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1、高二英语期末总结(文章一):高中高二英语上册知识点总结,期末习题大全 高中高二英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结 期末测试试题习题大全 高二英语上册基础知识过关练习一 1They set off a trip London. Aon; for Bon; to Cfor; to Dfor; for 2The evening party the children are looking forward to this evening. Abeing held Bholding Cbe held Dwill be held 3 that people like smoking. AIt was said

2、; many such BIt is said; such many CPeople said; such many DIt is said; many such 4It seems that but John what happened to him. Ano one; and I knows Bnobody; and me knows Cnone; and me know Deveryone; and me know 5. I dont think these black clothes _her age. I guess red ones may be better. A. match

3、B. fit C. connect D. equal 6. They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make a _ A. deal B. decision C .point D. difference 1 7. There is no point _ further. It wont help much. A. on explaining B. to explain C. of explaining D. in explaining 8. The climbers are_ after the lo

4、ng and hard trip. They need rest and food badly. A. used up B. made up C. given out D. run out 9. The shoe was discovered on the Chilkoot Pass, the famous trail used by people _gold in Alaska. A. looking B. finding C. searching D. seeking 10. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she _ me ad wa

5、lked on. A. refused B. ignored C. missed D. avoided 11. I must thank my parents _ to be a college student. A. to make it possible for me B. to make it possible to me C. for making it possible for me D. for making it possible to me12. Does the school tolerate late very often?A. their pupils to e B. t

6、heir pupils ingC. their pupils e D. their pupils can e 13. Young people usually _ sports heroes, like Michael Jordon and Tiger Woods, who are really amazing. A. live up to B. go up to C. look up to D. stand up to 14. What makes us worried is that the number of the people _ to drugs is _. 2 A. addict

7、ed; increased B. addicting; increased C. addicted; increasing D. addicting; increasing15. Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if ? A. it is convenient for you B. you are convenient C. it is convenient of you D. you will be convenient 16. She gives dinner parties , with the best food and wine

8、. A .in style B. in the style C. in a style D. at style 17. He has never liked meat, and has always had a(n) _for vegetables and fruit. A. xxpiration B. feeling C. idea D. preference 18. what I think, what would you like to do? A. Setting aside B. Setting out C. Setting about D. Setting off 19. They

9、 used to take their holidays in their own country foreign countries. A. in favour of. B. in preference to C. in honour of D. in spite of 20. A nest is to a bird a house is to a man. A. where B. how C. what D. when 21. Modern plastics can _very high and very low temperatures. A. stand B. hold C. carr

10、y D. support 3 22. Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. relate to B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to 23. The road sign is easy to read; the words well. A. make out B. stand out C. work out D. turn out 24. My father remended that I my officer. A. didnt disob

11、ey B. not to disobey C. not disobey D. mustnt disobey 25. Paris is small in parison London. A. with B. by C. to D. for 26. I feel when some people say geography is and difficult to learn. A. confused; confused B. confusing; confusing C. confused; confusing D. confusing; confused 27. We have only a s

12、hort holiday, so lets the most of it and try to enjoy ourselves. A. get B. take C. make D. have 28. It is a simple dish to prepare, mainly _ rice and vegetables. A. consisting of B. made up of C. made from D. consisting in 29. There is no _for their belief that the sun is the center of the universe.

13、 4 A. idea B. reason C. basis D. construction 30. When I left the hotel, I a glimpse of a man walking slowly past the window. A. caught B. took C. made D. gave 31. She has successfully a career with bringing up a family. A. joined B. connected C. managed D. bined 32. To the childs quick recovery, fi

14、ve doctors took turns looking after him day and night. A. ensure B. undertake C. promise D. indicate 33. Even if the treatment _, there is still no magic pill for patients in the late stages of Aids. A. does B. uses C. works D. helps 34. Our football ream will pete agaxxt the Japanese team this even

15、ing. Lets go and , shall we? A. cheer them up B. join them up C. add them up D. pick them up 35. Could people bee infected_ HIV by swimming in a pool or sitting in a bath? A. with B. of C. into D .to 36. If we_ the train, we would have to wait an hour at the station A. miss B. would miss C. have mis

16、sed D. were to miss 37. Id like to book a room for tonight. 5 (文章二):高二英语个人期末工作总结 期末工作总结 徐彦文 随着期末考试的结束,这一学年就顺利结束了。一年来,爱岗敬业,认真学习贯彻党的十八大精神,严格遵守中小学教师职业道德规范要求,落实教育局、学区和学校工作部署,以重实际,抓实事,求实效为教学工作的基本原则,以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点,以新课程改革为契机,深化课堂教学改革,认真落实课程计划,落实教学常规,落实教学改革措施,大力推进素养教育,使所任班级教学质量有了大面积提高,现就将一年以来工作情况总结如下: (一

17、)、加强学习,提高思想认识,树立新的理念。坚持每周的政治学习和业务学习,紧紧围绕学习新课程,构建新课程,尝试新教法的目标,不断更新教学观念。注重把学习新课程标准与构建新理念有机的结合起来。 (二)、教学工作教学工作是学校各项工作的中心,也是检验一个教师工作成败的关键。一年来,在坚持抓好新课程理念学习和应用的同时,我积极探究教育教学规律,充分运用学校现有的教育教学资源,大胆改革课堂教学,加大新型教学方法使用力度,取得了明显效果,具体表现在: (一)发挥教师为主导的作用 (1)、备课深入细致。平时认真研究教材,多方参阅各种资料,力求深入理解教材,准确把握难重点。在制定教学目 的时,非常注意学生的实

18、际情况。教案编写认真,并不断归纳总结经验教训。 (2)、注重课堂教学效果。针对学生特点,以愉快式教学为主,不搞满堂灌,坚持学生为主体,教师为主导、教学为主线,注重讲练结合。在教学中注意抓住重点,突破难点。 (3)、坚持参加校内外教学研讨活动,不断汲取他人的宝贵经验,提高自己的教学水平。经常向经验丰富的教师请教并经常在一起讨论教学问题。听公开课多次,使我明确了今后讲课的方向和以后高中火箭班英语课该怎么教和怎么讲。本年度在校内听课六十多节。 (4)、在作业批改上,认真及时,力求做到全批全改,重在订正,及时了解学生的学习情况,以便在辅导中做到有的放矢。 (二)做好后进生转化工作 作为教师,应该明白任

19、何学生都会同时存在优点和缺点两方面,对优生的优点是显而易见的,对后进生则易于发现其缺点,尤其是在学习上后进的学生,往往得不到老师的肯定,而后进生转化成功与否,直接影响着全班学生的整体成绩。所以,一年来,我一直注重从以下几方面抓好后进生转化工作: (1)、用进展的观点看学生。应当纵向地看到:后进生的今天比他的昨天好,即使不然,也应相信他的明天会比今天 好。 (2)、因势利导,化消极因素为积极因素。首先帮助后进生找到优、缺点,以发扬优点,克服缺点。其次以平常的心态对待:后进生也是学生,厌恶、责骂只能适得其反,他们应该享有同其它学生同样的平等和民主,也应该在稍有一点进步时得到老师的肯定。 (3)、真

20、正做到晓之以理,动之以情。首先做到真诚二字,即教师不应有丝毫虚伪与欺哄,一旦学生发现有假,那么教师所做的一切都会被看作是在演戏。其次做到接受,即能感受后进生在学习过程中的各种心理表现和看法,如对学习的畏惧、犹豫、满足、冷漠,错误的想法和指责等,信任他们,鼓舞他们自由讨论。最后做到理解二字,即通过学生的眼睛看事物。因为做到了以上几点,所以我在后进生转化工作上,效果还是明显的。 教育工作,是一项常做常新,永无止境的工作。 一份春华,一份秋实,在教书育人的道路上我付出的是辛勤的汗水和真挚的泪水,然而我收获的却是那一份份充实,那沉甸甸的情感。我用我的心去教诲我的学生,我用我的情去培育我的学生,我无愧于

21、我心,我无悔于我的事业。让我把一生矢志教育的心愿化为热爱学生的一团火,将自己最珍贵的爱奉献给孩子们,相信今日含苞欲放的花蕾,明日一定能盛开绚丽的花朵。(文章三):高二英语教学工作总结 高二英语教学工作总结 随着署假的接近,这个学期已经接近尾声。和上学期一样,本学期我担当高二理一班及高二文一两个班的英语教学工作。我对教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向学校老教师学习,学到了很多宝贵的经验,也认识到了自己的不足。以下是我在本学期的教学情况。 首先,较上学期而言,这学期两个班级的差距不断缩小,师生之间的关系也较上学期和谐许多。之前由于分班,造成了我所任教的两个班,有一个班的大部分学生是我

22、之前的学生,而另外一个班对我来说几乎都是陌生的面孔,一些学生由于适应之前教师的教学而由此对我产生了排斥感,而这种情况到现在已经不复存在。为了使这些学生喜欢我的教学,我使出了浑身解数,始终用一种积极乐观的态度去对待他们,令我欣慰的是,经过我的努力这种情况得到了改观。这学期我一直在不断地尝试方法,寻找磨合点,希望能使原本不喜欢英语的学生,特别是男生喜欢上英语,不再让英语成为他们的所有学科中的后腿。也许这是对一个新教师的考验,也许逆境中才能成长,我相信,只要我认认真真备好课,不去忽略任何一个学生,用真挚的心去对待每一个学生, 让学英语变成一件快乐的事情,一切问题都会解决的。我相信我一定会做到。 其次

23、,要上好一堂课很重要的是要充分认真的备好课。上好课难,备好课更难。因此,本学期,我在备课时努力做到认真钻研教材,认真学习课标,了解教材的结构,重点与难点,自如应用知识逻辑,并能好好地利用我们的教辅,英语周报。同时,了解学生原有的知识技能的质量,他们的兴趣、需要、方法、习惯,学习新知识可能会有哪些困难,采取相应的预防措施。在备课时积极向其他老师“取经”。备好课之后,组织展开教学活动也十分重要,在每一次的教学中,我都注意尽可能把原本枯燥的知识点生动化,为学生营造一种自然轻松的课堂气氛。这学期的模块七和八是选修课本,注重文化的渗透,比如说诗歌,小说等等。在教学中我会适当给学生播放一些片段,使文化的渗透显得更直观,同时,课堂也有更有气氛。 英语是一种语言。困此,在课堂之外,多读,多听,多练是十分必要的。为此,每一次的早读,我坚持了解早读情况,发现问题及时纠正。并鼓励学生多去背诵课文中较好的句子,让学生在背诵中不断提高他们自己的语言的语感。另外,由于部分学生对单词的记忆显得比较被动,这学期我坚持每节课听写,每天布置学生完成二十个单词的背诵并采取部分或全部抽查等不同方式检查,对部分不自觉的同学还采取强硬背诵等方式,提高他们的能力。 最后,在努力上好课之余,为了不断提高自身水平及业务能力,不断给自己“充电”,以适应时代发展对于教师职业技能的要求。


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