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1、20192020 学年度滨州市滨城区第二学期初二期末考试初中英语八年级英语试题注意: 除第七题翻译做在原题所留空格处外,请将其它题答案写在答题纸上,写在其它地点的一律无效。第一卷选择题(60分 )一、听力选择(20分 )( 一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每题A 、B、 C三个选项中。选出你所听到的单词或短语。1 A southwestB southeastC northeast2 A pairB hearC fear3 A darkB parkC mark4 A Water WorldB the Space MuseumCthe amusement park5 A Mickey

2、MouseB Donald DuckC Walt Disney( 二)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每题A 、B、 C三个选项中,选出能回答每个句子的正确答案。6 A Yes, there will B Yes, I do C Yes, I will 7 A Ask her to turn it on B Ask her to turn it up C Ask her to turn it down 8 A In the library B At the barber s C At the gym 9 A My teacher said it was boring B I am lu

3、cky C You can copy my homework 10 A Let shave it today B Half the cla ss won t comeC You can t do that( 三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每题A 、 B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个咨询题的正确答案。11 How often does the girl have an English class?A TodayB Every dayC Yesterday12 Who has a dictionary?A Ann does13 Where are they talking?B Jim doe

4、sC Lucy does A In a shopB In a restaurantC In a library 14 How long has Mr. Black worked in this school?A In l990 B Since l990C Before l990 15 Whats the man s favoritesport?A Swimming B TennisC Basketball ( 四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从每题A 、 B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个咨询题的最正确答案。16 When will Alan have his party?A Next Fri

5、day night B Next Friday morning C Next Monday night 17 What is John afraid of?A He will be late for the party B He will not meet his friends at the party C He will not get on well with others at the party18 Who does John know?A Alan B Tony C Both Alan and Tony 19 Why does John want Alan to introduce

6、 others to him?A Because John wants to get to know others before the party B Because John wants to find a good friend at the party C Because John wants to know Tony at the party 20 What will John take to the party?A Some pop CDsB Some action VCDs C Some computer games二、单项选择选择最正确答案填空(10分)21 Whatyouat

7、 eight yesterday evening?A are, doingB did, doCwill, doD were, doing22 Heknow where her house is A mayB may beCmaybeD must be23 Itfor the whole week It is wet everywhere A is rainingB has been rainingCrainedD was raining24 He asked all his friends to get together rather thangifts for him A boughtB b

8、uyingCbuysD buy25 The math problem wasdifficult for mework out A so; thatB too; thatCtoo; toD enough; to26 I haven t seen Mr. Hu for daysCan you tell me?A where does he goBwhere he has goneC where be goesD where he has been27 Therea football game this afternoon A will haveBwill beC are going to beD

9、is going to have28 He canswimskate Will you please teach him?A either; orBboth; andC not only; but alsoD neither; nor29 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,?A don t theyB didn t theyCdid theyD do they30 I went to BeijingOctober l, 2006the first time A on, forB in, forCon, atD in,

10、on三、完形填空 (10分 )Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You may3l they go to learnlanguages, PE, history, science and other32But why do they learn these things? We sendour children to school to get them33 for their future work and life Nearly everything theystudy at school is 34in the

11、ir life, but is that the only reason they go to school? There is more ineducation than just learning things We go to school first of all to learn35 to learn, so when weleave school we can36 learning If a man really does so, he will always be successful,becausewhenever he has to do something37 , he w

12、ill quickly teach himself to do it in the best way Butuneducated person cannot do it, or does it 38 The purpose of schools is not 39to teachlanguages, science, etc , but to teach students the40 to learn31 A tellB speakCtalkD say32 A subjectsB booksC1essonsD classes33 A studyB readyCbackD waiting34 A

13、 easyB difficultCusefulD interesting35 A whatB whyChowD who36 A go onB enjoyCfinishD stop37 A goodB importantCdifferentD new38 A wellB badlyC1uckilyD quickly39 A enoughB oftenCreallyD just40 A thingsB 1essonsCwaysD reasons四、阅读明白得从各题 A 、 B 、C、D 中选出能回答所提咨询题或所给句子的最正确答案。(20分 )ASwimming is very popular i

14、n summer People like swimming in summer because watermakes people feel cool If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place, it may not besafe These years, more than ten people died while they were enjoying themselves in the water,and most of them were students But some people are still not careful i

15、n swimming They often think they swim so well that nothing can happen to them in water Summer is here againIf you go swimming in summer, don t forget that etterb swimmers have died in water They died becausethey were not careful, not because they could not swim So don t get into water when you areal

16、oneIf there is No swimming sign, don t get into water,either If you remember these,swimming will be safer 41 Swimming is popular in summer becauseA water makes people feel coolC few people like swimmingB the water isn t coldD all the students like swimming42while they were playing in water these yea

17、rs A Most of the students diedBFew people diedC More than ten people diedD More than ten students died43 Why did some good swimmers die in water? BecauseA they were too youngBthey were not careful enoughC they didn t swim wellD they were very interested in swimming44 Some people are still not carefu

18、l in swimming becauseA they are not sure where is safeBthey think they are good swimmersC the water is not deepD there is not a No swimmingsign45 In the passage the writer wants us to rememberA Swimming is always dangerousBSwimming is a good sportC Swimming will be saferD Be careful while swimmingBT

19、he day was like any other day in his life Tom walked past the shop on the street comer Hestopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wantedvery much were still there Looking down, he felt sorry for himselfHe really wanted to have themfor his birthday

20、 He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about itHe knew she would giveanything he liked if she could But he also knew very well she had little money He decided not togo home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice it So she went to the parkand sat on the grassThen

21、he saw a boy in a wheel chair He noticed that the boy moved thewheel with his hands Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy had nofeet He looked at his own feet It s much better to be without shoes than without feethethought There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad H

22、e went away and smiled, thinkinghe was happier46 Tom passed the shopA on footB by busCby bikeD in a car47 Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wantedA to buy the shoesBto look at the shoes on the front rowC to look at all the shoes in the shopD to buy shoes for his mother48 That pair of

23、 shoes he liked wasA too expensiveB quite cheapCnot thereD not sold yet49 Tom went into the park because heA was thinking how to tell his mother about itB wanted to see the boyC didn twant to make his mother worriedD he felt sad50 From the story we can know that TomA 1iked new shoes very muchB1oved

24、his mother bestC didn t want to go to schoolD didn t want to stay at homeCIn most languages, people often start small talk after a greeting Small talk means the littlethings we talk about at the start of a conversation In English-speaking countries people oftenmake small talk about the weather: Nice

25、 day, isn t it? Terrible weather, isn t it? Butthere is something special about small talk It must be about something that both people have thesame opinion about The purpose of small talk is to let both people agree on something Thismakes meeting people easier and more comfortable People usually agr

26、ee about the weather, so itis a safe topic for small talk But people often disagree about religion( 宗教 )or politics( 政治 ), sothese are not suitable topics for small talk The topics for small talk also depend on where theconversation is taking place At football matches, people make small talk about t

27、he game they arewatching: Great game, isn t it? At bus stops, people may comment transport system: Thebus service is terrible, isn t it?Small talk is an important part of conversation in any language People in different countriesstart small talk in different ways This shows that when we learn a lang

28、uage, we should learn thesocial behavior of the people who speak it as well as the vocabulary and the grammar 51 Small talkA is a kind of conversation with short wordsB is a greeting when people meet each otherC is to let people disagree about somethingD is the little things we talk about at the sta

29、rt of a conversation52 The favorite topic of small talk is aboutA the weatherB politicsCgamesD 1anguages53 The passage suggests that when we learn a language,A We should learn about the transport system of the countryB We should only learn the grammar and the vocabularyC We should know the culture a

30、bout the countryD We should know the importance of the language54 When we sayGreat game, isn t it?, we in factA ask a questionBagree with the otherC greet each otherD start small talk55 What we learn from the passage is thatA different languages have different grammarsB small talk is an important pa

31、rt in a languageC small talk depends on the purpose of the conversationD we can talk about religion and politics in small talkDIf you came from a poor family and co uldn t go to a good school, could one book changeyour life?Srinivasa Ramanujan came from India When he Was l 5 years old, he found a bo

32、ok aboutmath It was a book with 6,000 difficult math problemsWhen Srinivasa s friends played footballon the road, he worked out these problems He answered them all by himself Then he thought ofnew problems and answered them, too Soon, he was better at math than all of his teachersA year later, Srini

33、vasa Was invited to study at a university, even though he was really tooyoung However, he failed most of his exams Why? Because he Was only interested in math anddidn t care enough about the other subjectsHe wrote down his idea and sent them tomagazines A British mathematician( 数学家 )read them and st

34、arted writing letters to him Later, the mathematician invited Srinivasa to England to study and work In England, people didn caretabout whether Srinivasa Was good at other subjects or not When he was 30, Srinivasa,a poor boy who liked math better than football, he came one ofthe world s most famous

35、mathematicians56 What Was Srinivasa s family like?A BigB RichCPoorD Small57 What changed Srinivasa s life?A A nice film BA book about math C A football match D An interesting magazine 58 Who helped Srinivasa work out the math problems in the book?A His classmatesBNobody C His parents D His math teac

36、her 59 Why did Srinivasa fail most of the exams when he was at university?A Because he was good at mathB Because he was not smart enoughC Because the exams were too difficult D Because he only paid enough attention to math 60 What can we learn from the passage?A British people didn t like SrinivasaB

37、 Srinivasa was not a successful personC Some great people may be just good at one subject and weak in others D Math is the most important subject第二卷非选择题(40分 )五、听力填表听一段对话,依照对话内容和以下所给表格的要求,在答题卡横线上填上有关信息。 (5分 )NameActivityHowoftenGina6162Jacktakes walks 6463sometimesJacks wife65always六、动词应用(10分 )阅读下面短文

38、,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必要时加助动词或情态动词)When I was a young girl, all I ever66(want)to do Was travel, and I67(decide)thatthe best way68(do)this was69(become)a flight attendant I70(be)a flight attendantfor two years now It sa really interesting job because I discovered that the most important requirement was 7

39、271 (travel)all over the world I (speak)English well, so I 73(study)English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant Itwas because I could74(speak)English that I75(get)the job Thank you, Hilltop LanguageSchool!七、翻译把汉语句子译成英语,把英语句子译成汉语。(10分 )76十五路公共汽车在那个地点停,是不是?

40、The No 15 bushere,it?77 Whats the best gift you have ever received?78你介意把音乐调低吗?Would you mindthe music?79 While it Was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police 80假如你足够努力地观看,你将会找到一个把英语学得更好的好方法。If you look hard, you llfind a good way to learn English八、书面表达看这些有关仓鼠(hamster)的讲明,写一篇关于它们的文章。60 80个单词。(15分 )popular, quiet, cleaneasy to take care ofcheaper than rabbits or catssometimes noisy at nightsmall, fatsleep all day


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