控制 Controlling.ppt

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《控制 Controlling.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《控制 Controlling.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,8,Controlling 控制,1 concept of control 控制的概念 2 types of control 控制的类型 3 control process 控制的过程 4 Org. key-point control 组织控制的焦点 5 Goal setting management 目标设定管理,Organizational Control 组织中的控制,Managers must monitor & evaluate: 管理者必须监督和评价: Are we efficiently converting inputs into outputs? 我们是否有效地将投入转化为

2、产出? Is product quality improving? 产品的质量是否提高? Are employees responsive to customers? 雇员对顾客是否负责,Control Systems 控制系统,Formal, target-setting, monitoring, evaluation and feedback systems to provide managers with information to determine if strategy and structure are working effectively and efficiently.

3、正式的目标设定、监控、评估和反馈系统给管理者提供信息,评价战略和结构的运行是否有效果和效率。 A good control system should:良好的控制系统特征 Accuracy , Timeliness, 准确性、适时性 Economy, Flexibility, 经济性、灵活性 Understandability 通俗性,Three Types of Control 三种控制类型,Inputs 投入,Outputs 产出,Conversion Process 转换过程,Feed forward Control 前期控制,Concurrent Control 同期控制,Feedba

4、ck Control 反馈控制,Feed-forward Control 前期控制,Use in the input stage of the process. 在生产过程的投入阶段进行的控制 Managers anticipate problems before they arise. 管理者在问题发生之前预期到问题的存在。 Managers can give rigorous specifications to suppliers to avoid problems in quality. 管理者可以给供应者提供严格的说明,以防范质量问题。,Concurrent Control 同期控制,

5、Gives immediate feedback on how inputs are converted into outputs. 在投入转换成产出过程中,提供及时的反馈。 Allows managers to correct problems as they arise. 允许管理者在问题产生时进行纠正。,Feedback Control 反馈控制,Feedback: provides after the fact information managers can use in the future. 给管理者提供一些可以用于未来的事后的事实性信息。 Customer reaction t

6、o products are used to take corrective action in the future. 顾客对产品的反应可以用于在未来采取正确行为,Control Process Steps,Establish standards 确立标准,Measure actual performance 衡量绩效,Compare actual performance 比较绩效与标准,Evaluate results and take corrective action 评价结果采取正确行动,1.,2.,3.,4.,Establish standards 建立标准,Establish s

7、tandards, goals, or targets against which performance is to be evaluated. 确立即将评价的绩效应达到的标准、目标。 Standards must be consistent with strategy. 标准必须与战略相协调,如低成本战略 常见的标准: 任何组织中都可使用的标准出勤率、营业额、费用支出标准 各组织中不同的标准工厂产量、政府单位小时文件或电话处理量、商场之顾客流量销售额等,Measure actual performance 衡量实际绩效,Managers can measure outputs result

8、ing from worker behavior or they can measure the behavior themselves. 管理者可以衡量员来自员工工作行为的产出,或由员工衡量他们自己的行为。 The more non-routine the task, the harder to measure. primary school teacher。 越是非常规工作越难衡量小学老师,Compare actual performance against chosen standards. 对实际绩效和选择的标准进行比较。 Managers must decide if perform

9、ance actually deviates. 管理者必须判断绩效是否真的发生偏离 Pay attention to the size and direction of variation-acceptable range of variation 注意差异的大小和方向可接受的差异范围,Compare actual performance 比较实际绩效,Evaluate and Action 评价和纠正,Evaluate result and take corrective action. 评价结果并采取正确的行动 The reason of deviation: 偏离的原因 Perhaps

10、the standards have been set too high. 也许标准制定的过高 Workers may need additional training, or equipment. 工人可能需要更过的训练,或者是设备问题。,Control Process,Organizational Key-point Control 控制焦点,Material Control 物料控制 Production Control 生产控制 Quality Control 质量控制,Financial Control 财务控制,Financial Statement 财务报表 Balance sh

11、eet 资产负债平衡表 Income statement 损益说明书 Statement of cash flows 现金流账 Budget 预算 Variable Budget 可变预算 Overhead Budget 管理费用预算,Financial Indexes 财务指数,Financial Controls are objective and allow comparison to other firms. 财务控制是客观的且在不同公司间相比较的过程。 Profit ratios利润率-measures how efficiently managers convert resourc

12、es into profits. Liquidity ratios流动率 - measure how well managers protect resources to meet short term debt. Leverage ratios 财务杠杆比率- show how much debt is used to finance operations. Activity ratios 资产周转率- measures how managers create value from assets,Materials Control 物料控制,Economic order quantity (

13、EOQ) 经济订购批量 Perpetual inventory control 固定库存控制 Materials requirements planning (MRP) 物料需求计划 Just-in-Time Inventory Control (JIT) Japanese Kan ban 及时库存控制,日本的看板管理。,经济订购批量,通过合理的订货批量,使企业物资储备总费用达到最低点,经济订购批量计算公式,计算公式 D:一定时期内物资的预期需求量 OC:每次订货的费用 V:物资的价值 CC:用百分比表示的占全部库存物资价值的保管费用率 VCC:单位物资的一定时间期的保管费用 /,定期与定量库

14、存控制,定期订购库存:即订购的时间预先固定,每次订购的数量不固定,具体根据库存的情况来决定 订购量=平均每日需用量(订购间隔+订购时间)+保险储备定额 实际库存量 订货余额 定量订购库存:即订购时间不定,而每次订购的数量固定不变(在加一堆保险储备,即成“三堆法”) 订货点量 = 平均每日需用量 订购时间 + 保险储备量 /,Production scheduling 生产时间组织 Sequential scheduling 顺序移动 Parallel scheduling 平行移动 Sequential-parallel scheduling 平行顺序移动 Network planning 网

15、络计划 CPM-Critical path methods 关键线路法 PERTProgram evaluation and review technique 计划评审技术,Production Control 生产控制,顺序移动,每批零件在前道工序全部加工完成后,整批地移到下一工序继续加工,平行移动,每个零件在前道工序加工完成后,立即送到下道工序加工,工序间的零件传递不是整批的,平行顺序移动,移动方式:顺序移动与平行移动结合,活动顺序表/结点时间/活动时间/时差计算,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,0,0,10,7,5,10,5,2,4,14,8,8,16,16,A,3,B,C,2,5,D,2,

16、I,2,E,4,G,4,F,3,J,6,K,7,H,2,Total Quality Management(TQM) 全面质量管理 All workers 全员参与 Means to analysis 全面分析方法 All process of production 全生产过程 All objects 全对象,Quality Control (QC)质量控制,*The Goal-Setting Process 目标管理,Corporate level managers set goals for individual decisions to allow organization to achi

17、eve corporate goals.,Divisional managers set goals for each function to allow the division to achieve its goals.,Functional managers set goals for each worker to allow the function to achieve its goals.,Management by Objectives 目标管理,Evaluates workers by attainment of specific objectives. 根据员工实现的特定目标情况进行评价。 Goals are set at each level of the firm. 目标制定于公司的每个层次 Goal setting is participatory with manager AND worker. 目标是管理者和员工共同制定的。 Reviews held looking at progress toward goals. 评价根据实现目标的过程决定,Chart of mbo,


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