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1、八年级(上)第一单元第1课时学案Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A 1a2d 1、熟练掌握以下词汇和短语:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, few, quite a few, most, most of time, Huangguoshu Waterfall, Central Park 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型,谈论过去发生的事情。Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did you go with anyone? Yes, I did.

2、No, I didnt.Did you do anything special last month?Huangguoshu Waterfall is very wonderful, so I took quite a few photos. 【重点难点】重点:能够熟练运用所学单词和句型,谈论过去发生的事情。难点:能够熟练运用所学单词和句型,谈论过去发生的事情。 【课堂探究】探究1尝试将下面A组中的每一个单词与B组分别搭配,构成16个不定代词或不定副词。 A Bsome (一些) one (指代:某个)any (任何) body(躯体)no (没有) thing(事情、事物)every (每个

3、) where(哪里)(1)含有some: _(某人) /=_ (某人)/ _(某事物)/ _(某处)some用于肯定句,那么,含some的不定代词或不定副词也用于_。(2) 含有any: _ (任何人)/= _ (任何人)/ _ (任何事物)/ _ (任何地方)any用于否定句,那么,含any的不定代词或不定副词也用于否定句。(3) 含有no: _ (没人) /= _ (没人)/ _(没有事物) /_ (没地方)no是否定词,同理,含no的不定代词或不定副词也是_。(4) 含有every: _ (每人)/= _ (每人)/ _ (每件事物) /_ (处处)erery用于各种句型,同理,含er

4、ery的不定代词或不定副词也用于_。【针对练习】 Julie did something fun on vacation. (改为一般疑问句) Did Julie _ _ _ fun on vacation?探究2 观察下面划线部分并总结规律。(1)She is a beautiful girl. She can tell interesting stories.(2)I did something special in New York. Did you go anywhere interesting?结论:通常,形容词修饰名词时,要放在被修饰的名词_;但是,形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,

5、必须放在被修饰的不定代词或不定副词_。【针对练习】Did you meet _ on vacation?A. someone interesting B. interesting someone C. anyone interesting D. no one interesting 【达标练习】一、单项填空。1.Did you do _ on vacation?A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. nothing interesting2. I stayed at home mo

6、st of time _ for tests.A. study B. studies C. studied D. to study 3.Did you go _ wonderful?A.somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere 4.Julie didnt go out with _. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 5. There are _ bananas and _ broccoli on the table.A. much; little B. a few; a little C.

7、 little; few D. a little; a few二、按括号内的要求完成句子。1. Rick _(stay) at home last weekend. (动词填空)2. She went to New York City last year. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ New York City last year?3. Tom visited museums yesterday.(改为否定句) Tom _ _ museums yesterday.4. Lisa went to summer camp on vacation.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Lisa _ o

8、n vacation?5. Huangguoshu Waterfall was very wonderful.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Huangguoshu Waterfall?三、根据汉语完成英语句子。1. Brad played sports _ _ _ (大多数时间) last weekend.2. Did you buy _ _(一些特别的东西) in India?3. Li Ming took _ _ _ (相当多) photos in Guizhou.4. Hi, Helen. _ _ _ _. (好久不见了).5. Did Julie go out _ _(和任何人一起)?6. Did you go _ _(任何有趣的地方)? 7. Grace went to _ _ (中央公园) in NewYork City. 8. I was _ _ (在度假) last month. Time, Time again, I ask myself (请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思)【学后反思】 2


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