五下第四单元A Let‘s spell教案.docx

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1、PEP 6 Unit 4 A Lets spell 教学目标:A. Aims of knowledge (语言知识)1. 能了解字母组合th在单词中的发音规则。2. 能根据发音拼写出符合th发音规则的单词。B. Aims of skill (语言技能)1. Speaking: 能够读出符合th 发音规则的单词。2. Writing: . 能够准确完成听音选词和选词造句,做到书写准确、美观。C. Aims of emotion and attitude (情感态度)通过拆音、拼音和分类等语音意识训练活动,让学生实行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验th发音规律。教学重点:能准确地拼读八个例词,并掌握

2、th发音规律。教学难点:能根据发音规律,拼读含有th的单词。第五课时教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task 1. Lead in1-1. Sing a song:P71 When is your birthday?通过唱歌,复习本单元主题,并铺垫:birthday, fifth的发音。 While -task 1.play a game:Super Brain2.Teach the words:three,thin, thirteen,maths, this,that,mother,brother3.Read the words and ch

3、ant.4 .Finish the exercises .1-1. Look at the pictures and try to remember.1-2 Fill in the blanks and read the chant. This boy is my brother. Hes thin and thirteen. He likes maths and good at that, I often play with him. Discuss in the group, read the words and try to spell. 2-1 Present the word car

4、ds: thin, thirteen, maths,three, this, that,brother,mother. Group and try to find out the differences.2-2 Watch a video. Learn to read the eight words. Say more words with th.2-3 Try to find and remember the rules. 代词里面发成/,er结尾也发/. 代词:代替名词的词。 人称代词:they, them 他们 物主代词:their,theirs 他们的 指示代词:this, that,

5、 these, those 这个,那个,这些,那些chant : My birthday is in three more days, I will be thirteen. My brother has a birthday, too. He has a birthday on the third of the month.4-1 Listen, circle and say.4-2 Choose, write and say. Write the sentences and draw stars. Present.模仿著名电视节目“最强大脑”,引起学生的兴趣,培养他们仔细观察和记忆图片细节

6、的能力。需要填写的单词,都是本课的例词。通过部分字母提示和小组合作的形式,帮助困难生也能初步学会单词的朗读。 填写做分层要求,基础要求为朗读,提高要求为拼写。给不同程度的孩子以展示机会。通过对单词的分类和朗读,发现共同点和感知不同点。再通过视频,进一步了解th的两类发音。 通过自由举例,加深印象,并培养高年级学生记笔记的习惯。因为th的发音规律较难,并有不少例外词,所以把教师的教授和学生的发现相结合,用chant的形式帮助生理解。在歌谣中再次感知单词发音,感受乐趣。(如生提出,注意there不是代词是副词。)通过自我评分和自愿展示,促使书写更规范、美观。Post -taska. Finish the exercise in workbook.Assignment1. Look for more words with “th” .2 .Read the text.NotesBlackboard th three this thin that thirteen mother maths brother


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