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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!(科普版)小学五年级上学期英语期末测试试卷学校 班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一、选出你所听到的字母、音标、单词或短语。每小题读三遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. H K J B. AK J C. AKG( ) 2. A. M X L B. NS L C. NSM( ) 3. A. / l u k / B. / b u k / C. / k u k /( ) 4. A. / ei / B. / a i / C. / a: /( ) 5. A. rive r B. let ter C. clever ( ) 6. A. hea d B

2、. hea r C. hand( ) 7. A. three B. tree C. sleep( ) 8. A. hou se B. horse C. mouth( ) 9 A. one cu p B. some cups C. many cups( ) 10. A. k nock at B.write down C. would like二、选出你所听到的句子。每小题读三遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. What can I do for you ? B. What are you doing ?( ) 2. A . H ow old are you ? B. How are you ?

3、( ) 3. A. I s he cooking ? B. I s she drawing ? ( ) 4. A. W hat do you like ? B. What would you like ? ( ) 5. A. How much meat do you want? B. How many stamps do you have ? ( ) 6. A.Im reading. B. Im writing . ( ) 7. A. Does he have a computer? B. Does she like meat ? ( ) 8. A.Can I use your rule r?

4、 B.Could I have some milk? ( ) 9. A.I like music. B. I like tomatoes. ( ) 10. A. Here is a letter. B. Here are some potatoes. 三、听录音排顺序。每小题读三遍。(分)A). 根据录音顺序给下列动物编排顺序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B). 根据录音顺序给下列句子编排顺序。(5分)( ) Do you have a ruler? ( )Could I have some tomatoes?( ) Do you like music? ( ) What

5、 is she doing?( ) What would you like?笔试部分(70分)一、按四线格写出书写只占中间一格的小写字母共13个。(13分)传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!二、按要求完成下列各题。(30分)1) 英汉互译。根据中文选择正确的英文。(10分)( )1. 手 . hand B. face ( ) 2. 写 . r ight B. write( ) 3. 钱 . money B. many ( ) 4. 纸 . stamp B. paper( ) 5. 画 . show B. draw ( ) 6. 门 . d o B. door( ) 7. 听

6、 .l i sten B. look ( ) 8. 使用 A. u se B. drink( ) 9. 有时 A. sometimes B.anything ( ) 10 .记得 A. g ive B.remember2) 根据英文选择正确的中文。(10分)( ) 1. open 、打开 、钢笔 ( ) 2. tall 、高的 、小的( ) 3. wash 、手表 、洗 ( ) 4. food 、食物 、脚( ) 5. water 、水 、喝 ( ) 6. long 、长的 、大的( ) 7. week 、工作 、星期 ( ) 8. film 、喜欢 、电影( ) 9. bottle 、牛奶

7、、瓶子 ( )10. often 、关 、经常)根据中文提示填入所缺字母。(10分)( ) 1._ye (眼睛) A. a B. e C. i ( ) 2.j_ s t (正好) A. a B. e C. u( ) 3.s h_w (出示) A. o B. u C. e ( ) 4.t _ke (拿 ) A.a B. i C. o( ) 5.l _ft (左边) A. a B.e C. I ( ) 6.f _get (忘记) A.er B.or C.ir( ) 7.s l_ (慢的) A. ou B.iu C.ow ( ) 8.m _t ( 肉 ) A.ee B.ea C. ei( ) 9.m

8、 o u_ (嘴巴) A.se B.th C.sh ( )10.s u_er (晚餐) A.tt B.pp C.bb三、.给下列句子选择正确的译文。(10分)( ) 1. 你有一把尺子吗? ADo you have a ruler? B. Can I use your ruler? ( ) 2. 他正在游泳。 AHe can swim. B. He is swimming.( ) 3. 我想要一杯茶。 AId like a cup of tea. B. I want a bottle of milk.( ) 4. 电脑有鼠标。 AA computer has a mouse. B. A TV

9、looks like a computer.( ) 5. 你正在写信吗?A. Are you writing a letter? B. Are you drawing?( ) 6. 我喜欢集邮。 AI have many stamps. B. I like collecting stamps.( ) 7. 她有一台电脑。 AShe has a computer. B.She has a TV.传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!( ) 8. 我可以用一下你的钢笔吗? ACan I use your pen ? B. Do you have a pen? ( ) 9. Tom正

10、在睡觉吗? A. Does Tom sleep? B.Is Tom sleeping?( )10.你的尺子是短的吗? A. Is your ruler short ? B. Is your ruler long ?四、根据上句选择正确答句。(10分)( ) 1. Could I have some potatoes? A. I like meat.( ) 2. Is Eve cooking? B. Yes , I am.( ) 3. What would you like? C. Yes , she is .( ) 4. What are you doing? D. Im fine,thank

11、s.( ) 5. What do you like? E. OK,lets go.( ) 6.Thank you . F. I would like some milk. ( ) 7.How do you do? G. Sure. Here you are.( ) 8.How are you? H. Im drinking milk.( ) 9.Lets play pingpong . I. How do you do ?( )10.Are you washing face? J. Youre welcome.五、选择正确答案完成下面这段对话。(7分) ( ) 1 What are _ doi

12、ng? 1).A. you B.your( ) 2 Im _ 2).A.writing B.writeing( ) 3 Do you _ a ruler? 3).A.has B.have( ) 4 Yes. I _. 4).A.do B.does( ).5 _ I use it ,please? 5).A.Does B.Can( ) 6 Certainly. Here _ 6) A. is it B. you are ( ) 7 _ 7).A.Thank you . B.Sorry.8 You are welcome传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!听力材料:一、选出你所听

13、到的单词或短语。每小题读三遍。(10分) 1make 2.horse 3.hand 4.a short letter 5.write a letter二、选出你所听到的句子。每小题读三遍。(10分) 1. Can I use your ruler? 2. What are you doing? 3. Im drawing. 4. It looks like me. 5. Here it is.三、听录音给下列句子排顺序。每小题读三遍。(分)1.Let me show you. ) 2 You are clever. 3.He cant write a letter.4.A computer h

14、as a keyboard.5.Im reading a book.(科普版)小学五年级上学期英语4-6课测试卷听力材料:一、选出你所听到的单词或短语的中文意思。每小题读三遍。(10分) 1Sunday 2.cook 3.house 4.out 5.play football二、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分) 1. A re you washing clothes? 2.What is Lulu doing? 3.How are you?4.Where is Tom?5.Who are playing football at school?三、听录音给下列句子排顺序。每小题读三遍。(分)1

15、. Shes in the classroom.2.I have no food.3.Hes cleaning his bike. 4.Im doing my homework.5. They often play basketball there. (科普版)小学五年级上学期英语7-9课测试卷听力材料:一、听录音,选出句中所含的单词。每个句子读三遍(10分) 1.Id like a bottle of milk. 2. Jack is listening to music. 3.What a beautiful stamp! 4. What would you like to eat? 5.

16、 Look! He is fishing in a river. 二、听对话,选择正确答案。每个对话读三遍(10分) 1. A: Do you like swimming,John? 传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!B: Yes, I do. I like sports very much.2. A: What are you doing ,Kate?B: Im reading a book. 3. A: What would you like,Jack? B: Id like some chicken. 4. A: Where is Amy?B: Look! She i

17、s running outside. 5. A: What do you like,Jim?B: I like fishing.三、听短文,判断正( )误( )。短文读三遍(10分) Hello! Im Amy. Im from America. I like doing sports-singing、running and playing games. Kate is my sister . She likes playing games,too. We often play together after school. Now we are running in the playgroun

18、d at school.10-12课测试卷听力材料:一、 选出你所听到的单词。读三遍(10分)1. sometimes 2. knock 3.would 4.much 5. paper二、选出你所听到的句子。读三遍(10分)1. Could I have some tomatoes?2. How much meat do you want? 3. Wheres it?4. Were going shopping.5. What do you want?三、听录音,排顺序。读三遍(10分) 1.What else do you want?2. What are you doing?3. Woul

19、d you like some chicken?4.How much is the meat?5. How many potatoes do you want?英语期末测试试卷听力材料:一、选出你所听到的字母、音标、单词或短语。每小题读三遍。(10分) 1AKG 2.NSL 3./ kuk / 4. / ai / 5.river 6.head 7. sleep 8 house 9.some cups 10.write down 二、选出你所听到的句子。每小题读三遍。(10分) 1.What can I do for you ? 2. How old are you ? 3.Is she dra

20、wing ? 4.What would you like ? 5.How much meat do you want ? 6.Im writing. 7.Does he have a computer ? 8.Could I have some milk ? 9.I like music. 10.Here is a letter.三、听录音排顺序。每小题读三遍。(分)A). 根据录音顺序给下列动物编排顺序。(5分) 1.mouse 2. rabbit 3.horse 4. cow 5. pig传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!B). 根据录音顺序给下列句子编排顺序。(5分)1. Do you like music? 2.Could I have some tomatoes? 3. What would you like? 4.What is she doing?5. Do you have a ruler?


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