角,代表该国的自然资源和矿藏。盾徽上端为一个绿枝叶环;两侧各有两面秘鲁国旗。,national emblem,索尔,国花: 向日葵(sunflower) 国树:金鸡纳树 国兽:骆马 独立日:月日(年) 国庆日:月日(年),1. Why is Cuzco popul

5、ar with tourists? 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? 3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?,Read the text and then answer the questions.,Reading,Reading,1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? Cuzco is popular because it is close to Machu Picchu and is a good place to see b

6、oth Spanish and Indian culture and art.,Read the text and then answer the questions.,马丘比丘古印加遗址.,*,安第斯山脉中的马丘比丘古城遗迹是目前保存最完好的印加古城之一,1983年被列入世界文化遗产名录,2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel.,3. What do you think the two official l

7、anguages of Peru are? Spanish and Indian.,Brochure 旅游指南,Brochure 旅游指南,Cuzco,Tour 1,Tour 2,Tour 3,Tour 4,To introduce some tours in Peru,Read the brochure on Page 44, and answer the following questions.,Tour 1: What can people see on tour 1? 2. How do people travel on tour 1? 3. How long will tour 1

8、last?,手册,What can people see on tour 1? Jungle, wildlife, mountain scenery, ancient ruins, sunrise on Andes. 2. In what way will people travel on tour 1? On hike, train. 3. How long will tour 1 last? Four days,Tour 2: 4. What places will people get to? 5. In what way will people get there? 6. What c

9、an people do on this tour?,4. What places will people get to? Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating islands of the Uros people, Lima. 5. In what way will people get there? By bus, boat, plane. 6. What can people do on this tour? Fantastic view of highland, boat, stay with a local Uros family.,Tour 3:

10、 7. What places will people get to? 8. What can people do on this tour?,Andes, Cuzco, Machu Picchu (ruins),Learn about history, visit the museums, admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy excellent food, buy souvenirs, view the ancient ruins,Tour 4: 9. What places will people get to? 10. In what way w

11、ill people get there? 11. What can people do on this tour?,Cuzco, Andes, Amazon jungle.,By plane, boat.,Enjoy the view of Andes and explore the Amazon jungle, see many birds.,1. If you want to get an opportunity to learn about the Uros Indians life, you can choose _. A. Tour 1 B. Tour 2 C. Tour 3 D.

12、 Tour 4 2. You can _ on Tour 4. A. explore the jungle B. enjoy some excellent food C. buy some great souvenirs D. Stay with a local family for a fully-day,语篇理解,3. What can you do on Tour 1? A. admire the Spanish architecture B. see the sunrise over the Andes C. watch bird sights D. visit the royal t

13、omb of the Inca King,4. What kind of people would enjoy Tour2? A. People who loves climbing mountain B. People who are interested in historical sites C. People who wants to know the lifestyle and custom of local people D. People who is fond of animals especially birds.,Read the persons information i

14、n the screen and glance quickly through the brochure on Page 4344. Match the four tours with a proper person.,Task 2:Read for information,_ 1. Mike, a well-paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of differen

15、t kinds of birds. _ 2. Elisabeth, who has retired recently, is planning for a leisurely vacation. She hopes to visit the museums, buy something special and taste some delicious food.,Tour 4,Tour 3,_3. Cindy, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery

16、. _ 4. Daniel and his girlfriend. Not only do they hope to have a chance to experience local peoples life, but also like to go traveling by boat in a romantic way.,Tour 1,Tour 2,Writing Your American pen friendwanttohaveatriptoChina, wherewillyourecommend(建议) himtogo?Why?,AsfarasIamconcerned(我认为), _

17、is thebestchoice.Thereare_reasons.,Tobeginwith(首先) _isthemost_city. Thescenerythereisvery_,you canenjoy_. Whatsmore(其次),youcandomany activitiesthere.Suchas_.,model,Besides(再次)itsalsofamousforthe interests(名胜)there. Ithas_. Lastbutnotleast(最后), theyenjoya_lifethere. Peoplearevery_. Inaword(总之) ifyouw

18、anttohaveatriptoCanada,Istrongly suggest youtogoto_.,Homework,1. Try to know more about Peru after class. 2. Review the restrictive attributive clause.,2. The Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast. 安第斯山脉(与沿海地带) 平行一直到海岸。 run v. 伸展,延伸 与run相关的短语: run for it 逃跑 run across 偶然遇见 run out 用完,Languag

19、e points,run after 追赶 run at 向某人冲去 run into sb. 撞着某人 run off 排出 run over 溢出 run away 逃走,Our money_. Wed better buy something cheap. A. has run out B. is running out C. has run out of D. is running out of,本题的关键在于区别run out与run out of: run out of后面一定要接宾语, 如: He has run out of the money.若“某物”做主语必须用被动语态,

20、 即表示“某物被用完了”, 如: The money has been run out of.,B,本题的主语是“Our money”, 是“某物”, 所以若用run out of, 必须用被动语态, 而选项中都是主动语态, 故排除C,D。 “run out”是不及物动词, 后面不能接宾语, 也不能用于被动语态; 只能用于主动语态。而A项has run out表示“已经用完了”, 与后句的“Wed better buy something cheap (我们最好买些便宜的)” 相矛盾, 因此排除A。而is running out表示“快要用完了”, 与后句意思相符, 故选B 。,3. In t

21、he high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel.完全倒装句: 介词短语+谓语动词+主语+ 当表示地点的介词短语如on a hill, in the valley, round the corner, at the foot of 等放在句首时, 谓语部分为be, stand, lie, sit等, 主语为名词, 这时采用全部倒装。,副词/副词短语+谓语动词+主语+ 如果副词或副词短语如in, up, down, out, away等位于句首,动词为com

22、e, lie, stand, walk, rush等, 主语为名词时, 常用完全倒装, 即将整个谓语部分放在主语前面。,注意: 全部倒装必须符合三个条件, 一是把介词短语、副词或副词短语放在句首, 二是谓语动词为be, go, come, walk, run, fly, rush等,三是主语必须是名词。如果主语为代词, 则谓语仍放在主语之后。 e.g. Here comes the bus.车来了。 Here it comes. 它来了。,根据汉语提示完成句子。 _ _ (远处那座大山的山脚下坐落着一个小村庄), which is my village. _ (孩子们冲出了教室) as soo

23、n as the bell rang.,At the foot of the mountain in the distance sits a village,Out rushed the children,4. Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle. 秘鲁有着多种多样的植物, 从沙漠中的草到大片的丛林。,abundant adj. be abundant in 富于., .很丰富 abundance n. 丰富 in abundance 大量,充裕 an abundance of 很多的.,5.

24、 Cuzco is a lively city with many hotels and inns, where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. 库斯科有很多旅店和酒吧, 是一座有活力的城市, 在那儿你可以看到印第安人和西班牙人的文化和艺术。,1) lively: 活泼的,生动的,有生气的 作定语和表语 a lively mind 头脑灵活的 2) alive:活着的,活的 作定语放于名词后,表语形容词=living His dog is alive. the greatest man alive keep sth. a

25、live,3) living活着的, 逼真的+n. the living writer the livings 4) live: 现场直播的, 活着的 a live whale. The football match will be broadcast live.,alive, living, live, life, lively,1.Pandas usually _ in the south and southeast of China. 2.There arent many pandas _ in the world today.,live,alive/living,Choose the

26、correct words to fill on the blanks.,3. Nothing can _ without air or water. 4. Are there any _ things on one of the stars? 5. He had a strange way of making his lessons _ and interesting. 6.The old couple _ a happy life.,live,lively,living,live,alive,living,alive,7.It was a _ TV broadcast, not a cas

27、sette recording. 8.Look! The fish is still _. Its a _ fish. Put it into water and keep it _.,live,6. The following tours are based at Cuzco, the site of the ancient capital of the Inca civilization.以下的旅行是以库斯科为基地展开的,库斯科是印加文明古老首都的所在地。,1)把某事作为另一事的证据 base sth on sth; be based on sth The novel is based o

28、n historical facts. We based our hopes on the good news. 2)把事/人安置在某地(进行工作或活动) base sb in/ at be based in/ at where are you based now?,Which tours would best suit people who like an active holiday and dont need first class accommodation? Tour 1 and 4. What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2? People wh

29、o enjoy learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting, people who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.,Answer the questions,3. On which tours do you visit Machu Picchu? Tours1 and 3. 4. If you spent two weeks in and around

30、 Cuzco, which tour would be best to do last? Tour 2 would be best to do last because it ends in Lima, the capital.,Speaking,A: Among the four tours, which one would best suit people who like an active holiday and dont need first class accommodation? B: I think Tour 1 would be. Because in Tour 1 peop

31、le can experience the jungle and its diverse wildlife close,up during four-day walking tour, also can enjoy the wonderful scenery of mountain and the ancient ruins. A: What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2?,B: I think Tour 2 would suit the people who like to travel by boat and like to get close to

32、Indian culture and learn more about their life. A: On which tours do you visit Machu Picchu (马丘比丘)? B: We could visit Machu Picchu in Tour 1 and Tour 3.,A: If you spent two weeks in an around Cuzco, which tour would be best to do last? B: Maybe Tour 2 would be best to do last. Because in Tour 2, aft

33、er traveling we could return to Puno for our flight back to Lima.,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. It is well known that p_ lines never meet. 2. However a_ certain natural resources are, they cannot reproduce themselves and are certain to be used up one day.,parallel,abundant,练习坊,3. There is

34、 no need to debate about who really g_ this country at that time. 4. When we reached the d_ of our journey, we were almost tired to death. 5. This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese _ (建筑风格).,governed,destination,architecture,II. 用适当的介词填空。 1. Macao, located _ the coast of the South China

35、Sea, is a place I would like to visit most. 2. The railway line to be built next year will run parallel _ the highway. 3. This green is unusual _ the high plains area where the climate is very dry.,on,to/with,in,4. Russia is the largest country in the world, which is abundant _ natural resources. 5.

36、 I have decided to give my son some money for his independence _ the family. 6. I spent a relaxing morning on the ship while watching the sunrise _ the sea.,in / with,from,over,7. Have you decided how to go to Beijing, _ train or plane? 8. Sometimes we stood on the beach and watched the boats travel

37、ing _ the lake.,by,on,Thank you!,What are the differences between the two introductions of Peru?,Discussion,1. The first is a factual report about the history and geography of Peru. The second is from a travel brochure and describes tours to places in Peru. 2. The first one is to give factual information about Peru and the second is to sell tours in Peru.,Check the information,the general information about PERU,coast of South America,high, flat plains,the 16th century,the highest lake,Indian and Spanish culture,Inca,


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