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1、Unit3 phrases1. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do 2. 某人被允许做某事 sb. be allowed to do sth.3. 十六岁的少年 sixteen-year-olds 4. 拥有兼职工作 have part-time jobs 5. 让某人做某事 have /get sth. done 6. 穿耳孔 get ones ears pierced 7. 戴耳环 wear earrings 8. 驾驶执照 drivers license 9. 不够慎重/稳重 not serious enough 10. 够沉着 calm enough 11. 在上学期间的晚

2、上 on school nights 12. 熬夜 stay up 13. 打扫 clean up 14. 做某事失败 fail sth. / fail to do 15. 对某人严格要求 be strict with sb. 16. 在某事方面严格要求be strict in sth. 17. 几天前 the other day 18. 穿制服wear uniforms 19. 看起来精神 look smart 20. 集中精力于,全神贯注于 concentrate on 21. 设计我们自己的衣服 design our own clothes 22. 两者都bothand23. 两者都不n

3、eithernor24. 吵闹 get noisy 25. 相互学习到很多 learn a lot from each other26. 目前,现在 at present 27. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do / have an opportunity to do 28. 在一所本地的医院里 at the local hospital 29. 对某人来说是一次很好的体验 be a good experience for sb. 30. 一本英语字典 an English-English dictionary 31. 一团糟,乱七八糟 a real mess 32. 买哪

4、条牛仔裤 which pair of jeans to buy 33. 至少 at least 34. 八小时的睡眠 eight hours sleep 35. 一家养老院 an old peoples home 36. 为某人表演话剧 perform a play for sb. 37. 一周的漫长学习 a long week of classes 38. 多长时间的休假 have .off 39. 回答 reply to .40. 为某人自己做决定 make ones own decisions /make decisions for oneself 41. 妨碍 get in the w

5、ay of 42. 一名职业运动员 a professional athlete 43. 某人实现自己的理想 sb. achieve ones dream 44. 没有理由反对做某事 have nothing against doing 45. 最后,终于 in the end 46. 的重要性 the importance of 47. 关心 care about 48. 对某人不满 be unhappy with sb. 49. 在那个年龄at that age 50. 补考 take the test later51. 成功地做某事 succeed (in) sth./ doing 52. 自愿做某事 volunteer to do 53. 而不是 instead of / rather than 54. 某人也是的 so+助动词+sb.(肯定句) neither/nor +助动词+sb.(否定句)55. .的一员 be a member of 56. 对某人好 be good to sb. 在某方面做的好 be good at 对.有好处 be good for


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