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1、Unit8 Topic2 SectionC 参考学案学习目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:text, reason, firefighter, heat, ceiling, soldier, official, airport, officer, patient, spread, daily, opinion, greatly, northern, casual, beautifully, boot, protectfrom, dress in, see sb. doing sth., get help from, in the daily life,

2、 in ones opinion, whats more, for example, such as2. 巩固使用句型 “It is + adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.”。3. 了解不同职业要穿不同的制服以及各种制服的不同用处。预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆1) heat 2) reason 3) patient 4) spread 5) officer _6) 正文,文本 7) 飞机场 8)日常的 9) 北方的 2、短语互译与记忆 1) 保护免遭 2) 穿着 3)例如 4) 看见某人正在做某事 5) 从得到协助 6) in the daily life 7) in one

3、s opinion _8) whats more _3、句子理解与熟读1) Firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect themselves from heat and falling ceilings.2) When officials dress in their official uniforms, they look important. 3) When we see airline pilots wearing uniforms at the airport, 4) When doctors wear uniforms

4、, it is easy for patients to find them.5) So its necessary for us to know different uniforms in the daily life.6) In my opinion, 7) Whats more, we should choose different clothes in different seasons.课堂导练:1、选词填空(注意词形的变化)north, text, airport, heat, ceiling1) It took the worker two days to paint the w

5、all and the _ of the room.2) What can you learn from the _?3) Its very cold in winter in _ China.4) Sally is coming to visit China. Well meet him at the _.5) The _ of the water caused the glass to break.2. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1) 他穿了一件外套来免受风吹。He wore a coat to _ her _ wind.2) 当我回到家时,我看见莉莉正在房间里跳舞。When I got ho

6、me, I _ Lily _ in the room.3) 李明喜欢运动,他总是穿着运动装。Li Ming likes doing exercise and he always _ sportswear.4) 在我看来,时间比金钱更重要。_, time is more important than money.5) 在我们的日常生活中保护环境是很有必要的。 Its necessary to protect the environment _. 复习自测:完形填空。 Lanlan is a city girl. She lives in a 1 family, so she can spend

7、much money on clothing each season. 2 , she has many 3 . But when she sees some new styles of skirts on sale, she always goes to choose and buy. She seldom talks about her dressing with her parents. She only buys 4 she likes. Fangfang is 5 kind of girl. Her mother always chooses clothes for her and

8、never asks for Fangfangs 6 And her mother always chooses 7 clothes. She always wears cheap jeans, shoes or old ones. Her mother never buys black clothes, because they look ugly 8 her. Fangfang thinks some of her clothes are out of 9 .She loves fashionable clothes. She hopes to choose clothes by hers

9、elf one day.Its true 10 some clothes are not suitable for the children. Some of them are chosen(选择) by themselves, others are chosen by their parents. Its necessary for the children and parents to exchange(交换)their opinions. ( ) 1. A. happy B. poor C. rich D. big( ) 2. A. For example B. For C. Such

10、as D. As( ) 3. A. shoes B. scarfs C. skirts D. shirts( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when D. how( ) 5. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( ) 6. A. opinions B. help C. money D. clothes( ) 7. A. cheap B. expensive C. big D. nice( ) 8. A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 9. A. color B. style C. size D. shap

11、e( ) 10. A. if B. for C. that D. of课文解读:(1) Firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect themselves from heat and falling ceilings.消防员穿上特制的外套和头盔,以保护自己免受高温和坠落的天花板的伤害。heat 为“高温,热量”,如:The heat from the fire will dry your coat. 炉火的高温会把你的外套烘干。【拓展】heat v. 意为“把加热”,如:I want to heat some water. 我想烧

12、些水。(2) When officials dress in their official uniforms, they look important.当警察穿上制服时, 他们会显得很重要。 dress in=wear, 意为“穿着衣服”, 如:Lucy often dresses in a red skirt.露西经常穿着一条红裙子。(3) So its necessary for us to know different uniforms in the daily life. 因此了解日常生活中不同的制服是非常必要的。句子中的daily用作形容词,意为,“日常的,每日的”,daily li

13、fe意为,“日常生活”,如:Doing sports is a part of our daily life. 做运动是我们生活的一部分。(4) In my opinion, 在我看来. 新| 课 |标| 第 |一| 网 in ones opinion 意为“在某人看来,以某人的观点”,如:In my opinion, he couldnt make a change at all. 依我看, 他不能做出改变。(5)such as shorts, T-shirts and dresses.例如短裤,衬衫和连衣裙。such as意为“例如”,相当于for example, 但是such as后没有逗号隔开,for example后有逗号隔开。如:I like fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas.= I like fruits. For example, apples, pears, bananas.


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