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1、三年级下册英语专项训练二:句型一、根据图片选择句子。() 1.A. She doesnt like basketball.B. He likes basketball.() 2.A. We fly kites in the park.B. We go skating in winter.() 3.A. He goes to school by car.B. He goes to school by bus.() 4.A. My mum goes shopping on Sundays.B. My mum goes to work on Sundays.() 5.A. Ive got a gre

2、en coat.B. Ive got a new dress.来源:() 6.A. Spring is my favourite season.B. My favourite season is summer.二、我会选。() 1. What colour is your bag?_A. Its black and red. B. Its my bag. C. Its nice.第 1页来源 : 学#科# 网Z#X#X#K() 2._They are monkeys.A. Whats this?B. Whats that?C. What are they?() 3. I like _.A. s

3、wimsB. swimingC. swimming() 4.Does Lingling like oranges? _A. Yes, I do.B. No, she doesnt.C. Yes, he does.() 5._No, she isnt.A. Where is Amy?B. Is Tom at home?C. Is Amy at home?() 6.What do you _ in the afternoon? I watch TV in the afternoon.A. doB. haveC. does() 7.What _ Mary have in the morning?Sh

4、e has Chinese and Maths.A. doB. doesC. doin g来源 :ZXXK() 8. Its cool and _ today.A. sun B. windC. sunny() 9. In autumn, he _ under the tree.A. go swimmingB. goes fishingC. go fishing() 10.Has Sam got a new bike?_A. Yes, she does.B. No, he hasnt.C. Yes, he is.三、根据图示,选择正确的短语补全句子。() 1. My brother _ in w

5、inter.A. goes swimmingB. goes skating第 2页() 2. They are all _.A. in the parkB. in the zoo() 3. Do you _ in the morning?A. watch TVB. fly a kite() 4. His bike is _.A. in the treeB. under the tree() 5. Does Xiaoyong _ on Saturdays?A. ride a bikeB. play football四、英语、汉语对号入座。来源 :ZXXK() 1. D aming flies a

6、 kite in the park.() 2. Has Sam got a blue T- shirt?() 3. Shes got an orange sweater.() 4. He goes to school by bike.() 5. The boy is behind the door.() 6.Its sunny and warm in spring.() 7.Does Amy go to school on Saturdays?() 8.I dont like riding my bike.() 9.What does Tom have in the afternoon?()

7、10. Heres a yellow hat.A. 萨姆有一件蓝色的 T 恤衫吗 ?B. 我不喜欢骑我的自行车。C. 那个男孩在门后面。D. 他骑自行车去上学。E. 埃米星期六去上学吗 ?F. 这是一顶黄色的帽子。G. 汤姆下午上什么课?H. 她有一件橙色的毛衣。I. 春天天气晴朗又温暖。J. 大明在公园里放风筝。五、选择合适的答语。() 1.Whats this?A. Yes, I have.B. No, she doesnt.() 2.Where is the book?C. Its white and red.第 3D. He plays football on Sundays.页E.

8、Its an elephant.F. Its on the chair.() 3.What colour is your bag?() 4.Does your mum like pears?() 5.What does John do on Sundays?() 6.Have you got a blue bike?六、选词填空。 ( 每词限用一次 )inatundertoonbyforwith1.What do you do _ Sundays?2.Ms Smart is on the phone _ her friend.3.Heres a book _ you.4.In Harbin ,

9、 its cold _ winter.5.The cat is _ the chair.6.Mike walks _ school every day(每天 ).7.Does your father go to work _ car?8.Please look _ the bird in the tree.七、判断下列每组对话与图意是(T) 否(F) 相符。() 1.Have you got an orange sweater?Yes,I have.() 2.Where is the panda?Its in the cap.() 3.What do you have at school to

10、day?I have Chinese.() 4.Does your dad go to work by car?Yes,he does.第 4页() 5. Whats your favourite colour? 来源:Its green.八、将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。() She goes to school on Mondays.() No , he doesnt.() Is Mary at home?() Hes only two years old.() Does Jack go to school on Mondays too?() No , she isnt.() Hes playing with his toys.第 5页专项训练二:句型一、 1.B2. A3. B4.A5. B6. A二、 1.A2.C3.C4.B5. C6.A7. B8.C9.B10. B三、 1.B2. A3. A4.B5. A四、 1.J2. A3. H4. D5. C6.I7. E8. B9.G10. F五、 1.E2.F3.C4.B5. D6. A六、 1. on2. with3. for4. in5. under6. to7. by8. at七、 1.F2.T3.T4.T5. F八、 3516427第 6页


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