There is a lot more to life than a job.ppt

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《There is a lot more to life than a job.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《There is a lot more to life than a job.ppt(39页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、There is a lot more to life than a job人生的意义不只是工作,What if the meaning of life? How can we realise the life value?,1. Albert Camus说的:All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out.所有的人生命中都有一个甜蜜的事物让他们可以前行,在他们疲惫不堪的时候可以有所依托。

2、,2. 爱因斯坦说的:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.只有为别人活着的一生才是值得的一生。,3. 丘吉尔:We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.我们通过得到来生存,可是却通过给与去生活。,formal:following accepted rules of behavior 正式的 poll:a survey of public opinion 民意测验, 民意调查 resident:living in a particular

3、place 居住(在某地)的 sb. who lives or stays in a particular place 居民 compute:calculate a number or amount 计算;算出 consumeristic:believing in spending money and buying goods 消费主义的,It has often remarked that 经常认为,人们常说 近义词:people oftne say 例句:It has often remarked that the light at sunset is softer and warmer

4、than sharp light at sunrise. the younth:年轻人 the+形容词:表示一类人 例如:the rich 富人 the old 老人 the poor 穷人,If only 但愿;要是什么就好了 If only I know 要是我知道就好了 例句:If only I know how much it cost. 要是我知道它花多少钱就好了 to holds little value 毫无价值 If a person always thinks of and lives for himself,then hislife holds little value 如

5、果一个人总是想着自己,为自己而活,那么他自的人生就毫无价值,My Chinese name is Zhao Zeqing. My English name is Annelise.,Thank you,There s a lot more to life than a job,人生的意义不只是工作,Interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and womens studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business p

6、rograms, engineering and computer science is way up. 如今人们对当教师、社会服务和人文学科、还有种族和妇女研究的兴趣都处于低潮。而另一方面,攻读商科、工程学及计算机科学的学生人数却在迅速增加。,from five to eight paragragh,Not surprising in these hard times, the students major objective is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful

7、philosophy of life. Accordingly, today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. 在这个经济不景气的时代,学生们的主要目标是追求“经济上的富裕”。与过去任何时候相比,树立有意义的人生哲学已不那么重要了。这一情况并不让人感到惊奇。因此,如今最受欢迎的课程不是文学或历史,而是会计学。,Thats no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) w

8、as making twice the salary of college instructors during her first year on the jobeven before she completed her two-year associate degree. 还有一件事也不令人意外。我的一个朋友(一个化工公司的销售代理)在干这份工作的第一年所挣的钱就已是大学教师薪水的两倍了这甚至还是在她修完两年制的准学士学位课程之前的事。,Ill tell them what they can do with their music, history, literature, etc., s

9、he was fond of saying. And that was four years ago; I tremble to think what shes earning now. 她喜欢说这样一句话:“我会对他们讲,他们学习音乐、历史、文学等等有什么用!”那还是四年以前呢,我都不敢想象她现在赚多少钱。,key words,popular adj.受欢迎的 accounting n. 会计,会计学 humanity n. 人类文学,人类 ethnic adj. 民族的,种族的 enroll v.登记,注册 enrollment n. 注册人数,r,to be well off富裕的,In

10、 the present society,some people have tried every means to get finacially well off,but they are spiritually poor. 在当今社会,一些人千方百计在经济上富裕,而他们的精神世界却是贫穷的。,at a low 处于低水平的,Although the research work is at a low,they have never give it up,for they firmly believe that through joint efforts they are sure to s

11、ucceed. 尽管研究工作处于低谷,但大家都没有放弃,因为他们坚信通过共同的努力,他们一定会取得成功。,my feeling,I agree with that there s a lot more to life than a job .Because I think life should be colorful and meaningful.We can go travelling around the world instead of working all the time.And we can take our families with us.Besides ,we can s

12、pend more time staying with them.We can also go adventuring to feel excited.,Thank you!,Theres a Lot More to Life than a job,Paragraph 912,Paragragh 9,Frankly 坦白说; e.g Frankly speaking, I dont like this wine. 老实说,我不喜欢这种酒。 Be proud of =take pride in 对感到骄傲 e.g The young should be proud of/take pride i

13、n their own culture. 年轻人应该以他们自己的文化而自豪 As well as也;和.一样;不但.而且;和; e.g We continue to service customers as well as advertisers. 我们将继续向客户和广告商提供服务。 e.g Build up others as well as yourself. 宣扬自己,也要宣扬别人。,Paragraph 10,Conviction n.定罪;说服;确信;信念 e.g It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken

14、我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。 e.g He will appeal against his conviction. 他会对判决提起上诉。 e.g We shall, sir, said he, with conviction. “我们会的,先生,”他坚定地说。 need vt.需要;必须 aux.必须;不得不 n.需要;需要的东西;责任;贫穷 vi.(表示应该或不得不做)有必要 need to do需要做. need doing 某事需要. e.g Theres no need to rush.没有必要急急忙忙 e.g The paintwork will need doing over so

15、on. 需要尽快重新油漆一遍,Paragraph 11,somewhere between 介于之间 中间某处 e.g The truth lies somewhere between the two extremes.真相则介于这两个极端看法之间。 arrive at到达;来到;达成;获得;得出结论 arrive in 到达,抵达 e.g I arrive at my hotel late in the evening. 傍晚时分,我到达了预定的酒店 e.g Members of the crowd ought to have a variety of opinions, and to ar

16、rive at those opinions independently.群体的成员应当独立的得出自己的观点,这些观点要保持多样性。 be meant to do sth 应该做某事 e.g Every loan is meant to be repaid. 每个贷款是应该偿还的.,paragraph 12,insight n.洞察力,洞悉;直觉,眼光;领悟;顿悟 give sb. insight(s) into深刻理解 e.g self-help books often give you helpful insight. 励志书籍经常给予你有所帮助的洞察力 be determined by

17、由.决定 be determined to do sth 决定做某事 e.g he future shape of state capitalism will be determined by two things.国家资本主义的未来形式取决于两方面因素。 e.g e determined to swim and you could discover a whole new you. 只有下定决心去乘风破浪,你就一定能找到一个全新的自己。,confine to(介词)只限于;关在.里面 comfine oneself to只涉及,只限于 confine within把关在里 be confin

18、ed to doing sth 局限于做. e.g I want usual life and I dont want to confine to the house.我想过正常的生活我不想天天都关在家里。 e.g I shall confine myself to the subject of geography. 我将只限于谈论地理这门学科。 render vt.提出,开出;放弃,让与;报答;归还 render sth to sb /render sb sth 给某人提供 e.g He had a chance to render some service to his country.他

19、有了一个为国服务的机会。 e.g We call on you to render assistance.我们请求你给予帮助。,Theres a Lot More to Life than a Job,1316,Unit8,13.If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until middle age, is it then not the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation? Most people, in thei

20、r youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later find themselves standing anxiously by the mailbox.,If it is a fact that . for that revelation? 如果说人要到步入中年才能对人生的含义有所领悟的话,那么为这种领悟扫清障碍不正是教育机构的责任吗? 名词性从句: 1.It +be +名词+that(从句): 2.If it is a fact that(实事

21、是、) Para13: Most of us ,between 30 and 50 ,come to understand the meaning of life and arrive at the conclusion that we want to be able render service to our society.,14.While its true all of us need a career, preferably a prosperous one, it is equally true that our civilization has collected an incr

22、edible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches u

23、s to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.,education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. 教育使我们的视野超越了眼前的需求,并使我们看到了事物间的联系。 preferably adv.更可取地,更好地,宁可 incredible adj.不可思议的;惊人的;难以置信的;未必可能的 比较级:more in

24、credible最高级:most incredible contribution n.贡献;捐赠;捐助物 while its true that.,its equally true that.可提炼为写作句型 “尽管事实上.但同样的事实是.”。 eg: While its true that he is not intelligent, its equally true that he is very diligent. 尽管他不聪明是事实,但他相当勤奋,这亦是事实。,15.Weekly we read of unions that went on strike for higher wage

25、s, only to drive their employer out of business. No company, no job. How shortsighted in the long run. in the long run 从长远来看, 终究;归根到底 Para 1415: Education should be able to teach the young what is truly important in life.,16.But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying t

26、he accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which depicts a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom: Miss Baxter, he says, could you please send in someone who can distinguish right

27、 from wrong?,puzzled adj.困惑的,糊涂的,茫然的 v.( puzzle的过去式)使迷惑,使难解 n.谜,难题 send in 派人去 Para 16: In the long run,eduction should educte people for life as well as for a career.,1719,By 赵秭沐,17. In the long run thats what education really ought to be about. I think it can be. My college roommate, now head of a

28、 large shipping company in New York, not surprisingly was a business major. But he also hosted a classical music show on the colleges FM station and listened to Wagner as he studied his accounting. 从长远观点来看,这确确实实是教育应该做的事。我认为教育完全能够做到这一点。我的一位大学室友现在是纽约一家大型航运公司的总裁过去曾主修过商科,这一点并不出人意料。但是他也曾在大学调频电台上主持过一档古典音乐

29、节目,并且在学习会计学的时候还在欣赏瓦格纳的音乐作品。,in the long run 从长远来看, 终究;一来二去;归根到底 Eg:The national pension and health plans seem to be insolvent in the long run.国家年金制度和医疗制度的规划最终的结果似乎是无力支付。 In the short run, governments will replace private sectors as borrowers. 短期内,政府将取代私人部门成为借款者。 roommate 【C】室友,住在同室的人 classical adj.古

30、典的;传统的;古典文学的;第一流的 n.古典音乐 FM Frequency Modulation 调频,18.Thats the way it should be. Oscar Wilde had it right when he said we ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives. 这就是教育之道。 奥斯卡王尔德说得好:我们应该把我们的才能用于工作,而把我们的天赋投入到生活中去。,19.Lets hope our educators answer students cries for career

31、 education, but at the same time lets ensure that students are prepared for the day when they realize their shortsightedness. Theres a lot more to life than a job. 我们希望我们的教育工作者能满足学生对职业教育的渴求,但与此同时,我们也要确保学生能为他们认识到自己目光短浅的那一天做好准备。 人生的意义远远不止是工作。,Q:What is the writers hope for education? Answers:He hope educators will not only prepare students for a career but also help them realize that there is a lot more to life than a job.,Thank you,


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