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1、让你的回盘不再石沉大海 浅析外贸第一封询盘的回复,客户抱怨最多的询盘问题 询盘问的产品不明确 B回复询盘后客户就没音讯了,之前询盘回复率低的一般建议 降低期望值 对询盘进行分类管理 选择最佳时间回复 回复的主题要吸引人 回复的内容要全面、创新 跟进要主动、持续,方式要多样 确保邮箱正常,避免使用附件 在线培训,阿里常见询盘 4 例,例典型性非诚意询盘,Dear Sir, Please give me your full product list with unit prices FOB China. Thanks Mahta,询盘分析 称呼不针对群发 没有介绍自己可能是小公司 产品不精确不是内

2、行 4 没有交易细节没到采购环节,你可能存在的优势 客户同样很难得到其他供应商的重视 客户很小,需要帮助,容易信任 客户不内行,大供应商的优势减弱 客户在一个小而封闭的好市场,应对方法 无视(鄙视) 给简单报价单 详细介绍公司、产品 提问引导、获取信息 ,建议回盘 Dear Mehta, We produce pens and plastic ball pens. Which one are you interested in? Also please indicate quantity for us to quote. Regards Stella,例我报价很认真,I am looking

3、for Air Cylinder model: SPWG-26-800 INER DIAMETER: 200 MM STROK LENGTH: 800 MM Pressure: 10 bar Material: steel (Iron) and painted from inside the piston by Nickel chromium Qty: 8 Sealing for above cylinder Qty: 20 sets Condition Last date: 17/6/2009 C&F by Air (Cairo Airport) and by Sea (Alexandria

4、 Seaport) Technical Catalog with dimension drawing Delivery time (from you receive your money + shipping time) Validity of your price All documents (Shipment documents, Packing list, Invoice and Original Certificated) must be send by DHL or FedEx or any quickly post mail after you shipment the motor

5、s Note:- If you put the goods in wooden box, this wooden must be Fumigation and stamped by the plant of Quarantine in country of origin.,询盘分析 称呼不针对群发 没有介绍自己可能是小公司 产品信息详尽内行 交易细节详尽采购意向真实,我们客户的真实回盘,Thanks for your inquiry .Your needed item code is YS200*800 , USD 195.92 , delivery time :5-6 days , paym

6、ent terms: T/T in advance. YE200*800,USD296.52. Also ,sincerely we can create opportunity to exlarge the item scope of pneumatic products (AIR CYLINDER(FESTO,SMC,AIRTAC.),SOLENOID VALVE ,FRL,FITTING) in 2009 and later years. Welcome you contact us and inquire us anytime ,we must do our best to serve

7、 you without any delay ,thanks.,客户回盘分析 报价太冒失、数字太精确 2报价不完整,也没有表达外贸操作的熟练 3没有突出公司和产品的优势 客套语稍多 格式细节不规范,中式英语多,建议回盘 Dear xxx, Thanks for your inquiry. We are exporting 3-5FCL/month of this series mainly to EU and USA, and you may know XXX buys from us. We quote for xxx as below: USDxxx/set C&F Cairo by ai

8、r. USDxxx/set C&F Alexandria by sea. Advanced T/T is required for this first trial order. Price could be much better when your quantity grows big. Regards xxx,例又是来砍价的,Dear Sir, we are a turkish company located in gemlik turkey we interest very much in your Kitchen Steel Sinks Series but suitable pri

9、ces are very important for us so please sent us your prices best regards Tom,询盘重点:特别提到价格要好 反映问题:客户兴趣真实,但实力有限 如何应对:不报价,尝试了解客户专业度和购买力,建议回盘 Dear Tom, Thanks for your inquiry. Have you bought from China before? Our products have a quite wide price range for different types and different quality requirem

10、ent. What price level do you think suitable for your market? Regards Stella,回盘分析,-Have you bought from China before? 这句话一写,让买家不回也要回,否则就表示从没在中国进过货。所以这句话是引出下一封来信的诱饵。 -. quite wide price range 这句话着重是在引买家把数量说出来以了解其购买力。同时也让买家感受到一个老业务员业务操作的谨慎、专业,因为不乱报价。 - What price 这句话是在套客户的心里价格。,例中性询盘如何跟进, DearZhejiangA

11、BCKnittingCo,Ltd, WeareinterestedinyourproductofSocksinlargequantities. Pleasesendusdetailsofyourproductspecificationsandprice termsforshipmenttotheportofSeattle,WAUSAbytheway SEAorAIR. Welookforwardtohearingfromyousoon. Sincerely, Sue,询盘分析,称呼有针对了,但是是公司名称-不是群发,如果是也是有所选择的发送 产品明确,并且说定单数量大-内行,实力强 告诉运输方

12、式及港口-采购意向真实,Dear Sue, Thanks for your letter of Jan.3nd showing your intrests in our company and our products. Enclosed please find the relative pictures and the price list with min.qty for yourreference. We have nearllyten years of experiences in producing high quality cotton socks, especially the

13、mercerized cotton socks.And our website is ,you could get more informations about our company and our products. Here,I would like to know the socksmaterial you need to order,which could help us offer you choices within a narrow range relatively._We got used to do business by the price of FOB Shangha

14、i,besides we also accept theexceptions for the clients request. Looking forward to our further communication soon. Best regards Stella Zhang,回盘分析,从第一段看出,虽然买家说数量很大,但是供应商在报价时还是把对应的最小起定量写上了,防止产生纠纷。同时如果买家数量比最小起定高很多,买家也敢来还价。 第二段介绍公司优势-主营行业、主打产品、企业网站 第三段了解询盘中没有的信息材料、价格条款。体现供应商的专业,同时也把话题更加深入,如果客户回复则马上进入了更深

15、环节的磋商。,Dear Stella, Thanks for your quick response. Attached is more detailed list of what my company will be needing. I hope this helps and if you are able to produce these type of socks I will need a sample before an order is placed. v/r Sue,询盘分析,从第一段就能看出买家已经充分地被你的公司及产品所吸引了,她已经肯把她要的产品的设计图给你了。 从第二段

16、可以看出买家已经把你锁定成她的供应商了,只要你能够生产这样的产品;她也提出了她的大货前的要求要打一次样品给她确认。,Dear Sue, I feel so sorry that I didnt pay attention to your enclosed informations. And again for some not definite reason I couldnt open those attached files. Here, I come to your sending again. Thanks for your letter and looking forward to

17、your reply. Best regard Stella Zhang (这封邮件有点傻,写的也有点罗嗦,要说的意思就是附件打不开!),Dear Stella, I have attached the collection of socks that I would like to have with photos and what they are made of and the kind of snaps I think would work best on them at the bottom of the page. Please tell me if you can make th

18、em, and if possible when will you be able to show me a sample. If you have a better idea for the snaps or the fabric of the socks please do not hesitate to let me know I willing to make changes. (从最后这封询盘可以看出,买家不仅意向非常明确了,而且 V/r 已经非常信任你了,绿色字表示“如果你有关于产品的好建议, Sue 可以提出来,她愿意做改动“。,今日小结,第一封来信:偶发、群发、随意发、发错 第二封来信:确定感兴趣的产品、 被你公司或你公司的产品吸引 第三封来信开始:详细了解产品、 商谈交易细节,第一封回盘的目的 回答客户的问题 介绍公司和产品 开始谈生意 引诱客户发第二封询盘, 以便更多的了解客户,第一封回盘的常见误区修复,来信即复搜索客户信息 客户国家很重要阿三也可能比老美好 模板式回复分析来盘 强项产品才回每封询盘都有价值 详尽自我介绍突出优势 客套结合纠缠专业结合重视 积极主动多渠道关注客户感受 尽快报价不轻易报价 降价习以为常不轻易降价 卑躬屈膝不卑不亢 善于回答问题善于获取信息,外贸是一场博弈 从第一封询盘回复就开始,


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