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1、国外垃圾渗滤液应用实例与新技术电催化+BioDopp,处理技术现状及研究进展 电催化与电驱动膜简介 国外应用 国内应用及现状 技术原理 Melon+BioDopp生化技术 国外垃圾渗滤液应用 国内技术实施 技术原理 工艺流程设计,交流内容,处理技术现状及研究进展,垃圾渗滤液是城市生活垃圾卫生填埋地产物,处理不当会对环境造成更严重的二次污染。 垃圾渗滤液处理方法一般有物理化学法和生物处理法。,国外新型、成熟的生物处理技术及其组合工艺,加拿大IUT垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液处理工艺,Melon电催化,厌氧反应器,Melon电催化,CH4、CO2,浮渣离心沤肥,发电系统,电力输出,工艺要点: 平衡B/C和

2、控制C/N;,电催化与电驱动膜技术,Melon 系列电催化技术原理图:,电催化氧化是处理难降解有机污染物的有效方法。 该技术有别于其他技术的特点在于它的运行和维护成本低,设备简单易操作,能耗少,处理效果十分优秀。最重要的一点它是一个环境友好型技术。,鱼阿,For example, traditional models for the formation of oil and natural gas typically involve a catagenic process dominated by thermal cracking reactions that release low-mole

3、cular-mass hydrocarbon fragments. These reactions are viewed as unidirectional, kinetically controlled processes that are influenced solely by time, temperature and the composition and structural characteristics of the source kerogen. However, inorganic compounds such as water and minerals may parti

4、cipate as reactants or catalysts during organic matter maturation. Moreover, many organic alteration products participate in processes that create or destroy sediment porosity and permeability, which has direct implications for petroleum migration and trapping. Other examples of important organic-in

5、organic interactions include: aqueous-organic redox reactions, mineral catalysis of petroleum generation, mineral absorption of hydrocarbons, thermochemical sulfate reduction, organic acid formation, catalysis of natural gas formation, water and minerals as sources of reactive H and O, and the effec

6、t of hydrocarbon oxidation on carbonate systematics.,8,The Hydrogen and Oxygen of Water,The hydroxyl radical, OH, is the neutral form of the hydroxide ion (OH). Hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive and consequently short-lived; however, they form an important part of radical chemistry. Most notably

7、 hydroxyl radicals are produced from the decomposition of hydro-peroxides (ROOH) or, in atmospheric chemistry, by the reaction of excited atomic oxygen with water. Molecular orbital of the hydroxyl radical with unpaired electron,9,Oxidizing Strength of OH,OH oxidizing properties are comparable to Fl

8、uorine (F2) the most electronegative element in the periodic table,Effects of OH on long organic chains,The high oxidizing properties of OH radicals is highly effective in breaking down long organic chains. Most organic waste passing through the system is quickly broken up into carbon dioxide, water

9、, and smaller organic and inorganic ions through oxidation.,The hydroxyl (OH) radical is unstable and highly reactive. Required retention time is short, usually less than 2 picosecond. The reactor starts a chain reaction, in which longer and unstable organic chains are first broken down to smaller o

10、nes. The treated water is highly suitable for further biological system. Long chain carbon reductions for most applications range from 30% to 65% in 30 mins May be used to effectively deionizer water in many applications. Disinfects. Oxidizing effect kills most bacteria and viruses.,Reaction Treatme

11、nt Characteristics,电催化与电驱动膜技术,特制电极 具有耐腐蚀性好、机械强度高、质地均匀、可重复使用等优点,更重要的是电催化性能高,产生氧化能力极强的OH,加速有机无污染分解。,反应体系 在反应过程中包括:气-液-固多相间的接触以及界面反应。 曝气起到搅拌溶液的作用,使OH与溶液充分接触。,多相催化技术与电化学体系相结合,三维三相电极,电催化与电驱动膜技术,体系稳定性试验 System stability data,反应条件:电压15V-20V,曝气0.08m3/h,反应时间120min。,电催化氧化技术作为生化处理的预处理工序。 运行成本主要来自电能的消耗。 垃圾渗滤液中的

12、难降解有机污染物被直接矿化或降解为小分子有机物,而NH4+-N则主要被氧化为氮气和水。 能够高效去除COD和NH4+-N是后续生化的前提条件。,电催化与电驱动膜技术,Melon电催化氧化正交实验结果 Electro-catalysis oxidation results of orthogonal test,世界范围技术应用,日本、沙特、新加坡,电驱动膜与电催化,技术简介 Melon 系列电催化技术是在特殊的催化剂作用下, 将有害废水中的高浓度盐类、有机物,含硫化合物,重金属离子,酸,碱等,通过氧化还原,离子交换分离等反应过程,将污水转变为合格水。在处理废水的过程中,可以附带产生一系列有经济价

13、值的产品,如酸和碱,贵金属等。该技术充分的展现了污染物的无害化和资源化循环利用,可以广泛的应用于处理高浓度含盐废水,有机、含油废水,海水淡化,烟气净化,酸、碱渣废水资源化等各种水处理领域。,国内应用,预处理,脱盐模块,脱盐模块,电催化,澄清池,利用新鲜垃圾渗滤液作为发酵基质进行产甲烷,回收有机废水中的能源物质,具有环境和能源的双重效益,也是国外垃圾渗滤液实践应用和技术研究的重点。 垃圾渗滤液属于高浓度有机废水,其中含有大量的有机物,具有发酵产氢和甲烷基质的重要潜力。,国外垃圾渗滤液业绩,电驱动膜除盐,电驱动力平衡渗透压、浓度差; 选择性离子膜,寿命4-5年; 同时氧化有机物; 分离成酸和碱,分

14、别回用。,吨水投资合理 吨水运行能耗2度 资源化,稀硫酸 10% 稀盐酸 10% 碱液 10%,回收利用,药剂类衍生应用,印染废水絮凝脱色:,制革废水絮凝脱色:,药剂类衍生应用,煤化工、焦化废水脱焦油:,污泥脱水:,垃圾渗滤液工艺方案,BioDopp处理垃圾渗滤液,柏林瓦尔茨湖特市垃圾填埋场兴建于1996年,日产生高浓度垃圾渗滤液150m3。其垃圾渗滤液应用BioDopp生化工艺处理,现该污水处理站已经连续运行近15年,现已进入到后期垃圾渗滤液处理阶段,处理后的污水达到德国垃圾渗滤液排放标准。 BioDopp生化工艺在德国共有6个垃圾渗滤液处理工程案例,最大处理量240m3/d,最小处理量120m3/d。,BioDopp,BioDopp AB工艺: 一体化生化池,占地小; A+B,除磷脱氮效果好; 核心设备全部进口,使用寿命长; 可扩展深度处理、消毒,水回用。,经济效益: 投资低,低于常规工艺,占地仅一半; 运行能耗低,低于常规工艺40%; 操作维护简单。,BioDopp,BioDopp,BioDopp,BioDopp,谢 谢!,


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