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1、语 篇 填 空 解 题 技 巧,主 讲: 符锦裕,真 题 预 览,Section C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Parents are busy people. If they are working, they are usually not at home 48 their children return from school. Sometimes it is necessa

2、ry for a parent to write 49 after-school note for their children. They sometimes put the note on the kitchen table, the refrigerator, 50 another place where their children are sure to find it. A note is often a 51 way to “talk” with a child than using the telephone. For one thing, parents have time

3、to think about 52 they want to say before they write. 53 another, the note lists all the information in one place. It is easy to read again and again . People often forget all the details that 54 hear in a telephone call. Finally, cell phones can be turned 55 or telephone calls not answered. For the

4、se reasons, after-school notes are very popular with parents.,题 型 特 点 1)考 查 语 境 ,侧 重 运 用; 2)题 材 多 样 ,语 篇 完 整; 3)虚 词 为 主 ,实 词 为 辅; 4)意 义 为 主 ,形 式 为 辅。,出题一般涉及四个方面 1)判断实词(形容词和副词)的意义和词形; 2)动词与介词或副词搭配构成的固定动词短语和其 他习惯用语; 3)冠词的用法; 4)连词的用法,包括从属连词、并列连词,解答语篇填空的八条技巧,根据语法知识填空,判断词性,判断词形,(其中冠词、介词、连词是重点),(如:形容词/副词的

5、原级、比较级或最高级, 代词的主格或宾格等),冠词,可数名词单数之前,He is _ honest boy. 2. There once were a goat and a donkey. So the farmer killed _ goat and gave the donkey a special medicine made from its heart.,the,an,考查语法点: 定冠词,不定冠词,连词,两个主谓结构连接,_ water becomes solid, we call it ice. 2.Which do you prefer, white, grey _ black?

6、,考查语法点: 连词,When,or,When we got there, to our disappointment, we found the situation was much _than expected. 2. As far as I am concerned, my _ _ is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.,worse,suggestion/advice,考查语法点: 各类词的正确使用及词形转换,介词,与名词相连构成介宾短语充当表

7、语 与不及物动词构成动词短语接宾语,In short, I believe that it is _ great use to keep a dairy in English. 2.When I looked back _the girl, she was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen.,of,at,考查语法点: 介词的基本用法及惯用搭配,2、根据逻辑关系填空 表示因果关系的有thus,therefore,so等; 表示转折关系或变换话题的有however, but, on the other hand

8、等.表示递进关系的有besides, apart from, in addition, whats more, moreover, furthermore等。 例: He has a high IQ, _ , he failed in the college entrance examination.,however,3、根据语篇标志填空 语篇是指比单个句子长的语言单位(句群、段落、篇章等)。语篇间往往有标明内在联系的词,我们称这些词为“语篇标志词”。如表示结构层次的有first,second,third,finally;for one thingfor anotherfinally等。,4.

9、根据固定词组填空 熟练掌握一些常见的词组,如as a matter of fact, be proud of,congratulateon, devoteto, make up ones mind等。,off,例:Turn _ the light when you leave the classroom.,例:As is well known, sunglasses protect us _ the strong sunshine.,from,5. 根据句型搭配填空 如so/suchthat, there is no doubt that, there is no sense in doing

10、 sth.No soonerthan Hardlywhen be about towhen等。,6. 根据词汇知识填空 指根据某些词语在用法上的特殊搭配来解题。如只能接动词的-ing形式作宾语的动词,只能接to do作宾语的动词,接to do作补语的动词,接do作补语的动词,等等。,7. 根据生活常识填空 例: On December 25, my English teacher Mr. Owen organized a _ party, where he dressed up as Santa Claus and sang the song Silent Night.,Christmas,m

11、ouse,例:After the flood Mr. Deng was as poor as a church _ .,根据文化背景填空,根据语义, 确定词形,分析句子,确定词性,解 题 四 步 走,关注上下文, “上下文中找逻辑, 同一句中找搭配”。,通读全文,理解大意,检查搭配, 前后连贯,1.不断记忆,积累词汇。 2.夯实基础,学好语法。 3.大声朗读,培养语感。 4.坚持不懈,多做练习。,备 考 策 略,真 题 解 读,Section C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each b

12、lank with one word that best fits the context. Parents are busy people. If they are working, they are usually not at home 48 their children return from school. Sometimes it is necessary for a parent to write 49 after-school note for their children. They sometimes put the note on the kitchen table, t

13、he refrigerator, 50 another place where their children are sure to find it. A note is often a 51 way to “talk” with a child than using the telephone. For one thing, parents have time to think about 52 they want to say before they write. 53 another, the note lists all the information in one place. It

14、 is easy to read again and again . People often forget all the details that 54 hear in a telephone call. Finally, cell phones can be turned 55 or telephone calls not answered. For these reasons, after-school notes are very popular with parents.,真 题 解 读,Section C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the f

15、ollowing passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Parents are busy people. If they are working, they are usually not at home 48 their children return from school. Sometimes it is necessary for a parent to write 49 after-school note for their children. They sometimes

16、 put the note on the kitchen table, the refrigerator, 50 another place where their children are sure to find it. A note is often a 51 way to “talk” with a child than using the telephone. For one thing, parents have time to think about 52 they want to say before they write. 53 another, the note lists

17、 all the information in one place. It is easy to read again and again . People often forget all the details that 54 hear in a telephone call. Finally, cell phones can be turned 55 or telephone calls not answered. For these reasons, after-school notes are very popular with parents.,when/after,an,or,b

18、etter,what,For,they,off,exercise,You may become very unhappy sharing a room with a stranger. If you want to study quietly 48. your roommate keeps asking for nothing important or listening to rock music, you will get upset. If you feel very tired and sleepy while he turns over in bed making enough no

19、ise to keep you 49. , you are sure to become annoyed but can do nothing about it. 50. , in my view, sharing a room with a stranger is a good arrangement of living despite those disadvantages. First, you may not feel so lonely when you are far away from your home. 51. always have another person in th

20、e room to share your joys and sorrows. 52. , you can get a helping hand to overcome whatever difficulty you are in. You can ask his advice on your work and study. Third, living with a stranger offers you 53. chance of learning to get along with people. You do your best to make friends with him, thus

21、 adapting yourself 54. more complicated society upon graduation. Therefore, I prefer to sharing a room with a stranger during my school life. I will manage to stay in harmony with my roommate. We can make progress together 55. leave a wonderful memory in both of our life. (长郡中学2011届高三年级分班考试卷),Keys:,48while 49awake 50However 51You 52Second 53 a 54to 55and,小结,根据语法知识填空; 根据逻辑关系填空; 根据语篇标志填空; 根据固定词组填空; 根据句型搭配填空; 根据词汇知识填空; 根据生活常识填空; 根据文化背景填空,THANKS!GOODBYE!,


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