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1、高考考前英语清单扫盲,龙华中学 陈泽娟,1介词清单,语法填空 _ a cold winter night _ones own hand _ a high price _ones own=by oneself _ones arrival _this way _ a book under his arm show respect _sb _these words _this news,on,with 用自己的手,at 以价格,on 靠某人自己,on 某人一到达,in 按这样的方式,with +O+C,for尊重某人,with 说完这些话,at 听到这个消息,语法填空 buy sth _sb bri

2、ng sth _sb write sth _ a pen speak_a low voice cant open the door _knowing the password _low spirits drive _a high speed wait_a while,for 买某物给某人,with某人带上某物,with+工具,in 低声地,without doing sth,in 情绪低落,at 以速度,for+时间段 表持续多久,写作易错介词 在上周三 Last Wednesday 在这 here _the Internet ., such as _(do) pay attention to

3、 _(do) have an effect _sth,on,doing,doing,on,2 does-did-doing,does-did-done-doing live lives-lived-lived-living stop stops-stopped-stopped-stopping study studies-studied-studied-studying teach teaches-taught-taught-teaching,does-did-done-doing lie 说谎 lies-lied-lied-lying lie 躺 位于 lies-lay-lain-lying

4、 lay 摆放 下蛋 lays-laid-laid-laying die dies-died-died-dying,3. 常考不规则动词,put set read go take come make get bring keep,put set read went-gone took-taken came-come made got brought kept,hold buy think teach sell catch sit spend build find,held bought thought taught sold caught sat spent built found,hear

5、tell feel break know grow see drive draw give,heard told felt broke-broken knew-known grew-grown saw-seen drove-driven drew-drawn gave-given,fall write ride forbid,fell-fallen wrote-written rode-ridden forbade-forbidden,4 副词,形容词变副词 happy happily simple simply (whole-wholly) true truly automatic auto

6、matically,动词变副词 hurry hurriedly expect unexpectedly increase increasingly surprise surprisingly,形副同形 go to school early/late work hard get close to sb climb high go far run fast,5 级别(形容词/副词),规则变化 nice nicer-nicest easy easier-easiest big bigger-biggest beautiful more/most beautiful,两个音节+more/most us

7、eful careful famous boring,不规则 good/well better-best bad/badly worse-worst far 远 farther-farthest far 进一步 further-furthest,6代词变化表,7特殊词性转换,choose _n. brave_n. advise_n. important_n. success_adj./v. fail_n. laugh_n. fortune_ adv./n.(否) fly_n. like _vt.(否)/adj.,choice,chose-chosen,bravery,advice,import

8、ance,successful,succeed v.,failure,laughter,unfortunately,misfortune,flight,dislike,likely 极有可能的,behave_n. compare_n. die_n./adj. emphasize_n. analyze_n. describe_n. act_adj./n. anger/hunger_adj. discover_n. difficult_n.,behavior行为,comparison 比较,death dead,emphasis 强调,analysis 分析,description 描述,acti

9、ve activity/action,angry/hungry 生气/饥饿,discovery 发现,difficulty,mistake_adj. lose_n. intoduce_n. apologize_n. anxiety _ adj.,mistaken 错误的,loss 损失,introduction 介绍,apology 道歉,anxious 着急的,safe/cruel adj.-n. safety/cruelty wise/free adj.-n. wisdom/freedom short/marry -n. shortage /marriage strong/long/gro

10、w/wide/dead -n. strength/length/growth/width/death,argue vt. - n. argument real/similar/popular adj.-n. reality/similarity/popularity assist/participate/apply v-n. assistant/participant/applicant determine/admire/explain vt-n. determination/admiration/explanation admit/permit v-n. admission/permissi

11、on,否定 agree disagree cover uncover convenient inconvenient patient impatient use/mean/end useless/meaningless/endless,7易拼写错,语法易错词汇,是否 尽管 直到. 除非 因此 那时 比 在这 在上周三 一项活动 帮助他人 在网上,whether though until unless therefore then than here last Wednesday an activity help others on the Internet,写作易错词汇,影响 vt. / 效果

12、 n. /努力 affect vt. /effect n. /effort n. 想 (did) vt. /尽管 /通过 thought / though /through 测试 n./v 文本 课本 n. test text 机会n. 改变 零钱 n./vt. chance change 奖 n. 价格n. prize price 东西 n. 想 v. thing think 三个人 three people/ three persons,经历 v/n. 实验n. experience experiment 成功 v n. adj. succeed success successful 健康

13、 n. adj. health healthy 诚实 n. adj. honesty honest 重要n. adj. importance important 病人 耐心 n. patient patience,吸引 袭击 attract attack 努力学习 几乎不 study hard hardly 影响 vt. /n. adj. (infl) influence influential 相信 vt. 信念 n. believe belief 意识到 vt. realize 出版vt. vi. 惩罚vt. publish come out punish 提醒vt. 维持 v remind sb of sth remain to be seen,建议 vt. n. advise/suggest advice/suggestions 信息 n. 新闻 n. information news 在某方面取得进步 make progress in. 为做好准备 make good preparations for 采取有效的措施做某事 take effective measures to do sth 如下。 be as follows.,


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